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Kopaka's Ice Engineering

Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Comments posted by Kopaka's Ice Engineering

  1. Yeeeeessss...

    Looks better with all content blocks on one side. ^_^


    In the meantime, here's a couple more little known facts.


    KIE has a chair in his apartment that is almost 90 years old, and that has weathered two major hurricanes: Audrey in 1959, and Katrina 2005. (It was my Paw-Paw's when he worked at Gulf Oil Co.)

    KIE parle français assez bien. (And I speak French as well!)

    KIE is going to Brickfest, and you should be too. You never know what you might get to do at the Bionicle table at Brickfest. (Oh, did I just spoil something for you all? ;) )




  2. What size engine does it have?

    Learning to drive a standard takes patience, and the smaller the engine (likely you have a 4-cylinder in there), the less room you have for error.

    (This is where backroads are good.)


    Just remember to ride the clutch into first gear; that's what I could never master. I can drive a standard if absolutely necessary, but not day-in-day-out.


    -KIE, who is going to BrickFest 2006, yay!

  3. World of Warcraft??!

    Curses, ye blown 3D card in my machine! With no really working 3D card, I can only play 2D client games, namely Ultima Online!


    UO ROCKS! always has, always will, until EA closes it.



  4. If you want comments from someone who has successfully stayed up 'til dawn, Schizo Kaita comes freshest to mind.

    M'self, I've pulled the "getting in at 2 & 3 AM" bit, and the "getting up before 4 AM" bit as well. But never in the same night.


    Trust me, it's not something of which one ought make a habit. Invariably, you crash pretty hard when you do get to slepp.




  5. Thing is, I don't know how to make the entries wider. And the silly blog won't let me move all the boxes over to one side. It says they won't fit. :(


    Go to the Your Blog Settings menu under the word "Forums". In the "Look" sub-menu, change the "Content Block width?" to a smaller number. Where it defaults to 250, I set mine to 220.


    The only problem is, this will further crop the images on the left-hand side.




  6. The Coca-Cola has yet to been bought.

    There are no Krispy Kremes out there to move. (Why do you think I wanted to get out of there??)

    The Doritos were eaten and the Reese's melted: I've been saving on electricty by turning off the A/C when I get up in the morning, and not turning it back on until I return at night, usually 8 or 9 PM.



  7. ...Say, is there any danger a Katrina 2 might strike down there?

    Eh, it's one of those things you wave off:


    Baton Rouge is not New Orleans. There is no 15 foot levee holding back a Gulf-connected-lake outside the city, just the Mississippi River to contend with. In other words, the massive >8-foot-deep, weeks-long flooding you saw take place in New Orleans? That can't happen in Baton Rouge.

    That said, there really hasn't been a storm as cataclysmic as Katrina. The most recent Katrina-worth storm to call the Gulf home would probably be Andrew, back in 1992 (I was in 8th grade that year.)

    The storm most people in the bayous of southeast Louisiana [foolishly] compared Katrina to (saying: "I survived _____, this Katrina can't gonna be any worse." (and after Katrina, they were saying "NEVER AGAIN")) was Betsy, in 1965.

    Given 40 years between major hurricanes, I'd say you're safe for the duration.


    I'll be quite curious to follow your career if you're wearing purple & gold: LSU has a fan base all its own: the winning tradition is so strong that this year was the first time since 1987 that the Tigers didn't make the NCAA baseball tournament. In light of that, fans called for [4th year head coach] Smoke Laval's job, and he was dismissed a few weeks ago.

    It is taken that seriously down here.


    And then there's those autumn Saturday nights in Death Valley. I didn't even go to LSU, and my skin's tingling just thinking about it.



  8. *throws bucket of water*

    It's not that rare of a misprint: While the Kanohi Matatu and Kanohi Ruru in toa colors are all technically misprinted, the black Kanohi Ruru were made available through the PowerPack, with the tohunga Hafu.


    Sorry to burst your bubble..



  9. Louisiana State University and Agricultrual & Mechanical College - Baton Rouge:

    Perennial contender in the traditionally deep Southeastern Conference, 4 CWS titles between 1991 & 2000

    And a rather rabid local following.


    There is my alma mater, McNeese State University, but the Southland Conference is almost JuCo, when compared to the national scene.


    Both are located in Louisiana, and if your grades stay where you portray them as currently being, you'd have no trouble being accepted, academic-wise.



  10. This is softball. Overhanded pitching, but softball none the less.

    4 outfielders, and we had a DH batting eleventh.


    On the season, I'm batting in the vicinity of .200. My problem is bat speed: I can do nothing but hit grounders, and have to hustle down the line to hope the second or third baseman makes a bad throw.


    Although, at just over (well, under) 6 feet tall, when I do get on base, I'm pretty good at blocking off double play throws to first. And I'm wont to take suicide leads anyway. :)




  11. KIE, you're my hero. ^_^ ... (SNIP!)



    The last time I played soprano clarinet was sixth grade, 15 years ago. I started playing bass clarinet in 7th grade, and was generally available for contra clarinets through high school.

    Why? Well, my hands are too big for an E-flat clarinet, and almost too big for the soprano clarinet. No, I've not been on HGH or some other steroid, but I've had large fingers & hands: my high school class ring was a size 11.


    Besides, I didn't practice that much: I'd already lined up a life-path that was not music-based, and had convinced myself that I wouldn't need the clarinet to fall back on. As the music got more difficult, I kept dropping half-octaves. It was, and still is, more pleasing to my ear than the tones eminating from the soprano clarinet attached to my mouth.


    I am a hack, don't ever let me get away without saying that. :)



  12. Your problem is in the spelling: it's résumé, not resume.


    é is Alt+0233



    I did list being on staff of BZP once, in a very discreet fashion, for a job that had nothing to do with my degree. Being as I've gradjitated frum kawllij and all, it has no place on my professional résumé. No offense to the site at all, just that it's out of place.




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