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Status Updates posted by Shadix

  1. weird... I didn't get those... O.o

  2. Ohyea sorry about that

    Btw PMs work better for getting my attention XD

  3. Darnit, who threw that?? Work on your aim! *lines up with a cannon and a scope*


  4. You write pretty well, you should join it. :P It's not as hard as you think; I'm already 50% or so to my goal.

  5. Same here. Or doing something HTTYD related. Or typing up the mass volumes of content for my website. :P

    Are you doing Nanowrimo perchance?

  6. Haven't named my laptop yet... XD

    I spend all my time on this site and my HTTYD fansite. B)


    I only have 2 games for mine... Mario Kart 64 and StarFox64. Both great games. Though I spend a lot more time on the computer.

  8. Nope. Nintendo64. It's a retro gaming console released in 1994 or something like that.

  9. Parents are like that, aren't they... my parents just recently let me buy a N64 so yeah XD

  10. Still, like, everyone in my area has one before they're like 10. <_<

  11. Thanks :D

    15 years old. AND STILL TO CELL PHONE >=(

  12. I saw this lolpicture with Megan Fox, whatever the guy's name is and the director looking at a screen. "Big explosions, hot girl, no storyline..."

    "That should be fine, right?"

    "Yep :D"

  13. Third???


    Goodness. >.

  14. Well, what exactly is Writers Alliance?

  15. Yeah exactly. First Transformers movie was ok but the second one was lacking. Severely.

    And I just took the whole Indiana Jones thing more as a joke. C'mon, he survives a nuclear bomb? Shoots a blowgun backwards? Finds out about aliens? XD

  16. If you're ever wanting to talk about that subject, flash me an email or PM. :)

  17. hey were you the person Scotus was talking to earlier today on the BZP chatsite?

  18. Shure :P It looks very dead though.

  19. It's Derp not durp :P

  20. Featured member today :D

  21. Movies have a bad tendency to do that <.>

  22. I've only seen Spider Man 1, but they all look interesting. :)

  23. Iron Man 1 was better, but they were both good. B)

    Hmm, sounds interesting. I'll have to check it out :P

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