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Everything posted by Lenny7092

  1. Why not record Episode 7? You can buy Savage Planet through ITunes.
  2. I’m so glad that there is a dedicated fan to Hero Factory, like you. Lego should really acknowledge HF and Bionicle as well as HF’s TV show.
  3. Hi, guys. I know that you guys are being picky about G2’s flaws, and it’s not our favorite thing about Bionicle, but let’s forgive it for some things: 1. The Toa Mata and Makuta are there. However, I would wish that Makuta is actually G2’s Teridax in disguise. 2. Beautiful transparent pieces. 3. A TV show (but it is Netflix). 4. Purple pieces! 5. Umarak. 6. Kulta. 7. The Toa’s weapons. 8. The Toa’s and Umarak the Hunter’s ability to combine with the Elemental Creatures. 9. The use of CCBS. 10. The Mask of Creation. 11. The upper half of the Vahi. It gives us the glimpse of what would the G1 Vahi look like if it looks completed. 12. The machine guns. 13. The masks. 14. The Art of Bionicle book. Anyone agree?
  4. Anyone have a theory about Ekimu being G2’s Artakha in disguise, or just change his name just to try to hide from anybody. Both of them are very similar, so let’s talk about that.
  5. I love this! He looks very much like Karzahni’s brother and Ekimu’s bigger brother. Lol. Anyway, I love the gold and green on him! Awesomely nice!
  6. Hi, guys. You know, there are some things in Bionicle G1 that are utilized in the story and some sadly didn’t, like Akamai Nuva and that Vahki combined model with six limbs. Well, we can talk about what needs to be added or what would you like to add on. Here’s my ideas: 1. I would like to think that Akamai Nuva was formed when the Toa Nuva that formed him witness Tahnok-Kal, Pahrak-Kal, and Nuhvok-Kal, who combine into their own Kaita as well. The Bohrok-Kal Kaita also defeated Akamai Nuva. 2. Velika, while living in Voya Nui after the Great Cataclysm, went to observe the island of Mata Nui to see the events from the 2001-2003 storylines without letting anyone noticing him. 3. Nobua, a Matoran from that cancelled video game called The Legend of Mata Nui in 2001, had been collecting the Charms and Crystals from Mata Nui Online Game 2 and then hid them everywhere in the island of Mata Nui while putting the Crystals in temples. These were created by the Great Beings just to make someone exercise before going to Kini-Nui. 4. The Matoran Kaita had formed to fight the Rahi while protecting Kini-Nui. 5. Vezon had visited the G2 universe for fun. 6. Melding Teridax and Mazeka went to find a place in Spherus Magna to get Terry’s armor fixed. Then, Vultraz shows up in the main universe being cured. The Great Beings from the Melding universe told Teridax to come home. 7. Perditus has fought Telluris on their vehicles at one time. Crotesius and the Kaxium V3 duo also fought Sahmad on their vehicles at one time. 8. Bone Hunters are evolved from Rock Agori. The Great Beings’ experiments had caused the Vorox to turn animalistic on Bara Magna. 9. Agori and Glatorian are probably distant cousins in terms of species, and the same would go with the Skrall and Glatorian. 10. The female Skrall could look like the three kinds of male Skrall, like with the height. 11. When people from the Matoran Universe left their world to live on Spherus Magna, they probably brought their Energized Protodermis pools with them, but these things will not be used to destroy the planet again. The Order of Mata Nui may have one for Tahu to use to turn back into a Toa Nuva. 12. The Bohrok and Bohrok Va had formed their Kaita during the 2002 storyline, and the Toa Mata formed their Kaita again to fight them. Or, same with the Toa Nuva Kaita against the Bohrok Kaita and Bohrok Va Kaita while getting some of the Kanohi Nuva before the Bohrok-Kal stole the Nuva Symbols. The Bohrok Kaita and Bohrok Va Kaita would also fight the Kardas Dragon and then Teridax’s forces on Metru Nui during Destiny War. 13. Kaita would happen more often, like the Toa Nuva Kaita fighting against enemies in the Toa Nuva Blog. The Rahkshi Kaita could happen in Destiny War and the Battle of Bara Magna in 2010. Plus, Matoran Kaita, Matoran Nui, Turaga Kaita, and Nui would do the same. 14. The Toa Kaita could change the shape and colors of their masks, like a chameleon. For example, Akamai’s mask could be red, brown, or black, and it could look like a Kakama or Pakari. 15. The Kanohi Olmak could be a Legendary Kanohi because of how powerful it is when opening inter-dimensional portals. All Legendary Kanohi can be different in many ways, you know. I’m think about the Infinity Stones from Marvel, so yeah. 16. The Great Being that impersonated Velika may have made Velika the first MU person to have a complete mind of his own before the Great Being switched bodies with Velika. 