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Everything posted by Fsnorglepuff

  1. Wow, this is one neat MOC. The colors are great, and the design is superb. The blue really goes well here, even the pins, and the plating is excellent. But the legs ... while inventive, they look a bit empty and he cannot stand on his own. I suggest legs that are thin, perhaps animal-like, but have feet and so forth. Make the legs look as great as the arms. Really great MOC.
  2. I do not like Tahu either. Hmm ... I'm having difficulty identifying any Bionicle-related opinions of mine that may be somewhat conflicting ... Oh, I know, modifying pieces. I do it on every single MOC, but a great deal of people seem to be opposed.
  3. Anyone with A Ko-Matoran, Ice Toa/Turaga, or the Ice Element Lord (was there one?) has the "coolest" avatar.Though to adhere to the more commonly accepted usage of such a term, Bonesii has made many, and anyone who makes their own has my commendations.
  4. This is just ... astounding. It is a beautiful assembly of Bionicle, Technic, System, and even a bit of HF (which is always the right amount). Ingenious designs by the way. However, the arms lack the flow that the legs have - maybe use some more tail ends? The elbow right now is very blocky. I don't deal with such thin joints, all I can suggest is use system bars and hole/clip thingies. Overall, this is a truly impressive MOC.
  5. Woah! Such excellent combination of Bionicle, Technic, System and HF. This has a great design, robotic and very cohesive. It seems like the knees wouldn't articulate too well, but you tell me. The right arm is too black, considering the light grey HF left upper arm. The bohrok plates ought to be the same, I think. it makes the MOC look more unified if the same type of pieces (HF, Technic, etc.) are the same color. Especially with Bionicle parts, and particularly with the larger ones, it is very noticeable when a pattern is disrupted (or in this case, fails to exist when it seems like there should be one). Anywhoo, very nicely done.
  6. Oooh, pretty. This is a remarkable MOC, maintaining the basic and technological look of the MNOG while having an excellent design and color scheme. The paddle might be better as a system dinosaur fin (oh, maybe they make them in dark green?) because the complexity and color of the Rahkshi staff end isn't cohesive with the rest of the MOC (or Maku). And a bit more paneling on the bottom ... got it. How about black tubes? And the lower set of holes can be connected with tubing as well. Besides for some rather unavoidable gaps, this is a superb MOC, one of those that just makes one appreciate MOCing.
  7. A neat MOC, with color scheme that works well considering the history of the Vorox. He looks devolved, and as if he had been accumulating new weapons and such. I like the silver/tan/grey because it is convincing - that is how I would expect a desert dweller to look. Low contrast is good here. The tail/tentacle, primarily because it is black, isn't very cohesive, both in itself and with the MOC. Try grey HF limbs - it would make it look and articulate better.
  8. Just ... so ... awesome! And truly deserving of the term, in its most literal sense. This MOC inspires awe. The gears are in just the right places. The color layering is superb. The incorporation of the orange - ideal. Everything works to create a very impressive and well thought out MOC.Areas of improvement: eye(s) and arm(s). Maybe take advantage of that large opening in Vakama's mask to put a lime bulb (or something cyclops-esque). That way it incorporates more lime green, which is just a it out of place on the arm. Speaking of which, there is only one. It is difficult to say whether this is better or just different from having two. A bit of orange on the arm would help. I would have used another orange tube, not the clear one. Or mabe use the ransparent one with lime in the center ... anywhoo, the last thing is that the arm bends in, then out. I feel like the poisitioning should be out, then in, or just straight. Like how a human would look extending a weapon - his elbow typically would not be bemnding in. But again, it is difficult to determine if this would be for better or for worse (or just different). Well, this is a true treat of a MOC. Nicely done.
  9. Very, very neat. The arms and legs are an excellent use of HF parts, and very suiting for the MOC. The head seems ... a bit off. I would use a Mahri visor instead, maybe with an eye underneath. The arms give it a clean, robotic feel but the Glatorian face is too human-esque. Simplify, and it would be perfect.Nicely done.
  10. @Ranubis: tapered up, or down? I tend to go with bell-bottom style legs, so there is tapering up on the bottom parts. The thighs very slightly taper down to the knees too. It would be great to have human-like legs, but they would be very thin and mostly Technic ... @Radiaka: the head, after many years of evolution, ended up being a setup of 1 x 2 system plates with handles (as those on the hands) with chains attached both on the studs and via clips. The ones right next to the eye were attached via a blue bar, much like the original set's hook thingies were. I had already installed the blue eyes, and made the bar blue. Yet this left a stunning blue that glowed under the right light in one pair of chains, but not the two rows after them (inserting blue bar ends did not look the same, now glow). So I drilled holes through the system and Technic construction to insert blue bars all the way through. I sanded and polished the ends to make them all the same length and to match the sheen of her eyes and heart light. Voila, glowey eyes and head. Chains are just clipped, and the clips used are just robot claws. Eye description somewhere else in this topic ... Thanks everybody!
