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Everything posted by Lenny7092

  1. Hi, guys. As the question asks, what do you want Bionicle to do for your life. I mean, has your gut ever wants something Bionicle-related done? Is there a dream of yours that you feel should come true? Well, here’s how I put it: 1. Those TTV canonization contests this year are very promising because we get to see the characters’ physical appearances that never happened long before. Here’s this: 2. Bionicle G1 to be re-continued and ended. Greg started this with two unfinished serials, but my gut wants them to be finished because that has been bothering me for 9-10 years. Here’s this: As a bonus, here’s this: For HF, here’s this: 3. Bionicle G1 and Hero Factory being said that they share the same universe, like the Marvel Cinematic Universe. My gut feels that they look like so and should be. It’s like Powerpuff Girls 1998 and Dexter’s Laboratory when you think about it. People say that Star Wars and Indiana share the same universe, but they never interacted, despite being made by the same company. Plus, here’s this (you guys can still vote): 4. Bionicle and Hero Factory to come back in a healthy way, like Ninjago. It’s been 4 years since their strange absence that makes them look like that there’s no future for constraction. 5. Bionicle’s 20th anniversary and HF’s 11th anniversary to be celebrated next year. They are great at their times, and they kept Lego going greatly in their times. Plus, here’s this: 6. Bionicle and Hero Factory having a cinematic universe, like the MCU. Here’s this: And also, this: 7. Bionicle fans to not be pessimistic about anything despite Bionicle’s cancellations. Same with HF. I always tried to make fun topics to keep the fans going and remember Bionicle fondly, and to show that Bionicle has a fan cult so much that this could convince Lego to bring back Bionicle and Hero Factory back, but people either didn’t say anything or just being sarcastic or say pessimistic things. It’s kind of toxic. We all have wishes that could come true. You may never know yet. Look at Sonic the Hedgehog. Fans dreamed of having a movie based on the video game series. I always expect great things from Bionicle and HF. I’m not criticizing fans, and of course that we do have opinions. I am just afraid that the themes would be forgotten because we are saddened by the shadow of what’s gone before (I learned that from a Samurai Jack video game called Battle Through Time in this year). 8. Maybe a Bionicle Lego Ideas project to be approved after getting 10,000 supporters, but that can be unlikely. 9. A Bionicle video game that is like Lego Marvel Super Heroes in 2013 and Sonic Generations in terms of story, but with action figures rather than mini-figures. Here’s this: 10. A remaster of Bionicle Heroes with no glitches, being formatted into modern video game systems, like PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch, and being a remake with remastered and enhanced graphics, like Crash Bandicoot in 2017 and Spyro the Dragon in 2018. It’s because it’s the best Bionicle video game and it is done right without any cancelled ideas. Some fans want that. 11. Litestone Studios to finish completing that canceled Bionicle video game called Bionicle: The Legend of Mata Nui. Maybe in the summer of next year. 12. Maybe a shared TV universe for Bionicle and HF similar to the Arrowverse, Transformers: Prime, and Ninjago. This time, the shows would have at least 10-13 episodes based on a storyline, and have a larger budget. 13. Maybe a book that shows the concept art for Bionicle G1, and the same should go to HF. G2 had it, so yeah. Well, the thing is that Bionicle and Hero Factory are worthy of having those and coming back, and that this year is almost ending. Ninjago may be one of the most popular Lego themes in the last decade and this one that seemingly does the same thing as Bionicle, but with an actual TV show and a Lego Movie and then outlived Bionicle while the action figure themes had a horrible decade last decade (the cancellations are traumatic and atrocious), but Bionicle and HF should have the glory, too. I mean, look at Samurai Jack and Hey Arnold in 2017. SJ got a new season to finish up what had started in 2001, and HA had a TV movie to do the same thing for itself. That’s because many fans love these things and always wanted their stories to be finished finally. It’s not as quick as how Steven Universe from Steven Universe had to finish what he got mainly involved