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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Reznas

  1. #Bionicle2015 I just had to. :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Reznas


      #SinceNever Oops, did I just go mainstream again? Sorry 'bout that.

    3. fishers64


      *ominous voice* Being countercultural is a burden few beings are strong enough to bear. :P

    4. Reznas


      I am willing to take on the fiery breath of the dragon that is countercultural. #dragons (Imagine a strikethrough here)

  2. Are any of your kids still in Bible Quizing?

  3. Are you a Christian? It seems that way. I am.

  4. Are you baptist?

  5. Are you Baptist?

  6. Awsome. Everyday on BZP, I turn around and find a Christian. Are you Baptist?

  7. Can someone please tell me what's on my mind?!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Legendary TNT

      The Legendary TNT

      Well hopefully a skull, because if not; you may need to see a doctor.

    3. Dual Cee

      Dual Cee

      you're mind is not your brain, if there's always a skull on your mind you better go see a therapist

    4. CeeCee


      Santa Hats in January.

      Also DM, there is always a skull on my mind. He's called Death.


  8. Check it out again. Oh and please make a request.

  9. Check out my Comics Contest #2 Entry. If you like it, don't hesitate to vote! :)

  10. Congrats on your new position!

  11. Cool! I have bible quizing practice today.

  12. Cool! I'm Baptist.

  13. Cool! Southern Baptist?

  14. Cool! What was your team name last year? Did you go to Iowa or Nationals? Happy Birthday!

  15. Cool. Do you want to be in my comics?

  16. Could you make a poll for me? Comment me the answer. Here it is: Are you sad that Bionicle is leaving or not, because Hero Factory is coming.

  17. Could you please post in my comics, Comedie, and Sprite kit? That would be nice.

  18. English please?

  19. Even so, please change it. It bypasses the BZP rules. Ask, your friend for another name.

  20. Go to options on my page, and then go to Members topics, then click on my comics, my drawing for Shadix, and my Sprite kit.

  21. God bless America!

  22. Good! If you want me to teach you other awesome effects with GIMP, I can.

  23. Good. Now just my drawing and sprite.

  24. Happy Birthday, SPIRIT! Try to fight off some crocodiles and maybe box a kangaroo, alright? Oh, and maybe eat cake. :)

    1. SPIRIT


      Try? I have to SUCCEED in fighting off those animals.

    2. Ghidora131


      Yoda enthusiast.

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