17. The G1 universe probably has its own version of characters and stuff that are exclusive in G2. Like, Umarak, Ekimu, and the Elemental Creatures are created by the Great Beings in the G1 universe, and Okoto could be an island on Aqua Magna which inspired the island of Mata Nui’s look. The G2 universe probably has its own version of characters and stuff that are exclusive in G1 as well. Like, the Toa Metru and Toa Inika may be in the Elemental Stars as well. 18. The reason why the G1 Vahi looks incomplete is because that when the Great Beings we’re making the Matoran Universe, they thought about making the completed mask, but they worry about the consequences if it is broken, so they split the materials for each of the halves up and made each half okay to be itself, like in G2. The halves can also combined. The material for the bottom half was given to Artakha for safekeeping, and when he worried about the consequences, too, he instead used the materials to make the Great Kanoka Disks in the 2004 storyline. The top half is also made by Artakha, but it is probably stolen by the Brotherhood of Makuta, and then put the mask in Voporak, which could be how he got his time powers. 19. The reason why the Mask of Life turned the Toa Inika into the Toa Mahri is because when the first Toa who sacrificed his life to use the mask to heal Mata Nui brought his Toa Team during the time, the Mask based the Toa Mahri’s forms onto those guys. 20. Makuta Teridax has probably used his Makuta Nui form in 2003 to fight against Makuta Miserix before he was able to overthrow Miserix. 21. Nektann’s third mysterious power (not the vision power or the elemental power) could be growing his size, like Ant-Man from Marvel. It would explain why he looks tall in Destiny War while he is around Tahu’s height in the 2010 storyline. 22. Ackar had trained Mata Nui on other fighting skills and using a Thornax Launcher. 23. Some Bone Hunters may look like Atakus. 24. After Spherus Magna was destroyed long ago, the Great Beings used a space ship to look for a planet to call home. They went to Earth first and learned the English language there. Then, here’s the good crossover part with Hero Factory: they probably went to a planetoid where they created Mr. Makuro because they don’t like problems in the problems, like ones in Spherus Magna, so that’s also why Makuro made the Hero Factory organization. Here’s the link for specifics: This would explain why HF’s heroes look like Glatorian and have the hearts of Toa. The Great Beings gave HF the English language. The Great Beings were hidden in the planetoid until they noticed that Spherus Magna is restored, so they left to return to their planet. 25. Zirahk being the official name for the Rahkshi of Heat Vision. 26. The Toa Metru has formed their Toa Kaita to fight against all eight types of Vahki, including the six-limbed one, at one time. Vakama, Onewa, and Whenua would have their own while the rest do, too. That would explain how they knew about the Kaita business. 27. The Toa Hordika had encountered all of the small set and canister 2005 combiners before they got cured. 28. The Toa Inika has probably formed their Kaita to fight some Nektann robots at one time. Then, the Toa Mahri formed their Kaita to fight the Barraki’s armies at one time. Jaller, Hewkii, and Nuparu has formed their Kaita while the others did as well. 29. The Great Beings did make a female Toa of Fire, Toa of Stone, Earth, Air, Ice, Magnetism, Plant Life, Sonics, Plasma, Gravity, and Iron, and a male Toa of Water and Toa of Lightning, but they messed up, like Orde, who is the only male Toa of Sonics, so the gender-looking happened. It’s experimenting. However, the Great Beings may have made more Matoran people with swapped genders and more Toa and Turaga of Light in their hiding place before SM got restored just for fun and protection. 30. In one of the pictures in the Mata Nui Saga, where he was exploring the universe, he may have encounter the planet Earth during its prehistoric times. It would explain the humanoid shape with a spear. 31. Varian got freed from her stasis when people from the MU were dismantling their former world. 32. I would like to think that the Elementals from The Legend of Mata Nui were creations of Teridax’s machine in the island of Mata Nui that were guarding the Makoki Stones. I wish the parts in the game where the Toa fighting the Elementals to get the stones is canon, like how the Fikou-Nui became canon, so we would know how the Toa were able to get the storms in the first place. So, there. It’s like making theories and fan stories that can fit the stories, like the one with Varian called “No One Gets Left Behind”. So, what story parts would you like to add, or do you agree with my parts? Don’t be pessimistic. Just try to calm down and have fun while we keep on hoping for G1’s return. I already talked about my ideas of re-continuing and ending the G1 story here:
  7. Well, it’s a good thing that people remember one of the things that Bionicle is known for. That movie gives the story an actual body, despite there being some hits and misses. The movie won some awards, anyway. I wish the other three movies and The Journey to One could get some more love as well. Plus, concept art, soundtrack, and whatever else for Bionicle: The Legend Reborn (dame with the Hero Factory TV show). I super-wish that Lego should consider making a TV series for Bionicle (not a Netflix show or whatever. Just a Cartoon Network show similar to Ninjago, and also sharing the amazing universe as Hero Factory), and re-continuing and ending their G1 stories. I wish for a theatrical movie for Bionicle, and it’s 20th anniversary to be celebrated. I mean, Bionicle is popular, and of course, a lot of people, including fans, like us, wants the themes back.