with after 7 years to end the TV show officially. According the many articles about Bionicle that we got this year, these themes are worth having fans, and they should come back. I am a proud fan because I had a very great experience with the themes, despite the horrible cancellations that we never asked for. I have faith in them, and I honestly want fans to not lose faith in them if they want their themes to come back. If any of you have the same dreams as I do or you have your own dreams, please say them and not say pessimistic things. I don’t mean dreams, as in sleeping. I mean dreams, as in wishes that you would want a genie to grant. Let’s be honest in a good way without using pessimism (which is a major reason why I had a terrible year this year at BZPower. No offense). Be positive, and I want you guys to think about it. I emailed Lego about our predicament, and then they said that they are thinking about it. We know that these themes mean a lot to us. So, what do you say? (stretches my hand to you, my fellow Bionicle and HF fans)
  2. Well, here’s so I put it: In Metru Nui, these two suns are behind Mata Nui’s eyes just to show the welfare of the Great Spirit. They closed when Mata Nui was in a coma. It represents how active he is. Plus, Spherus Magna’s whole day lasts in 36 hours, morning lasts 18 hours and night lasts 18 years (that was shown in the Mata Nui Online Game with the sundial), so the Great Spirit Robot’s day-and-night system is the same thing. Those suns are probably giant Lightstones, like you guys said. For the other islands, well, they may have the same thing.
  3. I believe so. The Great Beings must have had to put giant lightbulbs in the the other islands’ ceilings to give them light.
  4. Hi, guys! Do you remember Lego Dimensions? Like you know, the video game where you put mini-figures on that special Lego device, so they can appear in the game? It began in September 2015 and stopped updating in 2017, despite having a third year planned for some reason. It started off with 14 franchises, including DC Comics, The Lord of the Rings, and The Lego Movie in 2014, so many characters from there join forces to fight against a villain named Lord Vortech (voiced by Gary Oldman, the guy who played in King Fu Panda 2 and Commissioner Gordon in The Dark Knight Trilogy in 2005-2012) from taking over the dimensions. That’s the first year. We got the Starter Pack first. Then, we got many Fun Packs, Team Packs, and Level Packs, and they are in separate waves that would come every two months. These characters can go to their certain franchises to get many golden bricks. The next year, 2016, was when 16 more franchises were added rather than doing a sequel, like how other toys-coming-to-life games did. Plus, the game’s main story ended with a cliffhanger in one of the mid-credit scene. In the second year, we got 3 Story Packs and more Fun Packs, Team Packs, and Level Packs, but these guys were slow in terms of releasing. Plus, there are Green Arrow and Supergirl polybags from DC Comics, but they are annoyingly rare. Packs in general are quite expensive. Lol. Sadly, we don’t know why we don’t have a third year for LD. It’s as bad as Bionicle G2’s and Mixels’ cancellations (plus, there are no more toys-come-to-life games nowadays. Just games with huge DLC, remastered remakes of old games, complications (groups of games in one disk), and fancy sequels). Anyway, before it was cancelled, I had a lot of dream franchises that I wanted Lego Dimensions to have. In fact, many fans thought the same, too, because the game was successful when it came out. Here’s my list: 1. Marvel - to get even with DC Comics. 2. Star Wars - Lego Star Wars does video games, too. 3. Indiana Jones 4. Bionicle - duh. Obviously. 5. Hero Factory 6. Mixels 7. Nexo Knights 8. Mario 9. The Lego Ninjago Movie 10. Lego: The Adventures of Clutch Powers. 11. Some Cartoon Network shows, like Dexter’s Laboratory, Ben 10, Generator Rex, Codename: Kids Next Door, The Secret Saturdays, Regular Show, Uncle Grandpa, and Steven Universe. 12. Some Nickelodeon shows, like SpongeBob SquarePants, Fairly Odd Parents, Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius, Danny Phantom, T.U.F.F. Puppy, Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra, and The Life of Teenage Robot. 13. Phineas and Ferb. 14. Xialon Showdown 15. Kingdom Hearts 16. Other Disney Channel and Disney XD shows, like Kim Possible and Jake Long: American Dragon. 17. Pixar movies, like Toy Story and The Incredibles. 