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Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Comments posted by Kopaka's Ice Engineering

  1. You want to be freaked out about UFO stuff? Start researching Project "Crystal Knight" from the middle of the 20th century...the premise was to send 10-12 soldiers as ambassadors in some kind of interstellar exchange program.


    Oh, the conspiracy theorists and coverups there blow Tim Cullen's RFID arm out of the water.


    -KIE *cue X-Files theme*

  2. Cool! You did know you would get an answer to your prayer, right? I mean, it's either "Yes", "No", or "Wait/Later". In this case, it was a "Wait". And now I want a EG too. :( But after buying the flugelhorn and not practicing it a heckofalot, I don't think my mom will let me get another instrument for a while. :/


    ANYWAY, glad you won the S&T contest. Even though I should put that in the other blog entry :P .

    The youth minister at church going through middle/high school (who is now doing youth work in southeast Africa) said there was a fourth response to prayers especially for teenagers, to go with the standard "Yes"/"No"/"Wait":


    "You have GOT to be kidding Me."


    It was funny at the time. :unsure:



  3. I got a tube today as well.

    Although its contents were considerably less usefull than Omi's. I mean, what can you do with 2 seats, 2 1×1 plates, and 5 2×2 top plates?


    Wait, did I say that aloud?



    Anyway, it appears that the further away you live from D.C., the less time it takes for this tube to be delivered. Look for yours in a week and a half, Sir Froggy. :P



  4. Not to mention wearing away clearcoat.


    Like the matching brakes and mirror tint (I did see this on a car in Marrero, they were purple (and very visible through the minimalist rims) and looked abso-freakin-lutely ridiculous.), a functioning doorknocker as a hood ornament falls under the "just...no" category of ride-pimping sins.



  5. It's not terribly confusing, guys (and girl ;) ).


    Take a sheet of graph paper, and mark some axes (plural of axis, not plural of axe), and draw lines between points. That's all these coordinates are: points on a sheet of graph paper.


    Mind you, these graph lines are a foot apart for the whole numbers. And the origin is somewhere in southern Texas (3.6 million feet ~ 530 miles, which is around Austin, I guess.).


    How precise are the coordinates? The last number in each is millionths of a foot. How short a distance is a millionth of a foot?


    Take a sheet of paper. Printer paper will do, but not craft paper.

    Fold it in half.

    Crease it well.

    The thickness of your half-sheet of paper is 12 mils thick. A mil is a millionth of an inch, so 12 mils is a millionth of a foot.


    That doubled-over sheet of paper is the difference of that last number.


    Is it too precise? Yes. But it doesn't really matter unless a GPS crew has to go out and survey it because a resident wants to build near it.



  6. Welcome home, chére.


    The only time I'd gotten to work under anything with NAMB was as an SSM in the Akron area, the summer that BIONICLE was initially released, church planting. It was beyond fun, and I wish those 10 weeks never ended.

    I do hope that, looking back, you can see invisible Hands throughout the week.


    I want to see this artwork you talked about so much the week before last.

    And, if you are at liberty to divulge, I would like to hear about the resolution of Big Giant Problem Number Three privately. But if not, I'm not worried.



  7. Because, for some strange reason known only to her, she feels she's entitled to even better goods for lower prices, or even free.


    It reminds me of this time when I was a cartpusher at Wal-Mart, and at 10:00 at night this guy tries to walk out of the store with $90 worth of meat & seafood stuffed under his shirt and in his windpants. He acted like he was high on something to boot.


    "I can't let you leave the store, sir."

    '..but I...' *slurred speech, and a shove*

    "I can't let you leave the store."

    "We must wait for the manager, sir."


    He then swung his walking cane at my head, I would presume.

    ...and I caught it with one hand as it grazed my shoulder.


    I dunno. I don't think I was ready to join LP at that point, but I did enjoy the power trip.

    Police never got my statement, though. I guess they didn't press charges because he didn't successfully shoplift.


    Good catch on doing your job, LehvakLah! Make sure LP knows what you were told by your colleague, or at least relay it to the manager after work the next time she (PBL) comes in.



  8. Mmm...bread pudding....


    How does your mom do it?




    By the way #1: Best ice cream bowl: half Blue Bell Cherry Vanilla, half Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla, light drizzling of chocolate sauce to taste.


    By the way #2: Yes, brandy is an alcoholic beverage. Liquor, actually. However, most (though technically not all) of the alcohol is cooked out in the course of baking, leaving the flavor but not the intoxicator.



  9. What state is this in so I can be sure to steer clear of your minivan of doom? :P


    Seriously, congratulations. It was 2 years after passing driver's ed before I finally got my full license: No need to drive to school, and there wasn't a car for me to drive anyway.



  10. Your mom is just like mine. She called it Tool Time too. :P


    Did your desk blow up?



    It was my grandmother that called it Tool Time.


    And no, my desk did not blow up. Although, the hole did blow up as I finished drilling.

    By blowing up, I mean it didn't cut clean through, and instead tore a hole larger than the hole being cut.



    Ugh? Ah. Ah AH AH AH AH!





    You know, that doesn't look quite right typed out...

    I'm going to hope that was Tim "the toolman" Taylor's man-laugh. Otherwise.... :blink:


    Additionally, I thought the neighbor's face was revealed in the last episode...or was that like a special edition of the last episode? Or am I just incorrect entirely? xD

    They revealed Wilson's face on a special airing of the final episode on ABC. Although you can't see it by watching re-runs on the old tube nowadays, you can get the DVD with the revelation on it.


    Oh, and the man who played Wilson Wilson Jr., Earl Hindman, died three years ago. Just a heads up.

    I understand it was in his will that a miniature picket fence was to be constructed over the lower half of his face in his casket.


    Trivia: Wilson's middle initial was "C."



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