  8. I believed that making Bionicle G2 in 2015 was sort of a mistake because G2 wasn’t refined, so it got cancelled after two years, and it had caused IFB to be terrible. If G2 has happened much later on, like 2017, maybe HF could have gotten a real ending, and IFB would be better, like you said. It’s a pity for all of this. Anyway, my topic is about the TV show. Say good things. Let’s not get off-topic. Lol.
  9. Well, we don’t know who is that dude, but in the BA episode, he looks like a relative to Black Phantom, so I would call him the Black Maker or the Brain Maker. “The Dark Maker” is a common fan name, and before that, it was used to name a race of evil creatures in Jak 3, which is a video game. I wish the Heroes could have hint down and arrest that guy if the franchise continued. Anyway, I would say BA to be the second worst because in the Breakout special, Black Phantom have a guy, whose arm looks like Von Nebula’s arm, maybe he is Von Nebula hiding in the shadows, the plans to create evil versions of the Heroes. The Brain-making guy came out of nowhere, which kind of diverges the main thing unless that villains is using the Brains as a distraction to help Von build a Villain Factory. I super-wish that we can see through HF’s story bible somehow, because what happened in BA and IFB is wacky.
  10. Dude, I pity you. I hated moving, either. Plus, I don’t think you understand what I’m saying with the episodes. I didn’t say that I like IFB. IFB is the worst episode, and that’s understandable because of the huge chances that we never asked for. It also diverges from the main story very much. Black Six is right. You need to calm down and act more reasonable. Nobody else does that. Let’s calmly talk about the episodes and think before you want to say something calmly.
  11. Dude. Calm down. The HF show is not hatable. I agree that IFB is the worst episode, but I believe it’s the budget issues. Plus, those plot holes and cliffhangers. Bionicle has this problem as well. I really wish that the HF will be revived to celebrate its 11th anniversary and have an actual ending, as much as how I want Bionicle to do for its 20th anniversary. The themes have these problems because Lego wasn’t paying as much attention as it used to in the 2000s. Anyway, I like the two-part Breakout special because it’s nice to see the past villains. Lol. I also like how it would start an actual multi-year era, like how Bionicle had, with the Hero Factory being stolen and some evil guy wants to use them to make his army of villains. I still think Vn Nebula was on the end of the two-part special and then gave the plans to the guy (whose name, Dark Maker, is not official, by the way) in the Brain Attack episode. I wish Bulk, Breez, and Nex and their adversaries could have been in there, though, so Bulk and Breez wouldn’t look like their 2.0 selves in BA. Plus, I wish Nex and Stringer would be in BA and IFB fighting their enemies and having their own mechs as well. It’s also a shame that Breakout onwards never had their own DVD. Someone needs to record all 11 of the episodes and then put them on YouTube. Bionicle’s direct-to-video movies have this treatment.
  12. Hi, y’all! Today is when Hero Factory’s TV show got aired on Nicktoons on September 20, 2010. The first episode on there was when Furno fought against Rotor. The show is made by the same creators of Bionicle: The Legend of Reborn in 2009 (that’s a reason I think Bionicle G1 and HF should share the same universe logically) for the first ten episodes while the 11th and final one was made by different people for some reason, which is very underrated. Let’s be positive. The show is very good for a few reasons. True, the show followed some mistakes that TLR, there had been some animation mistakes and laziness by reusing models, not everything from the sets are in the show, and there is the decreasing budget for some reason, but the show is something that Bionicle G1 should have had from the very beginning (but would have followed the same way as Ninjago does), and the Heroes has some good character development. Let’s give the show some praise. Happy 10th anniversary, TV show!
