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Everything posted by Lenny7092

  1. I would not think so. Your idea sounded like how the first book called Tales of the Toa ended. The story in there was released in 2003 (strange fact because the book is about the Toa’s adventures in the 2001 storyline), and it ended with the Toa defeating the Shadow Toa after defeating the Manas. No Makuta fight was in the book for some reason. The game was supposed to have the Toa fight Makuta, in accordance of the 2001 storyline. I mean, the Toa never came to Makuta’s lair just to fight their evil counterparts. They had to defeat Makuta to stop him from threatening the island of Mata Nui more. Check out Wikipedia about it. Litestone Studios is there to put that missing piece. No one else is doing it. I would call it anachronism. It’s basically a reasonable final group of levels kind of thing that you see in video games, like Mega Man.
  2. I wonder what would happen next?
  3. I would go with the official combiner model better because you can hardly fit Lava Beast’s mask over Umarak’s. That’s weird.
  4. Thanks! Now I don’t have to feel disappointed about my hope for Bionicle’s 20th anniversary next year.
  5. Well, it’s basically that fans are so obsessed with the 2001 storyline and the Mata Nui Online Games. I believe that they should focus more on those other things because they have a lot of good parts of Bionicle. Like, you know, the exotic places that you could explore, and there are various kinds of villains besides Makuta.
  6. I thought the G2 sets are already expensive when G2 was running. Lol. But, they becoming more expensive? That’s sad and cold.
  7. Don’t forget the Brotherhood of Evil from DC Comics. They are a brotherhood of villains with a large army, too. Check out 2003 Teen Titans TV show’s Season 5. The army consists of various super-villains. I believe the Brotherhood of Makuta would face these guys, too.
  8. I was expecting movies for them, but they never happened. It would have been nice if that could happen, so we would rely on chapter books and comics much. That would have been interesting. The Toa Inika would get even with the Piraka that way, but sadly it didn’t. Plus, I was wondering why the Toa Inika’s heads are unique from other Toa heads, with the green and white parts. Yeah. Would have been nice if that Legends book have happened, so we would see the Toa Inika fight Vezon again and encounter Makuta Teridax. Two things. One: the comics are good, which is a reason why I was looking forward for that book and its sequel. I bought the eighth and ninth books to try to show my love for the graphic novels, but they never happened. Would have been nice if the cancelled graphic novels had included the 2010 comics and the stories that take place after them. Two: I noticed that yesterday where the Comic Book Source website had an article about why comics are the best way to tell the Bionicle story (it even implied that it thinks that Bionicle and Hero Factory share the same universe). Give it a read if you are interested. I would love a movie-accurate Makuta Teridax, and a 2008 set for him, so he would fight alongside with his brethren in Karda Nui. These poor people that you mentioned never got their sets, despite the fact that they are major characters who made huge impacts in the story. It would also been nice to draw them as well. There are canonization contests, so let’s hope that would make up for them. That includes masks. It would also have been nice if Lesovikk, Mazeka, and some Bara Magna people and their evil enemies had participated in the main events of the 2007, 2008 and 2009 storylines more. Plus, a lot of unresolved stuff and so many things went weird and out of place. I have a huge list of them in my topic about re-continuing and ending the G1 story. I feel bad for the Av-Matoran who turn into Bohrok because they lost their free will. I mean, they’re people, not machines with single purposes. It would have been nice if Templar had made more online games and/or animations for 2005 onwards. Plus, animations for 2001, 2003’s Mask of Light part, 2005 onwards, and online games for 2002, 2004 onwards, so we would learn more about what side characters are doing. If that could happen to Hero Factory, that would make things a lot more interesting for it. Hero Factory would have gotten something similar to Bionicle as well. I’m also disappointed that we got no sets for Toa Dume or Toa Nidhiki, the rest of the Toa Hagah, no Element Lord for the Iron Tribe, no Toa Kaita for Toa Metru/Toa Hordika and Toa Inika/Toa Mahri, no 2008 forms for the Toa Kaita Nuva, no Toa Nui, Kaita or Nui fusions in general happened on 2005 onwards, no Matoran Kaita for Matoran who came after 2001, no 2003 sets for Le-Matoran and Onu-Matoran, no more boxes Titan combiners after Kardas, the Mistika never had their Matoran counterparts, no pilot forms for Tahu, Gali, Onua, and Kopaka, no extra Mistika armor for the Toa Phantoka, no extra Phantoka armor for the Toa Mistika, those Stars sets (they’re ridiculously shrimpy), there are no more chapter books or graphic novels for G2, G2 not being as good as G1 or having the same things as G1 much, the fact that it’s a reboot rather than a way to re-continue the G1 story, no sets for Toa of Lightning, Magnetism, Plant Life, Sonics, Plasma, Gravity, Iron, or Psionics, no 2003 sets for the other 36 Rahkshi, so they can be homes for their Kraata, Voporak never appeared in the Webs of Shadows movie, the comics never showed everything from the G1 story or even re-continue it, like how Transformers G1 does it, G1 never had its own versions of characters exclusive in G2, like not having its own Umarak, and every Matoran except the Av-Matoran is gender-locked. We have a lot of travesties.
