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Everything posted by T-Dawg

  1. Another castle and this one makes the second one look small hence too small world height.
  2. I think the world build height should be higher, as it is too small to fit my castle.
  3. In all seriousness welcome back, on that note I loved the comic and I loved the minecraft reference.
  4. I wonder if there will ever be a time when the staff starts to make sense...
  5. I think Trenton has competition for most changed color scheme... I'm also liking the story you have going here, even if I'm having a hard time following it, mind explaining a bit?
  6. SCORE! Getting my own computer.

  7. Castle V3 is being made currently, now guess how big this one is.
  8. Last time I used large biomes I spawned in the middle of an ocean so I tried it again and spawned in another freaking ocean, and with my luck I'll keep spawning in an ocean so I doubt I'll use large biomes much anymore.
  9. And to think all I was good for was annoying all of you with my neverending poison potions. I feel so happy.
  10. The answer is simple...DEMONS as they are responsible for everything. Man I loved the times when shouting that all of you knew what I found. Aside from that seeing you're horse cloned itself clearly shows that it has been stealing you're technology and secretly creating a cloning device for himself and it is to ensure that he will survive on when he dies.
  11. Really boring here now that I started school.

  12. Yes I do though I don't see most of them very often.The person below me can't draw.
  13. Nope never even heard of it.The person below me still uses a PS2.
  14. I read those two and though: Behold the Soran of the species in his state of world domination as it begins he shall hunt down and violently murder silence the ones who understand his plans, uh oh the dreaded laser sight using hunter has found the Soran and shall soon rid the comic of the species.
  15. Brain hurts. Boy you Technic people sure know what you're doing, heck if I used Technic and I couldn't work something out I would smash it and hope for the best, or solve it like I do all my problems... spam poison potions till I'm happy.
  16. Ah you have brought back fond memories of early childhood ah nostalgia. I'm impressed you found something from that series in this time.
  17. Ok let me clear this up, Nav a while back had made a comment about all Bzpower members and I wish I could tell you but It is not repeatable on here, then later XXaron had made a home but someone griefed it with X in it so I told Nav to get on the server and actually do something which he did nothing and made the comment "Its just a pity creation on a temp map It won't matter" after all that I told Nav that I can't take it anymore and said I'm done with limbo. Just because of all the stuff I explained does not mean I griefed the server and I would gladly appreciate it if you did not frame me. You forgot my spamming of poison potions and I admit to doing those but I changed later on and honestly I really tried to not kill you guys
  18. Galatca knight would be an awesome addition for the next game.
  19. So may Toa of Shadows but in all seriousness welcome to BZPower.

  20. You just gave me inspiration to start a project on Termina in minecraft ho boy now THAT will be a long project.
  21. Absolutely love that song.Luka night Fever with dancing Bohrok.
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