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Everything posted by T-Dawg

  1. I love the multiverse idea the map we have now is perfect for survival while the other is perfect for building projects.
  2. Nav I swear at times you are....I don't even know man that's just real cool that you did that we will all be very happy, we should make the map we have now the survival world and the other our building world and keep it that way.
  3. Oi vay I hope we don't lose this map I really liked it why would he even given moderator powers after the mushroom ball incident.
  4. Some Star wars battlefront 2, felt like doing a long match so I had 750 soldiers to fight seemed like a fair fight. Also been playing Star Wars episode 1 racer for the 64 I have some very good stats.
  5. Been playing some podracing for N64, Toy Dampner personal best.

    1. Lemony Lepid
    2. T-Dawg


      Sorry It's a treasured game to me being on of my first and oldest.

    3. Lemony Lepid

      Lemony Lepid

      Oh fine! naw JK

  6. (it's on of many weapon selections)But can it play music?Ninja'd by a ninja.Surely he must get cold.
  7. One of my least favorite ninjaDang ninjas are fast.He clearly seems bored.
  8. I figured someone would make that joke.Thinking face.Darn ninjas are fast buggers.Fear the mecha arm.
  9. I assume he doesn't feel anything in that mecha arm of his.
  10. That's just ... trippy man.Really that's all that can be said about it.Also making a rainbow drop to just utterly destroy you're eyes.
  11. Behold what happens when you use 3D, Quake pro, and a speed II potion.
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