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Flying Mummy

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Status Updates posted by Flying Mummy

  1. I added you as my friend because of what you said on the "Bzpower Kills Bionicle" topic.

  2. I made a new MoC, see my profile for details

  3. He is my 5 year old corgi, Scout.

  4. Welsome to BZPower!

  5. Wellcome to BZP.

  6. In response to the "Something Funny Messages"

    Block in your blog about Mata Nui being asleep for a thousand years

    I say: That explans Agua Magna.

  7. We share a lot of the same interests, cool!

  8. Are you still doing Destinycast?

    If so could you feature my trading post in the B/S/T section?

  9. What the guy below me said.

  10. Congrats on the hundred posts!

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