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Thracia 776

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Everything posted by Thracia 776

  1. I'm not really a Lego person anymore...but I love HF. Good thing, too - I don't waste pocket money on System anymore! (which is how I managed to finish off my 2010 HF collection with Bulk and Vapour a few days ago)
  2. Awesome points are only given out in quantities of 62 > These are amazing, easily the best comics ever.
  3. Thracia 776

    Name Change Poll

    Bambi Cause it was my suggestion (and I may have coined it)
  4. Thracia 776

    Troll Comic02

    +62 Awesome Points (which is THE only denomination they can be given out in)
  5. I prefer to write when I want to, at my own leisure...my short story All of Reality is turning out amazing because of that.
  6. No My next change is Nitroblast Then MatoromotionPictures
  7. Y'know, it's probably small enough to just post there.
  8. Oi. Go check your blog. I got you your second approval.

    By second meaning you don't have to replace my old one, just add the new one XD

  9. For this, good sir, I give you my approval =D
  10. For you But take old one down please.
  11. Thracia 776

    I Gave In

    Here. It's my NEW APPROVAL (dun dun dun) Take old one down please
  12. Probably not. Where do you get these crazy ideas?
  13. How about you change the link to TWORAS on your content block to the new one so people can actually post?

  14. Probably not. Where do you get these crazy ideas?
  15. Not Fire Lord!

    But indeed to everything else!

  16. Lenny Lemonade was the best thing to happen to the Comedies forum since I left.

  17. I hate breaks so this is very, very good
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