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Blog Comments posted by Dogbert

  1. Here's the link to my work for the week: Cocodrilo the hermit and Neko-Ma Sorry it's a bit late (and long) but I really had to put an effort to make it the size it is and not include many elements that could cause confusion (as this is a -relatively- small fragment from a book I'm writting, and I feel to lazy to make nough descriptions to clarify it :P)


    Also, a writting tip: Try listening to some music while writting, but don't just pick any song, but one that goes according to the mood you want your strory to be (happy, sad, intriguing, calm...). Also, try not to pick a song that can be too distracting: the music you listen while writting must be like "background music": present, but not the focus of what you're doing.

  2. Why don't we use the top 3 universes. That way, we'll have some variety and won't have people complain about being out of their genre, but it won't be unmanagable.


    Also, why don't we post our favorite (aside from our own) and our least favorite?


    Technically, we could, but we'll have to agree on that (say, at least half of the people involved). But keep in mind that we still need to vote for the 3 top first


    You can, and it's what you must so the poll can work fine.

  3. I know how you feel, Taka, I almost pass out in my house: you see, my bed is directly below the window, and in the evening the sun rays concentrate in there. And because I like to take naps, well, I haven't had a headache that made me fall off the stairs, let's put it that way.


    I guess that is why I prefer auttum and winter :|

  4. Well, my most favorite would be Rising Monn's one.


    My least favorite would be Darkyse's one.

    Whoa, we're not voting for universes yet :P


    We're deciding whether we should vote for worst OR best.


    Still, I'll keep your votes in mind, for when after we decide ;)


    Sorry, I got confused.


    Hm.. I say we should vote for our favorite one.

  5. Yeah, the heat is a pian. The window in my room gets ALL the evening heat and reflects it right into my bed; so that means no naps in thevening. And at the night it's like 25°C in my room, so I barely get some sleep.


    But the "keeping the house presentable" thing seems a bit odd. The handyman isn't going to take a look at that; his job is to fix broken stuff, not evaluate cleannes.

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