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Everything posted by 32one

  1. I think the Rahkshi head looks awkward because of its angle - it sticks out the most at the middle of the torso. There's too much going on and the colour mix doesn't help. Even with the description, the MOC doesn't look dragon-like to me. With the size of the pieces that you're using and the MOCing style, maybe a G1 titan sized MOC would work better; even basic CCBS shells and the piston add-on look big on Protectors. Detailing with small System or Technic pieces can enhance the look of a MOC, but it can easily get messy if you use the larger CCBS/BBS pieces instead.
  2. The trans-blue/white combination works much better than the PoI, thanks to the limited use of grey/black, but he's too overdone for my liking. That was probably the look that you were going for, though.
  3. Because the pre-2008 sockets didn't fit on top of the ball joint as snugly as the later designs, I've had plenty of moments where the pieces would slide past each other and into my fingers too. I've given up on using those sockets for MOCing. They even get difficult to use as test limbs for unfinalised MOCs because the sockets break so badly that they either have very little friction or a part of the socket itself breaks off, so that it can't be attached onto the ball joint.
  4. I know that the CCBS ball/socket connections are easier to disconnect, but how did you manage to to get "plenty of sore-thumb moments" from the G1 ball/socket disconnections? Most of the time, you could just increase the angle of the pieces until they snap apart. Alternatively, you could simply pull the two pieces apart, which requires a little bit more strength and from my experience, this technique is more prone to severe cracks on the lower section of the socket.
  5. I don't like the wings; the attachment allows for some articulation, but it seems rather awkward and it simply doesn't look very good in my opinion. The arms look like they belong to a completely different MOC, which in this case I don't think it works well. The spikes on the weapon are interesting and the staff itself looks pretty good. Why did you leave the upper legs without any armour? He's not meant to be a Skull Villain, is he?
  6. Not this toa again... The weapon, or pretty much any part of the MOC, doesn't need to be complex to be good; too many times I've seen people try to create detailed weapons or custom limbs that end up looking worse than the non-custom parts. That being said, it's good to experiment with designs to improve your MOCing ability. The MOC itself might not be very unique or spectacular, but I can't really see anything wrong with it; the colours, build and proportions all work really well. The only major faults are problems with the CCBS itself, so there isn't much that you can do about it. He fits in well with the G2 toa, minus the dual functions and odd design choices.
  7. I don't get how you guys can use your teeth to remove stuck axles - to me it sounds a lot more difficult and painful than just using hands or pliers.
  8. MOCs: Toa Hahli Mahri v2.5: New colour scheme of Earth Blue/Br. Blue, I might redo the torso and possibly the armsUnnamed Toa of Fire v5: I'm yet to come up with a design that I'm happy with. This will probably take a whileBuild a Toa of Earth, either with Tehutti's or Onua Mistika's mask, Black/Silver/maybe another colour Fix the arms of my Toa of Stone: replace the CCBS shells, maybe change the colour distribution, work on the hand design, and maybe give him a weaponI've wanted to do a Sidorak revamp, but as of now I don't have the parts or motivation.
  9. I've never had any physical pains when taking G1 sets, as the 2M axles and 2M pin/axles also have ridges, where I can simply use my fingernails to pull the piece out. 3M and longer axles can be pulled out by simply getting a good grip, and if its locked with a bunch of axle holes, you can just push it out with a longer axle from the other side. I find G1 MOCs/sets are painful to disassemble due my fear of damaging the fragile sockets, so I only disconnect the limbs when necessary and use broken socket pieces (mainly from 2008-2010 sets) as place holders until I a satisfied with the final design. I find the small soft plastic spikes a bit difficult to take off because it's hard to get a good grip on them compared to the older hard plastic variation on G1 Bionicle sets, and they dent easily if you're not careful.
  10. Nuju's Hordika Teeth look pretty cool on the weapon and the colour scheme works quite well. I'm not a fan of the back blades, though, and the mask doesn't suit the MOC well in my opinion. Does he have balance issues?
  11. I don't think the Hau works well with the rest of the MOC; the colour is different and it looks a bit too small and "friendly". While I like the unique construction of the lower half of the legs, the use of Dark Grey on the upper half clashes with the new Dark Bluish Grey on the rest of the MOC. The use of the Piraka torso is interesting and quite effective, but maybe you could add more detail to it e.g. something similar to Brutaka's angled spikes.
  12. Good: - Good distribution of gold - The piston add-on works nicely on the chest Bad: - I don't like the torso; very gappy from behind, exposed balljoints that stick out, and the shoulders are very broad. - The limbs are quite gappy as well To improve on: - Torso: maybe try a new torso design rather than reusing the one that you used on Onua. I'd avoid using the Inika torso
  13. I like the compact use of the hordika necks, but the torso is too gappy.
  14. The body shape is a bit awkward when you look at its general outline, but it works better than Tahu's version. The thighs are quite gappy, but I don't see any proper fix for them. I think the colour scheme works better than the original thanks to the omission of the huge silver pieces. I don't like the second pair of arms; to me they look awkward and would be unusual for a toa.