  9. Huh. I never saw this before. To be honest, in the movie, I thought Nidhiki and Krekka would be going to help Makuta fight Vakama at the end, but after Makuta grabbed them with his Shadow Hand, they never appeared again when he showed his winged form. I was wondering where they were, but when I checked out BS01, it says that Makuta killed them to have his Ultimate Dume form. That would have been epic if Makuta haven’t killed the duo.
  10. Dude, there is a relationship with the Shadow Toa and Makuta. In the story, when the Toa are done defeating the Manas, they face off against the Shadow Toa. The Shadow Toa are actually illusions made by Makuta to fight the Toa. The Shadow Toa are also evil shadow clones and mirror reflections of the Toa Mata that they can’t fight with their elemental powers. In a book called Tale of the Toa, the Shadow Toa can be defeated by a different Toa Mata rather than its Toa Mata counterpart. In the story bible, the Shadow Toa are the physical manifestations of the Toa’s inner darkness, so the Toa has to absorb them to defeat them. That situation is canon. They then go to find Makuta before seeing his Matoran form. That part was only seen in MNOG, and Takua, the main protagonist of the online game, never saw the Shadow Toa fight. He only saw the Makuta fight, which can only be seen in MNOG. Just making sure that you understand the Toa’s situation. The Beaverhouse and Litestone Studios knew about how the fight looked like, so they are working on it, I heard. The game was supposed to have the Toa fight the Shadow Toa and then Makuta, like in the story. Mata Nui Online Game had copied what was in TLoMN before the TLoMN itself got cancelled. Tale of the Toa just showed most stuff from the game and the first comic book in July 2001. If the Shadow Toa fight and Makuta fight were to be made, it would go like this: after the Toa are done running, each Toa would fight against its own Shadow Toa or the other Toa’s Shadow Toa for the book’s convenience. Then, they fight Makuta himself, and each Toa could take a turn in defeat Makuta. I believe it could work best that way. It’s not like that Makuta split himself into six people.
  11. Hi, guys. As you know, Hero Factory ended with a cliffhanger, and that happened six years ago. The story hasn’t continued. It’s sad, and I wonder if it will be continued (I hope that Lego would do something for HF’s 10th anniversary this year with the story, like making a short story similar to Bionicle’s short stories, and it shouldn’t be paused forever. Please don’t respond to this sentence with negative or doubtful things because this is not what the topic is about). Of course, we all want it to be re-continued and ended, and we want the same for Bionicle G1’s story (don’t talk about it, either, unless you support my idea). Now, my topic is this: If or when the story is re-continued, how would you re-continue and end it? I can talk about my idea, but first, here are what we are left off: 1. The Hero Factory FM hasn’t been updated, and we don’t know what are those guys are doing nowadays. 2. Nex seems to love Breez. He said it in Savage Planet, even though that it is a dire situation say of falling to his doom. Lol. However, he does seem to like Breez in Ordeal of Fire, even though that Breez is not focusing on love interests. 3. The criminals who escaped from Hero Factory’s prison are still running around. 4. Core Hunter disappeared, and his fate is unknown. 5. Voltix is still on the loose, I heard. 6. The Black Hole Orb Staff is destroyed, and we don’t know what happened to Von Nebula after that. 7. Stringer and Nex disappeared after the Breakout. They may have appeared in Secret Missions number 4, but their fates are still unknown. 8. There is a villain whose arm looks like Von Nebula’s (probably he is Von Nebula) getting the Hero Factory plans stolen by Black Phantom. 9. There is a villain who created the Brains. 10. There are Brains in the giant hole in the Hero Factory building. 11. There is a Jumper cocoon in the Heroes’ Drop Ship. 12. There is the conspiracy from the Secret Missions books going on. I wish Greg Farshtey, who wrote the Secret Missions books, would answer these questions. If I were to construct an ending, here’s how I would do it (I’m not writing a complete story, though): 1. The Brains and the Jumper being contained in stasis. There would be a mention about Brain-controlled workers attacking Hero Factory, but that is averted. Plus, the Heroes noticed the Jumper, but contained it to make sure it won’t cause any more trouble and then plan to return it back to Antropolis. 