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Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Comments posted by Kopaka's Ice Engineering

  1. Only because I'm here will I respond. After this, I'm closing BZP until I'm almost done with work.


    I'm a civil engineer, right now working on a watershed for a subdivision in Slidell, LA. While I would like a command in ArcToolbox to calculate the areas of my watershed polygons enclosed by contour polylines, I can't get it to work. Instead, I'm drawing polygons (attempting to trace the contours & watershed boundaries) in ArcGIS 3.2 and noting the area of the polygon I just drew, then calculating in Excel.


    But, like I said, I got more work than I have time to do it; if I'm going to take tomorrow off. And boy, do I need to take tomorrow off.



  2. I dunno if it's just me, but bottled coke (glass) tastes better than canned ones do, maybe it's the glass or something.

    It's not just you: while smaller aluminum cans preserve carbonation better than a larger plastic bottle, glass bottles don't transfer into the flavor the contents.


    For instance, sample the same apple or peach (but not a strong flavor like cherry) pie recipe, one baked in an aluminum pan, the other in a glass pan.


    And don't start any pie joke tangents.




  3. Would you believe that, at nearly 27 years of age (well, 26 & 11 months this Friday), I have never worn braces?

    Be they of the orthodontic or orthopedic variety, they've never graced my person.


    I had a retainer that partially corrected an underbite, but that was back in elementary school, over 15 years ago. Other than that, my teeth (including the third molars a.k.a. "wisdom teeth") all came out straight.



  4. Arr....ye be needin' a blacksmit t' bang out some cutlasses fer ye crew thar, Cap'n?

    I's may not 'ave me sea legs, but I's can supply ye wit' some blades...an' some pairs o' sai fer th' ninja who think they's poirates.





    -KIE, who needs to work on the accent more than a little

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