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Everything posted by Shadix

  1. Just so you know, your sig is too big. It needs to be a maximum of 800px wide, 300px tall, and no more than 100KB in size. :)

  2. Shadix


    Zelda 1 was EASY. I've beat the entire Quest 1 on a single life, and 1 day. It's not hard. Quest 2 however is a pain... Anyways, I know my dad and I both like Zelda 2, so we will probably get it anyways. Knowingly hopeless to beat it Xidash
  3. Shadix


    Why?? I love that game! Albeit impossible to finish, practically, but it's still fun and hard. Xidash
  4. Shadix


    @Shadonix: Already have SSBB, Twilight Princess and internet connection (wifi =D). We also plan to get the first 2 Zelda games, because our family used to play them on the NES. Nostalgia... Xidash
  5. Shadix

    Name Change Voting

    Unless you add new content or have blogged and want this on top, you don't need to bump this every half hour. Xidash
  6. Shadix


    My cousin got his from Walmart... albeit $50, but still from Walmart. Next time you're there, maybe ask someone if they have it? Xidash
  7. Shadix


    I've played Twilight Princess a little bit, and helped my cousin beat the game once (looked up maps and stuff, helped him watch for creatures). My family doesn't have an issue with magic; we see it like sci-fi stuff. You can't explain magic, but you also can't explain a lightsaber. Witchcraft is a bit of a different story though... Anyways, yes, SSBB is my favorite game of the bunch. Xidash
  8. Shadix


    We may be... could be... probably are getting a Wii in the short future. Which would be awesome to no end. We'd be getting it from my cousin, who has a bunch of nice games (Super Mario Bros Wii, Mario Kart, Monster Hunters Tri, Super Smash Bros Brawl, Twilight Princess) and a nice assortment of ok games. He's got a lot of equipment and such and he's selling it. So we're hoping on buying it. I really hope we do. ^^ Xidash
  9. Shadix


    WIN B) I love my room cold. 60 degrees is awesome. Xidash
  10. Shadix

    So Frustrating

    Also note we aren't exactly IMing eachother or even having conversations that often. We're on good terms and he seems pretty fun. Seeing as people aren't exactly relenting on how selfish I am on this, I'm locking this. Don't want this kind of atmosphere in my blog. Xidash
  11. Shadix

    So Frustrating

    I may have done this for free. But the thing was he just pulled a fast one on me. I agreed to help him, not knowing whether I was getting paid or not. He thus assumed I didn't need payment, without asking. A little something would be good for 8 hours of the next two days though. E: Thank you DV Xidash
  12. Shadix

    So Frustrating

    I've done several weddings, I'm experienced and have been paid before (generally I split the $100 with whoever helps me, jsyk). But yeah, it's nice to know he thinks I'm good enough. E: @LM, honesty as such won't get you far. Word it better, nicer, less blunt and it will do you good. Xidash
  13. Shadix

    So Frustrating

    It can be, yes. Just like pointing out most things in a sarcastic, condescending manner is rude. Xidash
  14. Shadix

    So Frustrating

    It's a he, and he's over 30 years old. Trust me, doing weddings in the soundbooth is very hard and precise. I would gladly do it for less, but I feel a bit robbed when he doesn't even ask me what I'll do the price for. (Just so everyone knows: soundboothing weddings at $100 is pretty cheap) Xidash
  15. Shadix

    So Frustrating

    So a friend of mine, who's engaged, walks up to me a little while back and asks, "Hey, Tim, do you think you'd be willing to run the sound system for my wedding?" Knowing I can make about $100 off a wedding, I eagerly agree. "Great! Now we don't have to pay someone like $100 to do our wedding!" Xidash
  16. Shadix

    Colorado Weather...

    Now it's raining. XD Xidash
  17. Shadix

    Colorado Weather...

    You're in Colorado, Spink? AWESOME 8D Xidash
  18. I thought I was going to be helping my Grandma today with her lawn, finishing up the stuff we started yesterday. It was nice and warm out, albeit a bit windy. But overall nice. Today it's snowing. Yeah, won't be helping her today. Not to mention my room is like, really cold now because I left my window open last night to chill my room some. Now it's really cold. Oh well, I like cold. Xidash PS anyone like the new word formatting?
  19. Shadix

    I Have A Looooooong Entry

    Convos are always fun, assuming they're funny. Xidash
  20. Shadix

    I Have A Looooooong Entry

    Yes you should. Unless it's longer than 1,000 words. Xidash
  21. Shadix

    Am I The Only One

    GD topic - yeah. Artwork - no, that's the whole idea. Xidash

    Y'know, punching a dolphin in the mouth. =P

  23. Shadix

    Blog Theme Change

    I may, though I don't want too many blogs there. They're pretty big Xidash
  24. Shadix

    Blog Theme Change

    Sorta hard to tell off a single emote. I would have thrown something below it for clarification. Xidash
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