2. Von Nebula has the plans. He must’ve told the Brain creator about it, so that’s how the events of Brain Attack happened. 3. Von Nebula must’ve found a way to get out of the staff before the orb part was destroyed. He may have a place where the stuff that the staff absorb go to, so he’s probably in a lair where he has a laptop that has the plans. He then must’ve told Black Phantom and Voltix about his new plan before the Breakout happened. 4. While Brain Attack and Invasion From Below were around, Von Nebula was building a factory that can create evil versions of heroes who have Anti-Quaza as their power source. 5. The heroes would interrogate Black Phantom about the evil plan, but he isn’t saying anything. 6. Core Hunter may have teleported to a place where he meets Von Nebula. 7. Von Nebula contacts Voltix to help him. 8. Corroder, Meltdown, Thunder, Vapor, Rotor, and the Fire Villains would unite and try to come up with a way to defeat Hero Factory. XPlode and Witch Doctor would not be joining because they are already imprisoned. Von Nebula would recruit these guys as well. 9. Von Nebula starts a war with Hero Factory with his Villain Factory after heroes in general captured all of their villains finally. The new rookie from Breakout would finish capturing the four-legged shark villain as well. Hero Factory FM would recount the Alpha 1 Team’s adventures from 2010 to 2014 and then talk about the invasion. 10. The Alpha 1 Team, along with Stringer and Nex returning, got new upgrades. While all other heroes, including Thresher, Lucas Valor, and the Hero Recon Team, along with the Quatros’ and Brain-freed animals being trained by them to help them, go to repel the invasion, the Alpha 1 Team would go to fight their villainous counterparts, and then find Von Nebula and his henchmen, including the Brain creator and the galactic conspiracy. Von Nebula would get XPlode, Witch Doctor, Black Phantom, and the rest of the Legion of Darkness to help by having his creations get them out, too. All of these guys would get upgrades for themselves as well. There would be a huge showdown. The Heroes would win against the villains once and for all. Now that would be a happy ending. 11. Stuff getting resolved. 12. Rocka, Evo, and Nex would be promoted as veteran members of the Alpha 1 Team. There. You see, you can’t like Lego models go unfinished. I believe that you would need a four-episode special or short story to end the story with these things. I believe that fans would need it. I need it. For an optional bonus (lol), I would like to think that Makuro would reflect on his history, which would be where the Great Beings from Hero Factory may have created Mr. Makuro after Spherus Magna was destroyed because they have a hobby of creating stuff. The Great Beings would first visit the planet Earth and learn English before they created Mr. Makuro. The Heroes would be based off of Glatorian (the Great Beings are from the Glatorian species, you know) because of their faces and Toa because of their heroic ideals, as the Great Beings would be supplying Makuro with stuff. The Great Beings would help the Heroes out with their fight against Von Nebula a little bit by supplying new upgrades. The Great Beings would return to Spherus Magna when it was restored while Makuro would miss them, but they promise that they will come back. Perhaps in the epilogue, the Heroes and Makuro would have a surprise visit by the Great Beings and their people. Of course, Greg Farshtey said in the TTV message boards in 2017 that Hero Factory is not a part of Bionicle G1’s universe because Bionicle sets didn’t sell well (I would like to think if the Bionicle sets would sell well again, vice versa). I believe that it’s best to say it because people wouldn’t be confused by the similarities of the two themes. People are into shared universes these days, like the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Please understand that, and don’t criticize this thing. It’s just optional, like I said. So, yes. I said these things because I believe that HF is worthy. I mean, it’s a good theme for many reasons, and it held up constraction pretty well before Bionicle came back in 2015. Unlike Slizers/Throwbots and RoboRiders, Hero Factory has a heart, like Bionicle, as it has a decent story, and there are a lot of good sets in its time. It’s known for introducing the CCBS, too.
