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Everything posted by Lenny7092

  1. It’s 11. Nine of them are pairs of a hero and a villain that it is after while the other two are where one is made of three heroes while the other is made of villains that the heroes are after. I wish there are four more combiners like these two combiners because they look very cool. Sadly, they are canon, but were never utilized, so why making them canon when they have no story significance? I really hope that Lego would celebrate HF’s 10th anniversary. It needs some praise for the good things that it did, like the CCBS, keeping the action figure line active, and the TV show.
  2. Well, it’s best to finish what was started rather than leaving it incomplete. Same goes to a Lego model. If you watch Ninjago’s Prime Empire season, Bionicle’s unfinished G1 story and fans of it would be like Unagami being mad at his creator. It’s not pleasant, and the story’s been hanging for 9 years. Waiting for Samurai Jack and Hey, Arnold to be finished up after 13 years of incompleteness is quite frustrating if you ask me. Plus, in the story, there are a lot of messed up and I think that it is necessary for them to be resolved. A certain guy kind of has the right idea: As a bonus, this because people are into shared universes these days. Ask The Lego Movies and Scoob in 2020 about it: You see, a lot of fans are picky about this stuff. It’s very unbelievable. It’s very sad to look at. However, if a certain someone from Lego would re-continue the G1 story with the Star Wars sequel trilogy’s way of things, that could be interesting and a good idea if done correctly. A lot of people are perfectionists these days, you see. If I or we want anything to happen on Bionicle’s 20th anniversary next year, the re-continuation of G1’s story should be one thing at least. Plus, I emailed Lego about it and I hope they get back to us:
  3. Nice stuff. However, it would be nice if the G1 story were to be re-continued and ended, and it shares the same universe as HF. You can look at the stuff here (I emailed Lego about our miseries without Bionicle and these ideas, so hopefully Lego could respond about it): 1. 2. Anyway, I heard that this cancelled game called Bionicle: The Legend of Mata Nui is getting fixed by a bunch of fans called The Beaverhouse and LiteStone Studios.
  4. I would go with either Mata Nui or Spherus Magna. Both are places where you can admire the beauty and relax.
  5. It would have been nice if people who made G2 could have read the G1 more, but I like that the Protectors’ species has not gender-locking idea because they are not Matoran. They’re organic people, like Agori. It’s very disappointing that G2 never had a similar TV show like HF that would be a primary story source. The online animations are just weird and rushed, and the Netflix show is kind of cheap in some ways, like being on Netflix. The sets are overly bulky and pricey. Not every Toa has its own thing, like a Skull Creature or Elemental Beast. I see that Ryder was trying to expand things, but everything was tumbling down horribly, way worse than how HF prematurely cancelled. Plus, the Mask of Time thing was never resolved because there is the other half being somewhere unknown. Pitiful.
  6. Well, HF had a way to undo this by using stronger socket pieces when it introduced the CCBS in 2011. However, I wish that could have happened for Bionicle G1 sets.
  7. Cool thing that the Irish Sonic fan mentioned Bionicle being his inspiration. Plus, I love his project! Sonic is sort of like Bionicle when you think about it. I wish Bionicle can have a movie similar to Sonic. Seriously.
  8. I’m hoping for a demo showing the new updates for The Legend of Mata Nui Rebuilt. I heard that there are some fixes, set accuracies, pedestals for collectible objects, and some new features that look reasonable, like the Toa having their weapons on their backs, Matoran guards holding their weapons, those secret printing stuff, an air meter for Gali when swimming underwater, and eye colors on the Toa’s overall meters.
  9. It wasn’t HF’s fault. Lego just made bad decisions.
  10. The DBK is quite impressive-looking. Love the weapons and the lighting-up feature! His chest reminds me of a Makuta’s chest with a Tridax Pod from Bionicle 2001-2010. However, he looks kind of sturdy.
  11. Well, people from the Ninjago franchise are mini-figures, so I don’t think the Ninjago crossover with Bionicle and Hero Factory could work. Bionicle and HF are action figures, so these guys are better off having the same universe with each other. However, it does sound like a good idea, even to celebrate Bionicle’s 20th anniversary, HF’s 11th anniversary, and Ninjago’s 10th anniversary next year. Anyway, I wonder when will the Ninja be curious about exploring all of the Sixteen Realms? Seriously. They should be curious about now. Extra note: My friend told me that the season with the goblins and black skeleton this summer doesn’t show another realm. That in Ninjago, sadly. However, I do like to think that these creatures came from another realm and just to immigrate Ninjago.
