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Status Updates posted by Shadix

  1. Hey there and welcome to BZP :D

    Just a tip before the mods nail you for it, your sig is too big. It can only be 300 px tall, 800 wide and no more than 100kb in size. Hope this helps :P

  2. What about SOFT CHEESE?

  3. Longest Interests section. Ever.

  4. You're the only GregF friend. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE.

  5. Closing your eyes to a problem doesn't mean it's gone.

  6. Because Night Fury is more sinister then Morning Fury.

  7. Fine, how about Thylon is Arrogant and you're Conceited. There, did I match the insults to the person? XD

  8. Yeah exactly. First Transformers movie was ok but the second one was lacking. Severely.

    And I just took the whole Indiana Jones thing more as a joke. C'mon, he survives a nuclear bomb? Shoots a blowgun backwards? Finds out about aliens? XD

  9. Kirs--er, I mean, Catdo: :3 Why yes I did color my avvie, in photoshop. The same one you've got. :)

    Bcucu: Well, if you were the one ending him, it would be good. But if all your targets vanished, not so good.

    Exco: ooOOOoo scary...

  10. Well, what exactly is Writers Alliance?

  11. On the list of Premier Members for BZP, it lists you as Archfiend. XD

  12. Ya, I liked nidman way better. O.o


  13. I just did! =P

  14. Thanks for all your recoloring for me, man! You ROCK!


  15. Ok. Hopefully I'm getting one today BD

  16. Oh whoops, sorry, I forgot to reply. Thanks a bunch, just got $70 of Atlantis sets from the guy :3

  17. Thanks :D its a prototype part of my up-and-coming comedian act. :P

  18. Lord of the rings! Zelda! Pixar! 8D

  19. BULLET

    *shoots through spoon and into you*

  20. We're almost through season 3 on netflix, and hopefully season 5 graces netflix before we're through the episodes. :D

  21. You're the Exorcist now? 0.o whoazah.

  22. :P

    BTW, the most recent comment on your blog isn't supposed to be mean. It's just true.

  23. No, just a year. But if I maintain my proto level for a year, and I renew it, I'll be an OBZPC! :D

  24. :crying:

    I'm not on your friends list! ;.;

    BTW, odd name change. :P

  25. It's ok. Besides, I'm going to release a comic series soon and it's going to be very high quality and is going to take a lot of prep work. :P

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