  12. Hi, y’all. I’m surprised that no one is talking about the new version of a cancelled video game called The Legend of Mata Nui Rebuilt. The game was about the Toa Mata’s adventures to collect Kanohi and fight Makuta and his Infected Rahi minions. The game was cancelled for many reasons. According to Wikipedia, they include the game being 90% complete before the due date, so the final battle with Makuta wasn’t made (the only medium the battle was seen is Mata Nui Online Game. Plus, the graphics were kind of ugly and were called poor quality. The levels are mostly finalized, but there are a lot of annoying glitches. However, The Beaverhouse and Litestone Studios, fan people, got the prototype builds and information about the game, so they are working on completing the game to do justice on it, something that should have happened in 2001. They said that they will combine the prototype builds along the way. In the game, it had a lot of problems and questionable things. In the Alpha build, it has some story-related stuff, like the Ruki, and the graphics are kind of rough. The Toa Kaita were playable in their own much smaller levels while there are a lot of pretty interesting stuff, like Lewa’s level having a vine-sliding part, which is like Disney’s Tarzan. The Beta build has graphics that are a little better, but there are some things that are removed for some reason. There was a nasty glitch in the Beta build in Onua’s level that prevented players from advancing the level. Some of the Koro got changed in that version. There are some plans that were never used, like the Ussal. There are the Elemental monsters, which are like the Element Lords from the 2009 storyline (I think that the Lords are based on the monsters), all but one don’t have real names. The Earth Elemental is called “Vatuka-Nui”, but it’s strange because Vatuka are stone monsters, not earth monsters. There were also supposed to be the Shadow Toa, but they weren’t in the builds. The game was supposed to be the conclusion of the 2001 storyline, but since it got cancelled, MNOG took charge (no wonder why you guys love to talk about it in some topics in here recently). The handheld game called Quest for the Toa was supposed to serve as a prequel for TLoMN while both game were supposed to come out on the same day. Fans pity that poor game. It is a holy grail to them. The Beaverhouse and Litestudios made Rebuilt, where they are improving and fixing a lot of things lately since last year. The graphics for improved, the Toa and Matoran look so much like their sets. The Elementals have names, and they are reasonable, like the stone elemental is called Vatuka-Nui while the earth elemental has a new name. All Matoran got their masks, and guards have their tools, like in MNOG. That part was announced today in Litestone Studios’s YouTube channel, which is why I made this topic. I’m surprised that BS01 hasn’t talked about the Rebuilt version. Nobody else is fixing up the game. There are some things that I’m still questioning about, like the fight with the Shadow Toa and the fight with Makuta aren’t being made yet. The Water Elemental’s introduction is lacking. Plus, the Ussul crabs aren’t there yet. I hope that we will get Version 2.0, which would have everything resolved, this year or the next to celebrate Bionicle’s 20th anniversary. I told these guys about the unresolved stuff, and they agree with me because they are working on them now. Perhaps I could have some credit. Lol. There are some patches made now. So, if you had played Rebuilt, what do you think?
  13. So, no Bionicle: The Legend of Mata Nui Rebuilt updates? I was looking forward to 2.0. Anyway, it sure sounds fun. I’ll try my best to look into that.