18. Dreamworld Animations movies, like Shrek and Kung Fu Panda. 19. Ice Age movies. 20. Despicable Me movies. 21. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. 22. Hotel Transylvania. 23. Angry Birds. 24. Transformers (that one was very unlikely, but hey. Lol.) Yep. Those dreams were sadly destroyed. Right now, fans are doing petitions to bring the poor game back, but will they succeed? That’s a question that is yet to be answered. Anyway, what about your feelings about the game? Have you tried it, what franchises interested you? For me, I love DC Comics, The Lord of the Rings, The Lego Movie, Ninjago, The Powerpuff Girls, The Lego Batman Movie, Legends of Chima, Lego City Adventures, and Sonic the Hedgehog the most. I got the game and Waves 1 to 7, and I have two more waves to go (I was busy with other stuff, but I’m getting them this year to celebrate LD’s 5th anniversary for my own sake). I played the game and enjoyed it a lot. Happy 5th anniversary, LD!
  5. Makuta Spiriah gave the Piraka their powers. However, it is said that Zaktan is a mutant before Spirah’s experiment, like mutants from X-Men, as he had something in his body, and when the Shadowed One zapped him with his disintegrating eye beams, he turned into a swarm of Protodites rather than getting killed. It’s strange, but yes. It’s good thing that I can keep you up to date.
  6. Dude, three things: 1. The Great Beings look like Glatorian, and Vezon and his group in Bota Magna are looking at one. 2. The Piraka weren’t mutated before the 2007 storyline. They always looked like lizard people. 3. Toa Nidhiki and Tuyet are going to have their physical descriptions, as TTV announced that in the beginning of this year.
  7. Why not make some for Bionicle, Hero Factory, Ninjago, Lego DC Comics, Lego Marvel, and Lego Star Wars? Well, I hope that the Microgame will be good, so we can have these things.
  8. Hi, guys. Ever since the streaming services, like Netflix and Disney Plus, are becoming a thing, I am thinking about if it would be a good idea for Lego to have its own streaming service. I mean, it has a lot of TV shows, specials, and movies. Perhaps it would include all four Bionicle movies and the Hero Factory TV show. However, I don’t like using my money for streaming services, but let’s talk about it.
  9. What it says here. What’s going on here?
  10. Hi, guys. As you know, the first three Bionicle movies were made by Miramax while Bionicle: The Legend Reborn was made by Tinseltown Toons. Hero Factory’s TV show was made by Tinseltown Toons, too. Now, my question is this: If the TV show is made by Miramax instead of Tinseltown Toons, what would happen to the show? Well, I would imagine the characters look more robotic and less accurate to the sets. It’s kind of like the live-action Transformers movies in terms of graphics on the robotic characters. They would look super-freaky. who played in Miramax’s Bionicle movies would play HF’s characters, and they are somewhere in between the actors in the first ten episodes and the ones in Invasion from Below in terms of popularity. These guys are kind of cheap, too. HF would look a lot worse than what it had. Lol.
  11. Hi, guys. As you know, Miramax created three Bionicle movies for Bionicle late 2003, 2004, and 2005 storylines. In these movies, the characters look more like realistic cyborgs, despite a lot of non-canon elements. In 2009, Tinseltown Toons made Bionicle: The Legend Reborn, where characters are extremely accurate to the sets, better animation quality, and actors who are better and more famous than the ones in the Miramax films, aside from some animation mistakes and laziness (the trend goes to Hero Factory’s TV show). So, my question is this: If the the trilogy is made TT and the TLR is made by Miramax, would anything be better? For me, I would imagine the Mask of Light, Legends of Metru Nui, and Webs of Shadows to have characters that look extremely accurate to the sets, but without the gear boxes. Every good character would have blue eyes while bad guys have red eyes. The bad guys would be less freaky. The characters would have real months behind their masks. The Legend Reborn’s characters would be super-freaky, because you would be looking at characters that are mostly organic, and some elements would be inaccurate to the sets. The actors in the movies in general would be switched, like Krekka voicing Tuma, vice versa. That would make Bionicle looked like that it has a worse way of going down hill because Miramax’s actors are cheaper than TT ones.