  11. Wow ... so many I don't recognize. But that's because of my lack of knowledge - each character of whom I am aware is clearly defined; each is obviously him, her or its own self. The enormity of the project itself is praiseworthy, but the quality is truly commendable. Nice work.
  12. @ Biohazard12: Yeah, unfortunately what I tried to do was get her feet to look more normal, with less of an outrageous height, but the front turned out a little thick (same width as the original though). I use an exacto knife for most cuts, however, for axles and pins I use a pair of cat claw clippers. I also have a set of microsaws for jobs that need a strait but not necessarily clean cut. A wire cutter gives you more leverage than a pair of scissors, but the compression and distortion involved is the same or possibly worse. Of course, it depends on what you are cutting. For example, the Mistika jets are soft and can be cut smoothly and easily with an exacto knife. But her hand pieces (the black socket parts) are very dense and unyielding, and that stub at the end has to be cut and then drilled at (with a dremel tool) and chipped away with an exacto knife then sanded with a mental file. @Dorek: that would be nice ... Thanks to you both!
  13. Yeah, but that shard was broken from the Toa's elemental powers.Also he probably would have to make a hole in the Takadox armor shaped like the shard, and make a shard out of presumably a red lightsaber blade, it would be surely most difficult.Not as difficult as one might think ... great ideas!
  14. Wow, very well done. In regard to making it have eight legs, you could elect to use system/Technic, instead of Bionicle/Technic. Using droid torsos and/or limbs, perhaps some half-width lift arms, etc. you could have eight smaller legs attached via four connections on each side. There seems to be enough room, too.However, you may not have the pieces or the means to get them, so I think four is fine. Maybe some more articulation in those four, and without the grey, would be better. Yet overall, this is an excellent little MOC that reminds me of those little spiders that used the Pakari and Onua claws. I want to build it!Also this could be Fenrakk before he became so big.
  15. @Chaos Dralcax: cheating only if the goal was to build without non-Lego elements (referring to sculpture) or any alterations to existing elements. Yet plastic, glue, paint and epoxy putty (yet to be seen in upcoming MOCs) are each a key medium in artistic endeavors. From a strict MOCist point of view, maybe Lego's point of view, such ventures are incongruous with the goals of building with Lego. However, from an artistic point of view, Lego elements are merely a medium. They are collectively like clay , tiles for mosaics, epoxy putty, or any other 3D medium - people have taken a media and built with them, refined them, stuck parts together, painted them, in an attempt to materialize their vision. I say Lego is the epitome of what an artistic medium should be - versatile, varied, ordered and leading to unlimited possibilities. Why not use Lego like any other medium? @Toa Genris: oh, just you wait. I've redone Toa Ignika, and if not for an incident involving his arm and my dog's mouth, he would have been posted already. So he's close to Mata Nui's Bara Magna version - although I have been thinking of making a proper version of him too, but it would require making a mold of the Ignika (to fill, in with milliput and reshape from there), and a whole new design. Teridax ... boy, where to start. I've done so many incarnations of him, but now I think I have found a good chest design. And I'm in the process of sculpting the krahkaan. So its going to be a long time before he is done too. Yet my trans-dimensional Vezon, Kapura, and all the Nuva are nearing completion. Soonest will be Kapura ...
  16. Wow, so many responses, so quickly!@Kumata: unfortunately that silver 3 x 1 half-thickness lift arm problem is difficult to resolve. I tried black, and it interferred with the look. I have a very important rule about consistency; always use the same colors of the same pieces in the same MOC. Technic allows some wiggle-room, but in the head it is painfully obvious there are three +o+ pieces, and if one black it looks ... more off than with silver.Also the silver is necessary for color distribution, and the piece is necessary for height. Maybe the out-of-place look is due to the abruptness, and if so I could simply sculpt a more flowing piece that fits the design. Hmmm ...And neat idea about silver hair, but the limitations on quantity and the immense prices involved keep me from ding it. Light bluish-grey may work, but would be pretty obvious. @Sumiki: do you mean the blue half plus rods half pins? Those would be easy to replace with some shortened axles with end stops ... however, I feel as much blue I can get with those evenly distributed makes her color scheme more properly layered. It would be difficult to replace all of those with black or grey ones ...The arms - yes, now I see it. It does look a bit unfinished, and whereas elsewhere Technic provides structure covered by armor, this makes up the armor. Not good. There is a bit of axle sticking out, though, and maybe I can sculpt a very flat piece of armor with a lift arm part underneath to attach it. Maybe it can look like the hydruka piece ... @{Con Quy}: Thank you! The eyes *sigh* were very, very meticulously cut, sanded, and polished from those nice air-bubble-less 3 length trans-medium blue bars (light saber blades, but not the regular length). I must have gone though eight bars and so many pairs of eyes before I got identical ones that fit snugly (not to mention I lost some in the process). They really just stay there by themselves, but I also but a shortened black clip to get them at the same spot on either side.I never interpreted that as a headdress, but rather as part of her anatomy (why it would be so, I cannot speculate). At first I had used chains plus tubes to make the braids and a decorated, cut piece of cloth to be very movie-accurate, but then I found out about black chains and did all that you see. They just evolved into hair-like appendages, and not meant to be a headdress - if I had know that was what it was supposed to be, I'd have kept it true to the movie.To all and everyone else, thank you!
