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Peach 00

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Blog Comments posted by Peach 00

  1. You're lucky you got into that, I can't believe that I didn't. Not that I had high hopes, but I just thought it would be cool if that would've happened, being my first contest and all and the fact it took me since the contest started to write the story I wrote. Hopefully I'll get an honorable mention, but it's probably not a good idea to have hopes like that after this disappointment. ._.


    Still, I don't want to depress you with my bad luck - good luck to you, may the best man win among everybody in the last 35 minutes of the contest.

  2. Neither have I - as well, it's been logging me out when I view blogs sometimes. It's not doing that now, but that seems to happen an awful lot lately. As well, if you check the blog now, the comments and active users blocks appeared in the drop down box again, so the problem seems to be fixed. It must have just gltched. =/

  3. On Xbox Live, there are plenty of rude and arrogant people. Probably 9/10 gamers use profanity and probably will act like they're better than you. Keep in mind, however, that most of them are ten to twelve year olds pretending to be in their 20s. Honest truth, mate, the honest truth.


    But to be honest, there are nice people out there. You just need to find them, and sometimes that's not necessarily the easiest thing. Still, doesn't mean the world of console gaming is completely devoid of nice, honest gamers.

  4. Isn't that a custom block? You'll have to add a new custom block and recreate it.


    Nah, it's a default content block. I'm pretty sure you have one in your blog...


    A good number of people have been having this issue after the upgrade. As far as we can tell, it's not something we can fix.


    However, if you go up to the "manage blogs" link in your drop down menu at the top of the page, you can see recent comments in your blog and where they have been posted.


    Yeah, I've had this problem and with logging in, where I can't do a quick login type of thing when I go to log in. Plus, every time I tell it to remember me, it doesn't. =/


    As well, that should be easier, but still a pain. However, I've had some problems with my computer, so that might have something to do with it.

  5. I'm sitting at the computer eating some Ruffles while my sisters watch As Told by Ginger on the DVD player.




    tinkering with lego pieces when I should be working.:<


    Work or I'll take your LEGO pieces away. >=D


    I'm sleeping in a minecraft bed waiting for stupid sugarcane to grow, simultaneously reading blogs.


    Multi-tasker. =P


    Listening to Seether while viewing blogs and trying to work out ways to make this WIP MOC I'm working on look good.


    Practice makes perfect, although I'm not entirely sure that this sentiment could apply to what you're doing if you've made dozens of MOCs. :P


    Wow. Just got back from my dad's restaurant. I had to go pick him up because we used his car. As I got there, paramedics show up and everything because someone fainted and hit the floor. Waited in there a while until my dad was able to settle everything and make sure the older woman was alright. >>


    Wow...hope everything went okay. Sounds pretty serious. Was the woman alright?

  6. You're saying mine are corny? ;_; (Joking of course)


    Being a hopeless romantic, I write plenty of romantic stories. I'd say you should try it - it develops a different relationship between your characters, and can create witty banter. The type of relationship that's always best is a love/hate relationship. Confusion, madness, humor: It all fits into that category.


    And here's an idea. You can make a story, where two characters find romance. But because they have duties (if they have superior responsibilities that might be broken if they attempt romance), they might not be able to succeed in making a 'life' together. So, their future has yet to be decided, and leave it at that. Maybe they might be together, they might not. Leave it for the imagination of the reader to decide.


    It's a good way to get the attitude of characters when in love or whatever, or to write the development of two characters becoming a romantic couple. Even if it may seem corny to you or others, it still has its dynamic, romantic feel regardless. But let me cut this short - to be honest, try your hand at it. It'd be a good writing experience and you might like it.

  7. Y'know, LEGO ended it. We can't do anything about it. A lousy few thousand people can't bring back - people like you and a few other thousand tried for a year, and you still haven't succeeded.


    Some of us may have thought the story was being too drawn out, getting dull, and kind of boring to be honest. Any longer, and it would have been just a repeat of the same characters, because hey, what would be the point of bringing in completely unheard of characters as sets?


    To me, Bionicle lived it's lifespan. LEGO had a habit of releasing the same characters over and over, and it's something that gets kind of boring after awhile. Had they continued this even longer, it'd probably just get dull.


    Nonetheless, Bionicle is over. You can't revive something that's already replaced - you only revive it when the place setting hasn't been called for somebody else already.


    To be honest, I think you should stop trying to bring it back. You're wasting too much time with this - the longer you try, the less they're going to want to bring it back. This is just friendly advice, and you can do what you want to do, but again, this is friendly advice. ; ) If I've offended you in any way from what I've said, I'm sorry, but I'm just stating a few points I wanted to make.

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