  12. Sorry for the grammar mistake on the topic title. I meant to say “Would you guys consider MIXELS to be constraction?” Plus, it’s weird that both Bionicle G2 and MIXELS ended at the same year. It’s like Lego wanted to prematurely ended both themes that mainly involve action figures, and Lego never replaced or brought them back since for some reason.
  13. Hi, guys. As you know, in Bionicle G1’s history, there are four sets, and each set is made of two or three Titan sets. They are: 1. 2003 - Takutanuva (Takanuva and Makuta) - includes the movie version of the Mask of Shadows. A Toys R Us exclusive. You can find the instructions in Takanuva’s instruction manual. 2. 2004 - Ultimate Dume (Turaga Dume & Niwark, Nidhiki, and Krekka) - includes a version of the Mask of Shadows and two pins that weren’t present in any of the three sets, and you can fit it over the big guy’s head. He’s the second largest set. A Toys R Us exclusive. You can find the instructions in these component sets’ manuals, and UD’s own box has a manual that tells you how to put the mask over his head. 3. 2005 - Voporak (Keetongu, Sidorak, and Roodaka) - just a box that includes a manual for this guy. Plus, a Target exclusive. He wasn’t featured in Webs of Shadows movie. 4. 2006 - Vezon and Kardas (Axonn, Brutaka, and Vezon & Fenrakk) - just a box that includes two manuals for the pair, but no manuals for the component sets. A Target exclusive. The set is the largest set on record. That year never had a movie for some reason. I wish that Voporak would come with a Mask of Time while Vezon and Kardas with a normal version of the Mask of Life (as well as the manuals for their component sets). I must admit. These giant sets are one of the reasons why Bionicle is so good. Anyway, if you want another BIONICLE year to have its own Titan combo set, what would it be? For me, here’s this: 2001 - the Rahi Nui - made of four of the five Titan Rahi sets (Nui-Rama, Nui-Jaga, Tarakava, and Muaka & Kane-Ra). 2002 - some Rahi monster or or mech that can demolish a lot of Bohrok - made of the Bahrag, Boxor, and Exo-Toa. 2007 - a giant and dangerous Rahi monster with Gadunka’s head for a head - made of Gadunka, Hydraxon, and Maxilos & Spinax. 2008 - Makuta Triglax or some Rahi monster? Hard to tell. - made of Takanuva, Toa Ignika, Mutran & Vican, and Icarax. I don’t know about the vehicle sets in the later years, though.
  14. Hi, guys. Today, on October 11, 2005, the third BIONICLE direct-to-video movie, BIONICLE 3: Web of Shadows, was released, and it’s made by Miramax. It is set in between Legends of Metru and Mask of Light, after the Toa Metru defeated Makuta and before they turned into Turaga. They have to save the Matoran, who are asleep. Metru Nui is taken over by evil giant spiders called the Visorak, who are led by their king named Sidorak and viceroy named Roodaka. The Visroak captured the Toa Metru and turned them into monsters called the Toa Hordika, but the Toa are still themselves. They teamed up with the Rahaga to fight the Visorak. Anyway, what do you think of the movie when you watched it? For me, I like it. I love the final battle. However, I didn’t like how Vakama was arrogant and then let his animal side turn him evil (I thought Roodaka mind-controlled him, but it’s actually his animal side. Plus, Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith in 2005, much?), and then the Toa freed Makuta. I mean, they unleashed the ultimate evil onto their world. I am not fond of the set inaccuracies, and there wasn’t much action, either. It’s nice to see Takanuva, Jaller, and Hahli in the end. Thus, this movie is the least favorite, but yes. Sadly, there’s no character who is a combo Titan set in there, and there was no movie since 2005 and until 2009. No Piraka movie, no Barraki movie, and no 2008 movie. Anyway, happy 15th anniversary, Web of Shadows! It’s been long ago.