  14. Hi, guys. I know that Hero Factory was there when Bionicle was gone in 2010 and then HF disappeared when Bionicle came back in 2015. Sadly, there is no HF G2 after Bionicle G2 ended for some reason. Well, I ask the question above because people kept on confusing HF with Bionicle. That’s probably because Bionicle is more popular and HF is very similar (my friend once said to me “Stormer is my favorite Bionicle character”. Lol). Plus, people are into shared universes these days, like the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the fact that Dexter’s Laboratory and The Powerpuff Girls G1 share the same universe when they both have Major Glory, the fact that Ben 10 G1 and The Secret Saturdays share the same universe when Dr. Animo and V.V. Argost are working together, the fact and Rugrats and Wild Thornberrys share the same universe when the Pickles crashed onto the Thornberrys’ island, and the fact that Legends of Chima shares the same universe as Ninjago’s when the world of Chima is presented as one of Ninjago’s Sixteen Realms. True, Greg Farshtey said that Bionicle and Hero Factory don’t have a connection just because Bionicle didn’t sell well (maybe also if Greg were to say that they do, he would have the re-continue Bionicle G1’s and HF’s stories to do it, but he really needs to finish their stories and have that kind of crossover happen. Seriously), but it’s been a long time, and if HF were to be preserved during its 10th anniversary, I believe it’s best to celebrate it by somehow have HF be a part of Bionicle’s universe for HF’s memory and sake (perhaps for Bionicle’s 20th anniversary and HF’s 11th anniversary next year). We should change Greg’s mind about it, in other words. Perhaps through a vote by TTV Message Boards, like how Helryx and Artakha happened. Plus, the themes may be implied to share the same universe because of these, and there’s nothing contradicting. I mean, look at Star Wars and Indiana Jones. They are a little similar (Indy did a reference to SW) and they are made by Lucasfilm. I might people from there said the same thing as Greg, but it may be implied that they do share the same universe (they don’t contradict, and Indiana Jones lives on Earth while Earth is never in Star Wars). Disney owns Lucasfilm, so that could happen (anything could happen). So, Lego could say that Bionicle G1 and HF share the same universe without any contradiction (Spherus Magna and the Hero Factory’s home planet would be different planets, so anything could happen), even if Lego would have to bring the themes back. I said this because HF is a good theme for many reasons. It helped out Lego for Bionicle, so it’s worthy. It is successful because of the sets primarily (the 2012 sets are the best sets). It has a good story, too (for the first three years, at least). If Bionicle and HF were to share the same universe, I have a good explanation on how can that be: When at least one or two Great Beings left Spherus Magna because it was getting destroyed (the rest of the Great Beings are trapped on Bara Magna and Bota Magna while one is disguised as a Matoran), they moved to another planet, which could be Earth. They probably learned the English language in there. When they got to another planet, they still want to create stuff as their hobby, so they create Mr. Makuro. Makuro looks like a Turaga, probably because the Turaga were a template for him. When Makuro noticed evil in the universe, he probably had the Great Beings help him create Hero Factory. The Heroes look like Glatorian, but with the hearts of Toa, probably because the Glatorian and Toa are templates for the Heroes. The English language is applied in the factory. The Great Beings hid themselves in either Earth or Makuro’s planet, but they noticed that SM has healed, so they returned there. That there is a theory that can fit very well. I mean, this would logically explain who created Makuro, why the Heroes look like Glatorian (the Great Beings’ species), and what were the Great Beings doing during the destruction of their planet. If the shared universe idea were to be said in Bionicle G1’s and Hero Factory’s story, it would go like this: 1. In Bionicle G1, if Greg would re-continue it, the Great Beings would be coming back to Spherus Magna and and they would be thinking about them getting involved with HF. 2. They would mention that if they are revealed to SM’s people. If Bionicle G1’s story were to end, it would end with the Great Beings taking some curious Bionicle characters to HF and the planet Earth for peaceful visits. 3. If Hero Factory’s story is re-continued, Makuro would be thinking about himself being created by the Great Beings. 4. A short story where the Toa and Glatorian meet the Heroes on an adventure together. Greg should really consider these ideas and re-continuing both Bionicle G1’s and HF’s stories for the sake of them and us. I’m being very reasonable. We should talk to Greg about them because it’s been too long. Seriously.
  15. I was impressed for how Bionicle went through with a real TV show or movie. However, if Bionicle were to come back next year to celebrate its 20th anniversary, I hope Lego would announce a real TV show similar to Ninjago or theatrical movie. That’s something that every fan dreams about. First, there is an Instagram video about Lewa, then the article on Saturday, and now this. Is anyone having a feeling that Bionicle would be coming back next year? Bionicle sure gets a lot of attention lately. I like it.
  16. Hi, guys. I’m surprised that Lego hasn’t talked about Hero Factory this year despite its 10th anniversary. Maybe it’s because people confuse HF with Bionicle (that’s why I logically believe that both themes should be in the same universe because they look similar, and people are into shared universes these days)? Well, I know that it is the second best constraction theme that we got, but can we forgive HF? It helped out constraction and had a TV show before Bionicle came back in 2015. It was never HF’s fault that it had problems. It’s just that Lego was having trouble with the budget with the constraction. Bionicle G2 suffered worse. So, the thing is that HF should be acknowledged, and I think that it’s a good theme, despite its flaws. People have their own opinion, please don’t be a hate club for it. The franchise even caught the attention of Universal Studios, who wants to get the rights for a live-action HF movie, according to The Hollywood Reporter in May 2012 (Lego is in talks with them now after The Lego Movie 2 in 2019. We might get a live-action constraction Cinematic Universe with Bionicle and HF possibly). So, how would you rate HF on the scale of 1 to 10?
