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Beliwa: Toa of Demons

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Everything posted by Beliwa: Toa of Demons

  1. You decided which name you like for the Owl yet? And how come my name isn't on the 'Llamas should be taught in schools' list?
  2. Sam "Eustace the Spam Defender" O' Reilly.
  3. O' Reilly. There can be no other name.
  4. Oh Dear God. So...who's the Hermaphrodite?
  5. 1) I can't say I ever cared enough to find out. 2) The World. Life. Animals. 3) Coffee Brown 4) Last week 5) Hah, no.
  6. How about, Bionicle interpreted from different nations? Like Raka's 'Babarien Toa' (sic). You could do Raahj the Indian, maybe a Russian Toa, an ancient roman...the possibilities!
  7. Depends on the Life. Depends on the Death.
  8. No, I agree. what I find mainly dislikable is that the Toa & Barraki are both in static poses as drawn (or perhaps traced) from the actual promo pics. Also, I dislike their fading technique - it's like they were telported halfway into the building. And I'm very sorry, but I voted for Lady 'Suzie' K. It's just...my thing.
  9. We really need Gato to do something in BK: D... Oh, And:
  10. I Laugh at any complaints about anything, most especially they're my Sisters. My mindframe is basically the mental equivalent of the Music Video of Feel Good, Inc by the Gorillaz.
  11. You may have noticed I'm already in this game... "I Quote Others Only The Better To Express Myself." - Michael de Montaigne "You May Have Noticed That Actually A Lot Of The Stuff Which Happens To Us Isn't Exactly Normal, Moron." - Murdoc Niccals, Lead Guitarist on Gorillaz. "It is not God who kills the children. Not fate that butchers them or destiny that feeds them to the dogs. It’s us. Only us." - Rorschach, in Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons' masterpiece, Watchmen. Note that it isn't my opinion. "I hold to a simple philosophy: just assume everyone's a piece of Krap and then be pleasantly surprised if you find anyone who ain't." - Luke Cage, New Avengers #7, by B.M.Bendis. Replace the K with a C. "Ladies. Gentlemen. You have eaten well. You've eaten Gotham's wealth. Its spirit. Your feast is nearly over. From this moment on-- none of you are safe." - Batman in Frank Miller's Batman: Year One. "Madness is the emergency exit. You can just step outside, and close the door on all those dreadful things that happened. You can lock them away... forever." - The Joker in Alan Moore's Batman: The Killing Joke. "Flowers gathered in the morning,/Afternoon they blossom on,/Still are withered by the evening:/You can be me when I'm gone." - Neil Gaiman's The Sandman, Book 9: The Kindly Ones "I'm the amazing Cain. If you enjoyed our show, tell your friends. If you didn't, I trust you'll get throat cancer and die without ever again uttering another word. Goodnight." - Cain, having made Abel his brother into Sausages as part of his Magic Act in Neil Gaiman's The Sandman, Book 4: Season of Mists. "IS THIS ANY TIME TO SPEAK LATIN AND STUFF YOURSELF?" - Navistrix in Goscinny & Uderzo's Asterix and the Golden Sickle. "You odd-toed ungulate! Macrocephalic baboon!" - Captain Haddock, cursing an alcoholic Yeti in in Herge's Tintin in Tibet. "Ach, Even when I think of them now it makes me cry...look, even from my Dead Eye tears are coming out!" - Vladek Spiegelmann, recalling Nazi hangings of young men from his neighburhood during the War, as recorded by his son, Art Spiegelmann, in the Comic-Book best-seller Maus.
  12. I much prefer Sleepless in Seattle to You've Got Mail, but what the hey. If you're looking for a good black-and-white, I'd recommend Roman Holiday, with Audrey Hepburn & Gregory Peck. The scene with 'The Mouth of Truth' is one of my favourite-ever movie moments. In fact, Cary Grant's His Girl Friday is also good for laughs, Woody Allen's Manhttan gave me a side of life I'd never imagined, and the Marx Brother's Duck Soup is good for anyone who is considering Suicide.
  13. Funny. My memory of what I had last night was clear as day. There was, see, this old sort of taxi, and it had some peopel who I couldn't stand in it, and then another car came up and there was my family in it, and then I was on these sort of moss-covered monoliths, and then there was a Wolf... I bloody well need to get out more.
  14. Urgh, there goes the title of my RPG - Why Greg Why? Haha, just kidding. I'm sure your plot isn't anything like mine.
  15. Neat little story...but I wouldn't take the moral too seriously. Reproduced especially for you, from the other side of the world, comes a story from a different perspective... Moral: Don't be a perfectionist. Life is too short. This is just my apology for not finishing the next Crossroads Chapter - I keep having to correct it!
  16. Saw this one a bit of time ago. Maybe you'd like it.
  17. Loved it. You worked hard indeed on it. Hope everything else goes great!
  18. My Mum & Dad, great fans of the Graphic Novel Medium, bought the entire collection over the years, as presents for each other. AND all of the Asterix's.
  19. You've found the world of Tintin: the animated seires, at last. I was raised by that show (when I wasn't raised by my loving parents, heh...). If you've seen 'Secret of the Unicorn', you'll probably be amused to hear that I spent the majority of age 3 screaming 'My Apartment! It's been RANSACKED!' over and over, at everyone. I think the best of the series (as well as the books) is 7 Crystal Balls/Prisoners of the Sun.
  20. Beliwa: Toa of Demons


    Yup. Spider-Man 3 is gonna rock everyone's socks. But hey, any film with Venom in would.
  21. Beliwa: Toa of Demons


    King Julian, with Cedric the Entertainer as Maurice his Advisor. 'Everyone stop talking, and that includes me. Shut up! Oh, that was me. Who's making all that noise! Oh, me again. Sorry.' 'I like to Move it, move it! I like to Move it, move it! You like to -' 'MOVE IT!'
  22. Beliwa: Toa of Demons


    I was highlighting Mulan as the first Major Kids Animated Movie to leave out a Bad Guy Song. What a great movie. Although, of course, Madagascar is second-best. Sasha Baron Cohen = Playa.
  23. Beliwa: Toa of Demons


    I think the best part is that none of them really learn any message afterwards. They're still running around, stealing stuff, having adventures. They're total criminals and we love them for it. I'm glad there wasn't a sequel. It would never have compared. I also like 'I'd Believe In Anything (Were It Not For You)', and the fact that the Villain doesn't have a corny 'Villain Song', proclaiming how 'EEEVILLLL!' he is. They stopped that nonsense in Mulan, did the animation Trade. Stopped it for good.
  24. Beliwa: Toa of Demons


    You're so right. SO right. Kenneth Branagh (aka King Henry V) and Kevin Kline (aka Bottom) are brilliant together, so much that I wanted to see the film live-action. The music, the design, it's all - they must have finished making that, then sat back after test screenings and drunk a whole keg from sheer joy at the money it would make.
  25. Beliwa: Toa of Demons


    WHen I was a Kid, I would repeat the song from the 'Bob is arrested' scene - Take Him Away, (Boom Boom) Take Him Away! (Boom Boom!) - Three hundred times a day. In fact, I still do. With a megaphone. At everyone.
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