  12. It’s a creature that looks like a mix of a Krana and Kraata, and it has the power to give its host visions, whether they are about the past or future. It’s like Vakama’s visions, but greater. You should also read Swamp of Secret because it has a similar situation, too.
  13. In fact, he is seen in visions. In Time Trap, when Vakama had the Kratana in his face, Krakua appeared in a vision caused by the creature and told him about the future. In Dreams of Darkness, he told Lesovikk a message. Plus, Toa in general, like Vakama and Tahu in Tale of the Toa, have been having weird visions about the future. Maybe the Order had gave them visions just to help them out? Anyway, Velika is a dangerous Great Being who is almost inevitable. I mean, he made a device that can deactivate a Toa’s elemental power. That would be a good reason why I think heroes should time-travel in the past to warn people about Velika. Velika isn’t stopped due to the serials being unfinished, and he is a crafty guy who knows how to deal with Matoran Universe stuff. Maybe the Shadowed One should be stopped, too, if his new army cannot be stopped. Lessons could be learned, which would be reasonable, I must admit, to be honest, but I still think that Tahu should time-travel to save his Kanohi from being destroyed in Ta-Koro’s sinking, at least. Or, maybe Artakha would whip up new copies of the Kanohi? Either way, Tahu may think that he is inferior to his fellow Toa Nuva because of the loss of his Kanohi and Nuva form. He wouldn’t like that, would he? He showed his temper in Tale of the Toa when he was upset about Kopaka being the first to get his first Kanohi. Lol. But, seriously. You know that Tahu is hot-tempered. Also, it would still be nice if Lhikan and Lesovikk would time-travel to save their teammates from dying or turning evil. You know the Red Star can’t revive their dead friends because of their certain situations, right? I feel bad for Lhikan and Lesovikk for losing their friends.
  14. Hi, guys. Ever since Sodoka from Lego Ideas made that project to celebrate Bionicle’s 20th anniversary (but got sadly denied) and many others follow this trend, I have been thinking: Will Bionicle’s 20th anniversary be celebrated? Well, I can say that Bionicle’s 20th anniversary, which will happen next year, should be celebrated. I have good reasons why: 1. BIONICLE is one of the most popular and successful themes in history, other than Ninjago. 2. It’s the first constraction theme to have an actual story. 3. It saved Lego from bankruptcy in 2001. Lego should respect that, despite the two infamous cancellations that we never asked for and made us miserable. 4. BIONICLE is very unique from most themes, and it’s known for some things. They may have inspired some themes, like Ninjago, to have something similar, like the story. 5. BIONICLE is like Lego’s own Batman and Justice League from DC Comics, Spider-Man and Avengers from Marvel, Sonic the Hedgehog from Sega, Mega Man from Capcom, SpongeBob SquarePants from Nickelodeon, Transformers from Hasbro, Ben 10 from Cartoon Network, and Mario from Nintendo, in terms of constraction. 6. BIONICLE was able to come back in 2015. 7. BIONICLE is a fan cult where fans are so obsessed with BIONICLE and always want it to be better and it back again because it needs a lot more praise and respect from Lego. Those Lego Ideas projects are quite desperate when the fans would use them to try to bring BIONICLE back again. Plus, there are a lot of petitions. We have some fan games, too. 8. There are many articles booming lately. 9. Fans playing with lots of MOCs. Plus, fan stories. Now, if or when Bionicle’s 20th anniversary is celebrated, how would you imagine it to be (please don’t be pessimistic about it)? For me, well, I hope it would go like this logically: 1. Bionicle G1 story being re-continued and ended. I have my ideas here: We really should convince Greg Farshtey to do this. 2. BIONICLE coming back as G3 that should be much like G1 (but make it a little itty bitty different, like not talking about alternate dimensions much), as it brings back classic stuff, like the Toa Mata’s instruction booklets. Plus, the sets would be modernized versions of old sets, with the bendable limbs and necks. It should have a lot of budget this time. 3. BIONICLE having a TV show similar to Ninjago announced. Like, you know, having at least 10-13 episodes per season, which would be based on a storyline. 