  15. Awesome pieces of art! I dearly hope that Bionicle’s 20th anniversary and HF’s 11th anniversary will be celebrated somehow next year. Here’s my ideas:
  16. Hi, guys! I made this topic because Bionicle’s 2015 Online Animations were the first things to tell the G2 story for a year. What do you think about them? For me, well, I’m not too fond of the series have short episodes, some animation goofs, and being 2D animated, in my opinion. I get that they are trying to go with Mata Nui Online Game’s animation, though, and I respect that. Everything is rushed, as the villains are basically video game enemies that you easily defeat and never have to fight them again, sadly. Plus, there’s one guy narrating and voicing every character. That’s cheap. Also, G1’s Vahi always pop out in the first nine the the intro for some reason, and we don’t know why. Plus, in the next nine episodes, there are five letters in Okotan that you have to put onto a plaque to form the word “UNITY”, which foreshadows the 2016 storyline. Anyway, happy 5th anniversary, 2015 Online Animations! What’s your favorite episode?
  17. Yeah, like superheroes or Bionicle and Hero Factory.
  18. Nexo Knights is like that, but it isn’t as good as Ninjago, and it has an unfinished story, sadly. It’s best for it to be one of Ninjago’s Sixteen Realms, with the hints provided.
  19. Well, the Fire Nation are people who are like the Toa of Fire, and I believe that they would most likely lose. That’s because there are many other elements, like Water, Ice, and Air, that MU people have. Plus, there are a lot more MU people than the Fire Nation’s members.
  20. Hi, guys. You know, there are some moments in Bionicle that we would consider savage because they can be looked as not kid-friendly. I mean, it’s like this: the betrayal in Transformers: Dark of the Moon in 2011 and Thanos killing and disintegrating people in the Avengers movies. So, what do you think is the most savage moment in Bionicle? For me, here’s this: 1. The Rahkshi destroying Ta-Koro and Tahu’s masks along the way. 2. A Turahk killed Jaller. 3. Tuyet’s and Nidhiki’s betrayals to their fellow Toa. 4. Teridax killing Turaga Lhikan. 5. Roodaka convincing Vakama to betray his team. 6. Roodaka betraying Sidorak to his doom. 7. The Shadowed One abusing to his amusement. 8. Karzahni’s actions (the tyrant of his island). 9. The Piraka and Vezon. 10. The Makuta of Karda Nui’s actions in the 2008 storyline, including Gorast murdering Krika when Krika tried to warn his fellow Makuta about Teridax’s deception. 11. The Toa Empire Dimension - Tuyet made Toa go against their Toa Code. 12. The Kingdom Dimension - Teridax killing Tanma and Matoro. 13. Triglax turning Takanuva from other dimensions into Shadow Toa. 14. Vultraz. 15. The Skrall. 16. Ahkmou. 17. Metus’s actions as a traitor. 18. Teridax exiling Mata Nui and being a tyrant to the Matoran Universe. 19. The Bone Hunters. 20. Malum. 21. The Vorox. 22. Annona. 23. Teridax. 24. Velika’s evil actions. 25. The fact that people can get killed if they know the location of Artakha. 26. Umarak. Well, there are cancellations that I consider savage because they disappointed us for us and plagued us for 10 years: 1. The cancellations of Bionicle. 2. The cancellation of Bionicle: The Legend of Mata Nui game. It was heavily advertised. 3. The fifth and sixth Bionicle movies were cancelled. Yep. A lot of savage stuff there. Any of you think the same thing as I do?