  15. Levva, the toa of air? What a coincidence... The design concept is solid and the colour scheme is great, but some of the pieces, such as the Ehlek claw and rahkshi feet, don't really match with the rest of the MOC. The limbs, especially the arms, look a bit too long compared to the body - maybe you could build a custom torso, or extend the Inika torso as done on Tuma. The upper legs are pretty cool, and maybe they'd look better if they were bulkier and the tubes didn't stick out as much. And what do you mean by "serious character"?
  16. I think the silver works very well with the bright red, but the dark red, trans orange, and grey friction extenders throw off the colour scheme. The metruran chest almost always results in head posability issues unless lowered as done on Sidorak, and your solution makes the head look a bit weird because of its height. Maybe a custom torso or the narrow-shouldered HF torso would work better. The sword matches nicely with the armour.
  17. I think 2015 Kopaka has the best mask whilst his Nuva form had better weapons and dual function. Using Tahu's swords seems clumsy as both a shield and skies to me, and his spear is overdone with the ice addon. Nevertheless, the way that Kopaka Nuva holds his ski blades seems rather impractical. I think his Phantoka form is the worst with the poor proportions, boring design, random gunmetal chest, so-so mask, and the two-handed launcher that doesn't really suit his character.
  18. You're ditching a complex (and possibly satisfying) build over a couple of exposed joints? Really man, I'd put that creativity of yours to fixing the exposed joints if they bother you so much. A couple of black dots is not worth ditching the opportunity to build figures with gearboxes on them again. Well, the gearbox shifts the shoulders back by 2 modules which can look quite unappealing on some angles, but it's not a big deal. I don't really like the new piston add-on. Its soft edges create a clear contrast in regards to the texture and general design code of CCBS. I think it really looks out-of-place, just like the foot design of the 2010 Stars. I also think that it's too bulky to be used like it was on Tahu (arms and legs) and most of the protectors. Nevertheless, it's still a useful piece. The new weapons are greebled very similarly to the G1 weapons, which provides the infamous textual contrast that G1 had in abundance. They seem too specialised to be used outside of Bionicle as well. The pistons on the new armour add-on and weapons are too thin to attach System 'claw' pieces like the skull spider legs, but I'm sure that there's good reason as to why the designers chose that width. The weapon 'power-up' modes weren't that great either as the dual-functionality made the weapon designs rather awkward in general and most weapons have a bunch of pins and axles sticking out. Also, the pins will almost always stick to the foot when detaching weapons because of the difference in plastic types.
  19. - Sockets that don't snap after being connected/disconnected once or twice - More use of hard plastic: this makes the pieces more durable and increases stability with the feet - A bunch of useful bone pieces - mainly the short ones I like how the shells have a nice, clean look and don't build dust as fast as G1 pieces did. but they have some big drawbacks as well.
  20. Eh, I've never really cared for vehicles in Bionicle. Sure, I like large technic vehicles, but with Bionicle (or any constraction theme) I prefer large, high piece count titans like Sidorak, Brutaka and Witch Doctor.
  21. Cardboard, because I can simply collapse and store them without taking up a ton of space. I'd like more distinction between the boxes of the large and small sets though, as the protector boxes are hardly smaller than the toa boxes. So maybe a combination of rectangular and angled boxes, or foil packs for the small sets. Carboard/foil should keep costs down and maybe allow for a few essential recolours like Tahu's hands/feet or a new mold.
  22. The Phantoka were in the sky whilst the Mistika were in a swamp environment, so they shouldn't look completely unified due to their adaptive armour. It's not like the Mahri where they were all underwater with no AA.
  23. - Colours: the black and grey bones make the colour scheme of most sets too messy, whereas it has usually done better in G1 (e.g. toa Metru and Mata) - Colours: Also, there are too many trans and metallic pieces but not enough basic coloured shells and bones. - Colours: It's harder to get a more balanced colour scheme because of the single piece feet and the body-frame. - The shells on the bones look quite gappy from from any angle that isn't head-on - Connection types: CCBS has ball-and-socket joints, technic pins and axles (which I consider to be one connection type), more ball-and-socket joints to connect armour, and also System bars. G1 only had ball-and-socket joints for connecting limbs, and technic pins/axles. The main issue with CCBS connections is the ball-and-socket joints for armour, where you can only rotate the shell on the balljoint unless you want to use System bars to move the shell up/down. Also, when creating custom limbs the balljoints are not squared off so the shell will rotate 360 degress rather than being locked into place. While I prefer the more technic-orientated building system of G1, CCBS pieces, especially the limbs, can be very useful and the smooth textures are a refreshing break from the highly detailed (and therefore hard to clean) and easily damaged soft-plastic pieces from G1.
  24. Wow, this is incredible That shot of her with the skull spider mask makes the 2H villians look like more of a joke than they already are. The skull spider mask combined with the paintjob really reminds me of Chirox and his Shelek. Fantastic job, Gali looks stunning!
  25. 2001: Kopaka, because I didn't like how black and grey matched with his primary colour. 2002: All of the Nuva look terrible (maybe apart from Lewa), but Pohatu in my opinion looks the worst due to the mask and the flipped torso which made the Nuva armour look even more awkward and ugly than usual. 2008: Lewa and Pohatu both had bright, soft colours that worked well with grey, but once again I disliked Kopaka's white and grey combination. He also had a lone gunmetal chest, poor proportions, a poor mask and he looks silly with just his blaster; worse than Gali and Onua.
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