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Status Updates posted by Shadix

  1. Anyone who posts anything about the recent blowup will have their comments deleted.

  2. JSYK, TDCC#1 Final Voting is now up.

  3. But Shad is MY nickname D:


  4. Closing your eyes to a problem doesn't mean it's gone.

  5. Can you please change you sig? I gagged when I saw it and felt sick. No lie. If you could, that'd be great. I know several friends who their parents would remove them from BZP if they saw that.

  6. That is disgusting. I never want to see a sig like that on my screen again.

  7. Hey there and welcome to BZP :D

    Just a tip before the mods nail you for it, your sig is too big. It can only be 300 px tall, 800 wide and no more than 100kb in size. Hope this helps :P

  8. Bang, we're live. :D

  9. You keep changing names :P

  10. Is that a Holland Lop avvie or another lop breed, perhaps Mini or a young French?

    Or is it just a cute bunny picture you found? :P

  11. Well Xidahs isn't quite as cool as Xidash. :P

  12. @Your avatar: Severe mindscrew :P

    Also welcome to BZP.

  13. You have to have interests or you wouldn't be on BZP.



    Mine has content though :P

  15. Welcome to BZP, glad you're from Lego.

  16. And yes, Toy Story is awesome. The whole series is.

  17. FYI, with your sigpets, upgrading went only ok and we had some issues, so head back over to the topic to grab the updated sigpets. Thanks!

  18. Evo and Surge are up. :)

  19. Longest Interests section. Ever.

  20. What about SOFT CHEESE?

  21. Haha, but no. The series Twisted is named as such because the villain is very twisted and corrupt in the worst ways you can think of.

  22. If would have been. I've seen it before.

  23. Closing blog entries that will be flaming is much more responsible.

  24. You're number 666, with 111 profile views (as of now)

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