  13. Man, that’s amazing! Anyway, I hope Bionicle can have a similar treatment somehow. I mean, the Toa Mata could be worthy of getting that thing.
  14. Well, here’s how I put it: 2001 - Makuta’s Matoran form - He used this to try to trick the Toa Mata about protecting him since he looks like a Matoran, but Kopaka saw through his trick, probably through his Mask of X-Ray Vision. Makuta knows that the Toa swear to protect Matoran, so that’s why he made that form. - Makuta’s Vortex form - He used this form as a way to fight the Toa. He was all over the place. However, the Toa defeated him while his Vortex form looks like that it’s made of Toa Mata parts flying around. 2003 - Makuta’s Titan form - That’s probably his usual form. He tried to squish Takanuva with it, but he got defeated. - Makuta’s Makuta Nui form - That monster-like form could be used to scare his foes. He never used it, though. - Makuta’s Shadow form - He used this to scare the heck out of Takua while using it for stealth, and as a way to shapeshift. 2004 - Makuta’s Turaga Dume form - It’s simply impersonation. He used it to have the Matoran listen to him, so he could become their ruler. - Makuta’s Winged Titan form - That was made when he absorbed Nidhiki, Krekka, and Niwark, as he gained wings. He did use his wings to fly from a far platform to another in Metru Nui. He used this to fight the Toa Metru. He basically used these forms to adept to fighting certain Toa in accordance of his ultimate plan. 2006 - Makuta’s Antidermis form - Since his armor got smashed, he used himself as a material for the Piraka to use to enslave Matoran in Voya Nui. It’s also his true form under his armor, and his kind was evolved that way. It’s also used for stealth. I’m not sure if I were to include his forms in 2007-2010 and G2 because his forms were just bodies that he used his Antidermis form to possess in G1 and the ones in G2 are just from Makuta’s G2 self, but I’ll do it. 2007 - Matoro - Makuta liked to control Matoro, so he could get the Mask of Life, but the Toa Inika threatened him so much that Makuta left. - Maxilos - Makuta used the robot to avoid being detected by Hydraxon. 2008-2010 - Mata Nui’s giant robot body - That was his ultimate goal. He used it to control the Matoran Universe. He also tried to use it to conquer the outside universe, starting with Bara Magna, but he got defeated by Mata Nui. 2015 - Makuta’s Mask Maker form - this version of Makuta was his original form before he used the Mask of Ultimate Power for the first time. 2016 - Makuta’s Shadow Fire form - he could use this form to communicate his allies since he was trapped in the Shadow Realm. - Makuta’s Shadow Titan form - he used this to represent his evil, and to fight the Toa, but he got defeated by them.
  15. Hi, guys! You know, there are many games that are remastered/remade nowadays, like Crash Bandicoot, Spyro the Dragon, SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom, Mega Man, two Kirby games, and Mario & Luigi games, as they have better graphics and some bonus stuff. Anyway, I think Lego had the idea a little bit, as there is that Lego Star Wars game called Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, who is like a remaster of Star Wars: The Complete Saga, but with the sequel trilogy. Anyway, what Bionicle games do you want to be remastered/remade? For me, here’s this: 1. Bionicle: The Game (the console version) - improve the graphics, make the characters look more like their sets, so they wouldn’t look so ugly, and give the game 13 levels, six for the Toa Mata (have them fight all six Bohrok breeds), six for the Toa Nuva (have them fight all six Rahkshi), and one for Takanuva. Perhaps a multiplayer mini-game where the Toa have to fight the Bahrag. Plus, perhaps modernize the characters’ looks with CCBS? 2. Bionicle Heroes (the console version) - make the characters look a little more like their sets, give them voice actors, so they can speak with words, give you the option to play as the Toa Mata and Toa Metru, fix all of those awful glitches, perhaps fix the graphics a little bit, and the Piraka being playable after you defeated Vezon. Get rid of the “Hero Mode”, as you can just simply do stuff without letting that thing do most of the work for you. Fix the descriptions of some things, like the Bohrok. Plus, perhaps modernize the characters’ looks with CCBS? Also, perhaps give the game a multiplayer mini-game where you fight against either the Bahrag or Vezon with the Kardas Dragon, or go with Kirby’s boss rush modes, where you fight against all of the bosses, or their enhanced forms and Vezon and Kardas as the final boss of that (I would imagine after you defeated Fenrakk and then Vezon, Makuta Teridax in his Antidermis form would take the Mask of Life from you and then use it to revive the duo while turning Fenrakk into the Kardas Dragon, so Vezon and Kardas can do a rematch with the Toa). Plus, perhaps a DLC with the Heroes from Hero Factory being playable? Since people consider Bionicle: Heroes to be better than the 2003 game, they want Heroes to be remastered. I would go with that the most as well. So, there.