4. BIONICLE having a theatrical movie announced (3-D animated would be okay, but I prefer live-action, like putting humans and planet Earth because it’s worthy. But, don’t focus on the humans too much. Transformers movies made that mistake. Be like Sonic the Hedgehog movie in 2020.). A cinematic universe would be nice. I have ideas in here: Here’s also this: And this: And this: 5. BIONICLE having a video game announced. I have my ideas in here: 6. A crossover with G1 and G2. Maybe that could solve their problems. 7. A comic book series that acts like a real comic book series. Marvel or DC Comics could buy BIONICLE, too. 8. BIONICLE and Hero Factory being bought by Disney or Warner Bros. I heard Universal is planning to get the rights for a live-action Hero Factory movie, as reported in The Hollywood Reporter in May 2012. Plus, Lego is talking with Universal about making Lego movies, so that could happen (but BIONICLE and Hero Factory are best suited for their own live-action cinematic universe, not The Lego Movies). 9. BIONICLE Heroes getting a huge remastered remake. I don’t know about the game in 2003, but okay. 10. Remastered remakes of the old BIONICLE sets, mostly the Toa Mata, or maybe re-releases of them with special edition stuff. It’s like Ninjago’s Legacy sets if you know what I mean. Plus, if Lego System is preferred, how about making the characters have pieces similar to Mixels? 11. Maybe a crossover with Ninjago to celebrate Bionicle’s 20th anniversary and Ninjago’s 10th anniversary. I’m not strong in this thing, but it would be a cool idea. 12. BIONICLE G1 and Hero Factory being said that they share the same universe, like the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Here are my logical ideas on how that could work: This should be able to fix HF’s problem and give it a proper ending: So, there. This is not a joke. Those are things that I believe that BIONICLE should be worthy of. Perhaps they can hopefully set things right and give something that BIONICLE deserves and should do for the sake of itself and fans, like us. It’s been too long. We should really convince Lego and Greg to consider these things. BIONICLE needs to have a very good future. Anyway, here are some optional things: 1. Christian Faber is planning something with his 3IO and Biovival stuff, but we are not sure if these things could bring BIONICLE back. Of course, Faber does want BIONICLE to come back. 2. I would estimate that Litestone Studios, a bunch of fans who are working on fixing and completing that cancelled video game called BIONICLE: The Legend of Mata Nui, would be accomplishing that next year. We would have the Makuta fight at last. Yes. Seriously. We all need these things. Let’s all hope that Bionicle’s 20th anniversary could be celebrated this way (or have at least announced).
  15. Well, it’s like Thor: Ragnarok in 2017, where Thor had to sacrifice his home to defeat Hela by having Surtur destroy his world to destroy Hela with it. He and his people decided to move to Earth since it is a necessary habitable world for them. The thing is that if a homeland is meant to be doomed for the greater good, so be it. I get that Mata Nui was a beautiful place to be, but robots are not made on islands like this. Metru Nui looked like a suitable place for robots. True, Metru Nui was ruined, but hey, the place is the Matoran’s true home, and they used Mata Nui as a refuge until Takanuva opened up that gate in MoL. After that, the Turaga had been talking about their life in there before the Great Spirit Mata Nui started dying. Well, in the 2010 storyline, the Matoran got themselves a much safer paradisal location: Spherus Magna, which is much bigger than the island of Mata Nui, so it sort of wouldn’t make a difference.