  21. As the title asks, do any of you miss HF and how much? For me, well, despite that it’s in between Bionicle G1 and G2, I’d say 8 out of 10. It’s a very good original theme that introduced CCBS, and I wish it could have been a part of Bionicle G1’s universe if you want to know where we’re the Great Beings from G1. Plus, it needs some redemption. It’s been 10 years since HF was born, and 6 years since it ended prematurely.
  22. You got a good point. If G3 and Hero Factory G2 were to happened, they would keep the similarities between generations.
  23. What it says here. I ask because Mixels are not mini-figures, despite them being made of bricks. They are sort of like Bionicle and Hero Factory. Plus, Mixels suspiciously ended in 2016 prematurely, like Bionicle G2.
  24. Hi, guys. Since there are canonization contests that give Bionicle G1 characters with no descriptions descriptions, Helryx got her look (nice tubes), and Artakha is next, I would like to ask you this: What canonization contest do you want to happen? For me, well, here’s this: 1. Annona (draw her) 2. Tren Krom (draw him) 3. Toa Dume 4. The true look of Norik’s mask. 5. The Makuta of Stelt and a name for him. 6. Kojol 7. Phantom 8. Turaga Jovan 9. The guy who is the Mask of Life’s first bearer before Matoro and give him a name. 10. Shadow Toa. 11. The other thirty-six Rahkshi (Draw them are least and in their original forms, not the Light-resist one that the Rahkshi of Heat Vision had in 2010), and give them names. 12. Velika’s Great Being form and other Great Beings (just draw pictures of these guys and give the cursed guy a name). 13. Lein. 14. Triglax 15. Hero Agori’s look and name. 16. The Recorder. 17. Varian 18. Jerbraz 19. Johmak 20. Toa Cordak (just draw a group picture) 21. Toa Mangai (just draw a group picture) 22. The Earth Tribe (just draw a group picture) 23. The Iron Tribe (just draw a group picture) 24. The Elemental Lords’ names and original forms (just draw pictures) 25. The Barraki original looks and the League of Six Kingdoms (just draw the group picture) 26. The Piraka’s snake forms. 27. Kodan - a Po-Matoran chronicler 28. Idu - a Ko-Matoran who was Nuju’s friend. 29. Rahi Nui 30. A Turaga Kaita or two. 31. The Metru Nui Matoran Nui who is made of the six Great Disk Matoran. 32. A Toa of Plant Life, Iron, Plasma, Gravity. 33. Shadow Takanuva 34. Mavrah 35. Brutaka’s mutated form. 36. Skakdi of Lightning, Magnetism, Plant Life, Sonics, Plasma, Gravity, Iron, and Psionics (just draw them). 37. Krahka’s true form. 38. Bota Magna Vorox and their leader who attacked Gelu’s Toa team. 39. The Order of Mata Nui (just draw a group pic) 40. The Hand of Artakha (just draw a group pic) 41. A story that can re-continue and end the G1 story. Here’s my ideas: And also, this to make things interesting: 42. A story about a crossover of Bionicle G1 and Hero Factory: And also, this to make things interesting for HF’s own good: 43. Perhaps a crossover story for Bionicle G1 and G2. Vezon would be a major character, and it would explain the connection between the Vahi’s from both G’s. 44. Axato’s look. 45. The origin stories for the important G2 characters. So, there. It’s very nice that Helryx got her look, so there could be hope for us when it comes to these ideas, and just in case Lego isn’t doing it soon or on Bionicle’s 20th anniversary or HF’s 11th anniversary next year unless Lego would like to use our stuff for materials to cause these things. We don’t know what Lego is up to with the action figure themes nowadays, and Lego seemingly doesn’t do anything with them since 2016 for some reason. Anyone agree with my ideas, or do you want to make stories about other places during the events of the main Bionicle G1 story? They may take some time, but that’s a good idea in my opinion, and I hope Greg and TTV should consider these things for the good of the fans. We all need them.
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