  16. Hi, guys. Have anyone played that game called Bionicle: The Legend of Mata Nui Rebuilt, and how is your experience? Well, I have started, and it was fun, and the graphics is beautiful. Anyway, though, the game is incomplete, but Litestone Studios is working on it. Anyway, when I started, when you see the start menu, there Onua, Pohatu, and Tahu being there for some. I haven’t played Pohatu or Tahu yet because I have to start with Onua, so something’s wrong. There is a message from the files that I download that I should remove all of these before committing, but that didn’t do any good? Anyone having problems? Here’s the link about the latest updates:
  17. I am extremely impressed with this project of yours! You even included the Toa Kaita, and man, they look authentic in brick form! Let’s hope that this will get 10,000 supporters in Lego Ideas.
  18. Man, you guys think so little. No offense. If you want little, then let me set up my ideas (and yours a little bit): Small things (the things that I think could most logically happen on 2021, and I hope at least they can happen): 1. Bionicle’s G1 story re-continued and ended (perhaps through the unfinished serials or a book). 2. A Bionicle video game. 3. The remaster remake of Bionicle Heroes. I would imagine the characters to have CCBS. 4. A crossover of G1 and G2 as a written story or video game. 5. A crossover of G1 and Hero Factory to finish up their stories while having them share the same universe, perhaps in a video game or a written story. 6. Remastered remakes of the Bionicle and HF sets. 7. Maybe a comic book series. 8. Maybe an art book about G1, like you guys said. 9. New constraction toys (either G1 or G3 if done properly) on the summer of 2021. 10. A crossover of Bionicle and Ninjago to celebrate their anniversaries next year. I don’t know about that, but the creator of Ninjago could think about such thing. The rest, well, I think they could happen in at least 2022 or Bionicle’s 25th anniversary in 2026. Even though that there are still fans making LEGO Ideas stuff, do you guys think that Lego is still thinking about constraction’s future? It’s quite sad that LEGO hasn’t said anything. I mean, look at the fan community. Some are pessimistic since 2017. You know that we need Bionicle to come back, and I think 2021 could be the best way for constraction to come back somehow. I’m surprised that no one replied to Hey Arnold.
  19. True, the whole “Mata Nui restoring Spherus Magna and Teridax getting defeated” is the main thing, but if the story ended that way without the two unfinished serials existing, we would still question about the Great Beings or how the MU people got complete minds of their own. I believe Greg is trying to pull a Steven Universe Future thing on this to explain it all. That’s how it felt incomplete. The Great Beings never showed their faces much. If Bionicle G1 and Hero Factory are said to share the same universe, perhaps that would explain what the Great Beings were doing when Mata Nui was doing his mission. They may have created Mr. Makuro for fun because they love creating stuff, and that could be how the Heroes from Hero Factory look like Glatorian and have the same hearts as Toa. I know that Greg doesn’t want to say that because the Bionicle sets weren’t selling well, but he did, it would be mean re-continuing the Bionicle story, and we don’t know when he’ll do it (that’s because Lego is not doing constraction since 2018, and we have no idea when they will bring it back again). In my opinion, it’s best to celebrate Bionicle’s 20th anniversary by doing these two things for our sakes. Lego should respect that, and it’s been too long. If Greg had started the two serials, either he should finish it or write a book about the ending of the G1 story. You can’t leave a Lego model unfinished because it wouldn’t be natural if you don’t.
  20. I voted Noble masks in Toa colors, Great masks in Turaga colors, and Great masks in Metru colors.
  21. My mom never lets me make combiners or alternate models, sadly, but I can say that G2 Makuta would be worth building. I mean, the guy’s huge and looks like a king of bad guys. It’s amazing that you have to get certain sets from Early 2015-Late 2016 to build the big guy. I love the details and the staff. Pity that we don’t have a set version of the Mask of Ultimate Power.
  22. Hmm... Maybe that could work, despite the fact that mini-figures aren’t Bionicle’s and Hero Factory’s strong points. Plus, people like classic mini-figures much more than how the mini-figures that Bionicle and Hero Factory have are molded, so better off with that form.
  23. Sounds like time travel, something that Star Wars should have done. Cool!
  24. Cool! Gee, I wish there are such play sets for Bionicle’s direct-to-video movies or The Journey to One.
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