  17. Matau Hordika turning evil, and Click staying a shield forever?
  18. This looks like an awesome season! I’m glad that Cole will become the main protagonist of his own season got the first time finally! It’s interesting that when the series progressed, the villains always want to harness the Ninja’s elemental powers for their evil intentions these days. Anyway, I bet that this new place with the strange and creatures would be a new one of the Sixteen Realms. I said it because of those beings. I don’t want to get my hopes up too high, though.
  19. Hi, guys. Since it’s been ten years since Bionicle G1’s toy line ended and Hero Factory showed up, let me tell you about the Constraction themes. In 1999, Lego was suffering bankruptcy, so it created Slizers/Throwbots and RoboRiders in 2000. These guys were successful, but they couldn’t help Lego because they don’t have stories, and they lasted so shortly. Thus, that’s where Bionicle is born. This guy saved Lego from bankruptcy. Lego is so grateful that it did a lot of stuff for Bionicle in 2001-2010 while Bionicle became super-popular and super-successful in that decade, as it has a very awesome story. It grew so much that it gained a lot of cool things, like some video games and direct-to-video movies. However, Lego selfishly cancelled Bionicle in 2010. However, the story continued after that, but Greg Farshtey stopped writing two online serials for it in June 2011. He is kind enough to answer questions about the unresolved stuff, but haven’t continued the story. In late 2010, we have Hero Factory, which was meant to sustain the constraction category. Plus, HF introduced the CCBS in 2011, which was used in other themes after that as well. However, it has low budgets issues with its stuff when it progressed. In 2015, Bionicle came back, but as a reboot. However, it suffered worse than Hero Factory before it ended again prematurely in 2016. Constraction also disappeared in 2018 for some reason. Perhaps Lego was focusing on other things, like Ninjago, which is the 2010s’ own Bionicle. You may ask yourself this: Can Bionicle, Hero Factory, and constraction come back and flourish again, like it used to, but better? That question is something that we really don’t know the answer to, but we can hope that Bionicle could come back next year to celebrate its 20th anniversary. Even though that there is no constraction in sight, fans of Bionicle and Hero Factory continue to play with the sets, but we always keep on praying that they will come back and flourish somehow. The thing is that Bionicle and Hero Factory are special constraction themes because they are themes that are like most other themes in their lifetimes, like Ninjago. They have stories that make them feel like that they have hearts, and they have large amounts of media. Slizers and RR fail to have that potential. They never saved Lego, they have weird designs rather than humanoid, and they don’t have real stories. They are just themes with extremely short live spans. It’s like that they don’t have hearts because Lego never helped them out. Lego helped out Bionicle and HF, but Bionicle is praised more than HF. But, these guys are very forgivable. HF should be a known for sustaining the constraction category when Bionicle was out of commission for five years. I love these themes because they have stories that makes characters with their sets much more human than Slizers and RR (these themes were never popular much, anyway). I always like to think that Bionicle and HF share the same universe because they look very similar (which is why most fans confused Hero Factory with Bionicle while Bionicle is honestly more popular, like saying “Stormer is my favorite character”. My friend said it. Lol.). Even thought that Greg denied this claim because Bionicle sets weren’t selling well, I believe that it would be a good idea to do a fan contest in TTV to approve of this idea because people are into shared universes nowadays, like the Marvel Cinematic Universe and how Powerpuff Girls and Dexter’s Laboratory share the same universe because they both these characters, Major Glory and Valkyrie. If you are wondering where were the Great Beings when their planet was destroyed, but this idea could be the answer, so I theorize that they may have created Mr. Makuro to continue their hobby of creating things. Why do the Heroes from Hero Factory look like Glatorian and act like Toa? This could be an answer. So, I believe that it is possible that Lego could bring these two themes back because I feel that they are successful to be worthy of that. Both of them did help sustain Lego until 2016, after all (well, Bionicle would come first, but Hero Factory would come after while being a side dish, sort of like how the Marvel Cinematic Universe goes). Even if Sokoda’s Bionicle project didn’t get approved this summer (maybe too early for Bionicle’s 20th anniversary), and Faber is doing a mysterious thing with “3IO” and “Biovival” stuff, there’s that wish along with the shared universe and completing the Bionicle G1 and HF stories. All of these ideas need to happen for the sake of the fans, including us. Seriously. You know you guys want that. Why not tell TTV that it’s time to do some of them through contests somehow? We still remember and love Bionicle and HF. They inspire us to have dreams that they will do much better things, like real TV shows similar to Ninjago and perhaps a Cinematic Universe. That’s something that true fans like me would dream having. It’s potential and love. The themes not forgotten, like Batman from DC Comics, Spider-Man from Marvel, Star Wars, and Transformers. I’m very enthusiastic, so yeah. I never forget these themes. Anyone have this feeling, too?