  17. Well, I rather unexpectedly found my Roodaka to be completed after ... years of tinkering. Well, its only been a year (or two) since I posted this version of her, but that itself was a work since I got the set ... in 2005. Anywhoo, considering new designs and replacing original parts, I'd say the only thing left of the original set is her jaw. Enjoy! So, here's the gallery when public. So, like her or hate her? Or her modifications? Please share your constructive criticism, comments, and questions.
  18. Thanks all!@Chaos Dralcax: speaking of Vezon, he's a current project of mine. And his face has been a project for over a year now - so unhappy was I with the crude look of sculpting over the cut-off area you mentioned (which I previously had done, and soft plastic does not sand well) I made a mold, filled it with milliput and now have an entirely new face for him. I wanted slightly different jaw dimensions so it is taking far longer to refine the piece, but boy, if you all don't like modifications, I wonder how you all will feel about sculpting ... not to mention combining trans-orange and trans-blue sockets into one functioning socket.In fact, most of my upcoming MOCs feature some more ... radical modifications.
  19. @Ranubis: for the chest, I used two transparent orange antenna tops:
  20. @PooZy: the original set did allow for a mantis-like positioning of the twin daggers, yet they were in reality (story line reality) separate from his being. I tried to represent this by giving him some hands that could fold back to be mantis-like, but still hold the weapons. Yet it would be neat for him to be able to hold them at such an angle as he had in the original set ...@TOA PIRAKA HAKANN 2.0: true, by modifying parts the challenge of "the build" diminishes somewhat. Yet I have found the modification processes, varied as they are, to be themselves quite challenging. For example, it is necessary to sometimes alter parts symmetrically, polish them to look cohesive, or have a flawless paint job. In fact, I avoid modifications if at all possible because perfect modifications are so very difficult. In Takadox the modifications may seem lazy, as if there may have been alternatives. Yet in other MOCs yet to be presented, I find that the modifications only enhance what would have been good regardless of modification. @Zatano: True, I prefer my armor to be more custom than Metru plates. Yet to maintain the gaunt look and flow of the limbs, it was necessary to use such generic pieces. Alas, custom armoring would require an entirely new par of sculpted plates. I would be able to do it, now that I think of it, just by making one and molding it. Then I could replicate as many as I would need, Wow, thanks for the advice - that is definitely a project for the future ...
  21. Wow, great MOC! Its size is impressive, and its design is great too. The whole look of it is superb, and there are only a couple things to improve upon; first, perhaps you could add more silver or take it all away (tubes come in black). Also, the tail could possibly be made with more ligaments, maybe HF limbs and armor. Otherwise, excellent MOC truly deserving of its name.
  22. @ Sumiki: yeah, I definitely made sure the pictures were bright and big. And I see what you mean - I know exactly what pieces to use for bulking up the waist a bit.@ Renegade Phantom: very good point - and I know how to make the feet bluer. I'll spraypaint the perpendicular two-hole connector. Same size and nearly the same exterior location as on the hands. Great advice! Thanks to everyone else, keep it coming!
  23. As you may have presumed, I now present Takadox. Yes, there are some painted parts, and some modified ones as well (just trimmed). I always interpreted him as being very thin and skeletal ... By the way, all the little pictures link to their larger counterparts; gallery when public. The system parts on the hands are not attached as I usually do (cutting, gluing, etc) because the parts are rare, and I found a claw attatchment gives an exo-skeletal/armored look to the hand. But maybe I should make the alterations ... Here is where you go to see more of Matoro and the Ignika So, please share your comments, questions, and constructive criticism ...
  24. Nice work! All of them are fathoms better (heh) than their original designs. The leg design I see repeated is nice, and they all look put-together and Toa-like, instead of short or hunched over like Kongu and Matoro were. Though is Hewkii's mask backward? And I would use blue rahkshi heads on Hahli, not silver. Otherwise, excellent work!Edit: caught a bit of explanation up there, you like the reversal. Perhaps use a green Barakki eye? Cyclops Hewkii might be better than no-face Hewkii
  25. Wow, great work here - a Toa-sized mace! Hoorah! I plan to make Helryx one day, and she has one (to my recollection) and this is perfect. Of course if I ever get around to building and posting her, I shall give credit to you for the mace design
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