  16. Hi, guys. Are you ever picky about BIONICLE sets’ colors? Well, I can say some things: 1. The Toa Mata/Nuva has black socket joint pieces, like you know, Tahu’s shoulders? 2. From summer 2006 onwards, the brown sets are replaced by mainly orange and yellow. Doesn’t feel classic if you ask me. I get that the brown sets weren’t selling well, but Lego could have made the other colors primary and brown secondary in my opinion. 3. The Toa Inika/Mahri have some color problems. Their armor don’t match their Matoran forms. I’m fine with the Toa Inika’s masks, though (Hewkii’s should have been brown, though), and the Toa Mahri’s masks should have been the same. 4. 2008 uses a lot of lime green, dark blue, and maroon. 5. Since Onepu and Nui-Jaga with his purple colors, there are no more sets with purple pieces after them until 2015. 6. The Toa Masters/Uniters are fancy with their colors, but they should be the same as the Toa Mata much more. 7. Tahu has too much gold in his United look. 8. The Elemental Beasts in 2016 have weird color schemes, which are hard to tell who use certain elemental powers. 9. The Matoran sets from 2001, 2003, 2006, and 2007 don’t have eye colors. 10. The Skull Creatures have pretty weird color schemes. 11. The Av-Matoran, Mazeka and the Stars heroes (Tahu, Takanuva, and Gresh from 2010) have yellow-green eyes. Same with the Toa Inika, Jaller Mahri and Kongu Mahri and the Toa Nuva in 2008, Takanuva in 2008, and Toa Ignika. The rest of the Toa Mahri have red eyes. 12. 2008 Takanuva should have gold pieces. 13. Mata Nui in 2009 could use some more gold. 14. The Toa Nuva in 2008 have weird secondary color choices. The Phantoka have dark gray while the Mistika use silver. 15. The Vahki and Toa Metru/Toa Hordika all use gray as a secondary color. 16. The Toa Metru/Toa Hordika have different eyes from their Turaga forms. 17. 2016 Ekimu use a lot of transparent blue. 18. Makuta Teridax’s eyes in 2003 are blue when you flip his head vertically. Shouldn’t they be red? Same with Icarax with his green eyes. 19. The Protector of Stone’s eyes are different from Master Pohatu. 20. Makuta Antroz’s eyes are green when he is in the Jetrax T6. 21. The Skrall in 2010 have green secondary color rather than red. 22. There are a lot of silver in some storylines. It doesn’t have to be the sets. It can be color problems in the story, like the colors of the Toa Kaita’s masks and the Toa Inika’s Zamor Spheres.
  17. Happy birthday, BZPower! It’s a pleasure saying BIONICLE and Lego stuff in here!
  18. Electricity and flame sword don’t seem to match very well. No offense. They’re two different elements. I mean, flame is fire, not electricity. No offense, but I kind of don’t get it. Lol.
  19. Well, they should looked simpler and have the exact same weapons, like the Toa Mata. Think about how the Sonic the Hedgehog movie in this year happened with Sonic’s new design that people loved.
  20. It would sound like the other way around version of what happened to Nebula in Avengers: Endgame. Anyway, I believe it would be necessary for the Toa Nuva and their Turaga to go back in time and prevent Tuyet from becoming evil in the first place. That’s just my idea. I’m surprised that no one else was talking about this topic for a long time. I thought time travel would be a cool idea, you know.
  21. I would love to see the Piraka having opening mouths. Plus, if such a movie is successful, we might get costumes for customers again. Lol.
  22. Well, there are other companies that you can try talking about. There’s Universal. I kind of don’t trust it, but it made Bionicle: The Legend Reborn, and it was reported in Hollywood Reporter in May 2012 that it is trying to get the rights for the Hero Factory live-action movie. No word from that since, but Lego is talking to Universal about making Lego Movies after The Lego Movie 2 had a disappointing box office. There’s Warner Bros. DC Comics, which is owned by WB, made Bionicle comics, so there’s that. There’s Paramount. I love Sonic the Hedgehog, so that’s reasonable, as long as Bionicle wouldn’t look too inaccurate, like the Transformers movies. I don’t trust Sony at all because it ruins things. But still, Disney is a logical way of making Bionicle and Hero Factory movies because of the Avengers movies and Miramax made the first three Bionicle direct-to-video movies. Bionicle has been all over the place. No joke. Lol.
  23. Man. You guys are so obsessed with MNOG. I get that it’s only a big medium to tell the 2001 storyline just because The Legend of Mata Nui was cancelled. It has some good parts, like exploring the island and seeing the Matoran’s perspective. I get that, but it would have been nice if something else like that would have the Toa’s perspective because the Toa are the main protagonists overall. The MNOG also included the Toa’s fight with the Makuta, and it was the only thing to tell that. Pitiful about The Legend of Mata Nui.
  24. You know, you got a point. Why leave Mata Nui when the Toa defeated the Rahkshi? True, some places and stuff are destroyed, but no reason to leave unless the Order of Mata Nui would make them to. No matter where the Toa and their people are, any evil force would attack them, even on Metru Nui. Besides, the island of Mata Nui is meant to destroyed because it’s necessary to allow the Great Spirit Mata Nui to reawaken that way.
  25. That’s what I’m thinking. I totally agree.
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