  20. It’s very interesting that Bionicle is all over the news indirectly. I’m more impressed than ever. Lego is happy that Bionicle saved it from bankruptcy, why not bring it back again properly right now? Bionicle had a lot of potential for great things, but Lego sabotaged it in the 2010s. I hope that Bionicle will redeem itself when Lego brings it back on its 20th anniversary next year. Seriously. There’s a saying: “If you care about it so much, why not help or bring it back?”
  21. Well, I would say that the Air people would be cheerful in tone.
  22. Hi, y’all! Happy 10th anniversary to Hero Factory! I know that it’s not acknowledged as much as Bionicle after G2 prematurely ended in 2016, it has low budget issues, laziness in some ways, the story is unfinished while HF got cancelled in 2014 unannounced for some reason, some unresolved stuff, weird set designs in some ways, like the arms and hands, inconsistencies in some ways, and it is the second best Lego action figure theme, but let’s praise it for some things. They are: 1. When Bionicle got cancelled for the first time in early 2010, Hero Factory cake to our lives in late 2010 and to keep the action figure category alive before Bionicle G2 showed. 2. It has a lot of neat designs. Very imaginative. 3. It has a TV show with 11 22-minute episodes, something that Bionicle never had. Plus, it is made by the same people who made Bionicle: The Legend Reborn in 2009. The character development is good and the choice of high-budget actors is good (the ones in Invasion From Below are not great, though), though there are some weird moments and animation modeling. 4. It has some cool online games, which are the Mission games, Breakout, Brain Attack, and Invasion From Below. 5. The Character and Creature Building System - This new building system was introduced in early 2011, and it inspired many themes to have it. 6. You can do prank calls based on dangers. 7. In May 2012, Universal is or was in talks with making a live-action HF movie, according to The Hollywood Reporter. I wish Greg Farshtey would consider the theme to be a part of Bionicle’s universe because of its similarities. True, he said that they don’t have a relation because the Bionicle weren’t selling well, according to TTV in December 2017, but let’s face it. He should change his mind if we were to want to know where were the Great Beings when their planet was destroyed and to celebrate HF’s anniversary in the least. The Great Beings may have created Mr. Makuro because he looks like a Turaga and the other similarities, and the Great Beings love the create stuff constantly. People are into shared universes these days, like the Marvel Cinematic Universe. People could acknowledge HF more that way. I think HF’s story is good. It’s more simple, as it focuses on the primary team called the Alpha 1 Team. As you know, it is about alien robotic police officers, who are made in a factory, traveling the galaxy fighting bad guys. Along the way, they got upgrades. What’s your favorite HF moment and sets? what do your think Lego should do to celebrate HF’s anniversary? What’s your best memory about HF? For me, my favorite sets are Stormer sets, Furno sets, Rocka sets, Black Phantom, and Voltix. I believe that Lego should acknowledge HF and celebrate the anniversary, like bringing it back next year or two, do an anniversary set, re-continue and finish the story, with a special or TV movie, the connection with Bionicle, or at least announce this stuff. I pity HF. I would watch the TV show again. Let’s talk about and celebrate it. Give it some love, y’all. It’s very forgivable, like Bionicle, in terms of successfulness and the fact that it has a heart by having a story, something that Slizers/Throwbots and RoboRiders fail to have.
  23. Sorry for the double post on the topic. Please take one of the copies down.:(
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