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Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Comments posted by Kopaka's Ice Engineering

  1. Ham egg & cheese omelete, hash browns scattered/smothered/capped/chunked FTW.


    And I'm 27. So, unless you're a child prodigy or something, it's more like 10 years.


    Also, you're just now finding out about the over-priced-ness of theme parks? Where were you the past 15 years?



  2. Incidentally, yes, CF, those are all Christian artists/bands, though some of them are no longer performing. The © dates on those songs range from 1994 to 2006, and all fall in or near the "rock" end of the spectrum.

    It just so happens that 91% of the music is Christian....the other 9% is instrumental.


    Nikira, I'm curious to know which of the songs you know and which you don't. It'll help me date how "out of it" I am. :)



  3. CF, black lights (the term I should've used in the first place) emit UV radiation. I'm sure you realized this.


    Bose. Power. *faints*



    As I was typing this entry, I was thinking "If there was one person in the whole of BZP [hat reads my blog] who could really appreciate what I just bought, it'd be <dd>." :)


    If you are someone (like me) who will use their computer as their primary source of entertainment and/or amusement, this is $250 well spent. :lookhere:


    Audio butter.



  4. It's not so much that he's the first "in US history," just that he's the first sitting congressman to be caught. And, he holds the distinction of being from New Orleans.


    Then again, what should you expect from a city that named its convention center after a mayor that made kickbacks status quo? From a state whose election laws, 80% of them were written with the idea of easing the reelection of a governor with the last name Long or Edwards?



    I could tell you all out there in InternetLand that not everyone in Louisiana is this corrupt, but with each passing day, I'd have to search harder to find evidence to support said claim.

    And what's worse, I myself do not have the drive to do anything about it above voting.



    Being a grownup isn't all it's cracked up to be sometimes.




  5. I'll say this: cart pushing will keep you in shape, but don't get your work ethic from the parking lot. Or should I say, by the reserve stacks just out of the line of sight of the doors. Remind yourself that you aren't making a career out of this: you're better than making a career out of this.



  6. Kopaka's Ice Engineering thinks it's Nikira's prerogative whether or not Nikira speaks in the third person. Also, Kopaka's Ice Engineering thinks that what Ta-metru_defender thinks of Nikira's use of the third person when referring to Nikira is largely irrelevant, especially when Ta-metru_defender has the gall to use third person himself in Nikira's blog.



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