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Dragonfly the Luminescent

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Everything posted by Dragonfly the Luminescent

  1. She's actually pretty nice. I liked her blade and the fact that you added Bionicle elements in it (mainly the long handle). You got the proportions pretty well overall, although her arms seem just a bit short. I know how hard it can be to draw arms and get the proportions right, especially to the body. Normally, the tip of the fingers will rest a hand-length right above the top of the knee cap, but obviously this will vary depending on the character (especially characters that aren't human ).The mask looks very well done as does the shading.
  2. I don't actually have any idea where I heard the Zelda quote (probably from L's comics), but your line reminded me of that, too.That's what I was thinking when I read the new comic. If I remember right, I think you once told me that this idea has been going on since it started seven years ago. That's a long time to develop a nice plot, and it's shown in your comics -- especially this last one.I saw my TMN-self in the banner, too. 'Tis okay, I haz two formz.
  3. So from the last panel when you see me and Zero with Joland (sixth panel not including the header), is the seventh panel a quick flashback to let the readers know what happened, or did Zero and I leave and then the portal opened? I'm guessing we left and then the portal opened, seeing that Joland is awake when it does.
  4. Okay, NOW I'm interested ... That last panel really told a lot and yet still left me wondering.Poor Joland ...I do assume you're going to explain what in the world happened, right? Things are getting strange.And I got an appearance! Yay!
  5. Name change FTW!

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      Both in that I like it, and that I changed my name as well.

    4. I love pie

      I love pie

      Has a lovely sound to it.

  6. It really doesn't matter what it is. If it has ponies in it, I'm always gonna say, "Awwwww." Even if they're killing zombies. :PI like the tri-shade effect, but the ponies in the show actually don't have shading in their body, so I think the current version of shading you're doing is just fine. I do like the more accurate girl-pony-head-version, though.
  7. Ditto at your last line. Now I have an even bigger reason to like both Bionicle and ponies.
  8. Awwww, Pinkie's expression is so cute after the soldier boy question! ^_^And your expression looks like you just got electrocuted. :PYou really are improving your art skills.
  9. Happy birthday, Dinoman!That was one of the best birthday comics I've ever seen! Dinoman's reaction to his gift really made the comic! :DAnd wow ... I literally can't tell you how perfect and expressive your new style is. I'm so looking forward to more of these!
  10. I thought the "Other gun firing sounds" was funny, too. :POoooh, Zik is getting more and more interesting ... I think he may be one of my favorite characters of yours so far.
  11. Aww, poor DarkKnight. :PThat would have been an epic scene in her memory if the gun had another bullet in it.
  12. I think the shop closed to new requests near the end of December. :/ Yes, and I'm really sorry about that, because I love drawing ponies for you guys. But I'm trying to manage college, and I can't be taking new requests right now. I will see if I can reopen it in the summer, and I will certainly be keeping your little brother in mind.
  13. *Portal turret voice* Goodnight.
  14. This dude, TSG, doesn't have his picture linked. And I was wondering if you would change my picture to this one and change my name to Dragonfly the Luminescent. Pretty soon here I'll be able to change my name. The 23rd I think.
  15. Exactly what Jiming said.LNU, your style with Pinkie is really improving! In the last panel, her profile view was more accurate, with a smaller nose and rounder forehead. I even thought that in the second to last panel her eyes looked nicer than before.Keep up the excellent work!
  16. I still don't understand how glasses became a nerdy thing. It's not a requirement to have bad eyesight to become a nerd. I'm sorry guys. I'm not cool enough to see like the rest of you. Maybe someday... And X, portal guns are so last year. Goddess Sword's are IN right now man. IN. Whoa whoa I never meant to say glasses are nerdy I need them my self I said it was nerdy because it combined My little pony and Legend of Zelda. Oh yeah. Duly noted. Essentially, I realized I was straddling the line between "Geek" and "Dork" when I obtained a copy of every LoZ Manga in print. Ah, I see what Driken meant now.If Swords are in right now, LNU, then can I have your Portal gun?
  17. I still don't understand how glasses became a nerdy thing. It's not a requirement to have bad eyesight to become a nerd.
  18. Okeyday! Finally got a new pony done! College officially started, so pony progress will be slower. Sorry about that. I'll most likely get them done on the weekends, but hopefully I can get more than one done on the weekends in the future.So here's LNU who finally got to request a pose of his own. He was literally the second pony I ever drew, so his first two poses were ideas of mine way before I made the Boutique. He's a portal fan and a Zelda fan, and the glasses are a new touch requested by him.Enjoy!
  19. Well, I became an alien once. *shudders* Man, that was creepy.
  20. I've had dreams with MLP-styled themes in it, but no ponies.
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