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Dragonfly the Luminescent

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Everything posted by Dragonfly the Luminescent

  1. Can't you recieve any messages? I tried sending you one, telling you that you're in my Boutique request list now so you could reply and fill out the pony form, but I got a notice thing that said you can't recieve messages.

  2. Those were supposed to be secret! Now I'm going to have to think of something else to test them with. GLaDOS's test chambers? (From Portal)

    1. JiMing



  4. He was supposed to have a "spaced-out" look, but happy will pass. And now majhost quit on me again ...
  5. O majhost, o majhost, there art thou!

  6. Finally! I got another pony done! Sorry for the long wait, guys. But majhost is back up! The X, who somehow managed to visit the Halo universe and the Minecraft universe and take with him Spartan armor and the diamond helmet as souvenirs.Enjoy!
  7. Just glue it in its port. Then it'll stay for sure.
  8. If that's binary, then yes, I know what the 10 kinds of people are.TPBM is dead.
  9. Yes, I'd like to say I am. :DTPBM has has times when he/she wanted to stop the planet and get off.
  10. O majhost, o majhost, where art thou, o majhost?

  11. I can completely relate. Well at least I don't have to worry too much now.
  12. That is a really nice lightsabre, by the way. I'd like one like that. It's Count Dooku's, right?
  13. Why did the chicken cross the road?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. P~M


      Because I replied to your comment.

    3. Dragonfly the Luminescent

      Dragonfly the Luminescent

      No, because he was stapled to the chicken. XD


      Why did the turkey cross the road?

    4. P~M
  14. WAAT Images can be lost forever?? Ooooh ... I haven't been through many majhost downtimes to know what to expect ...
  15. I expected to see the other main five characters, but the CMC were a better group of Marines. :DApplebloom's mane and tail look very nice! I don't know if it's because Sweetie Belle is farther away, but her head looks just a bit smaller than the other two's heads and helmets. I do think that Pinkie would be a scary drill sergeant ... unless she serves cupcakes to everyone after basic training.
  16. Ugh ...

    1. I love pie

      I love pie

      Something wrong?

    2. Dragonfly the Luminescent

      Dragonfly the Luminescent

      College ... restricts ... freetime ...

      And it's also a bummer when I don't agree with my professor. :P

    3. P~M


      Just do away with sleep and BAM-- 8 more hours of free time! :P

  17. "Why did you resort to cannibalism so quickly?"That was the best punchline. XDIt's also nice to see the characters with brief bios; normally those sheets don't have bios at all.
  18. Sometimes when I'm drawing, I'll think for a milisecond that there's a "cntrl-z" button.
  19. Yes, seven to be exact. And they're not fish. :PTPBM loves homemade smoothies (I'm addicted to the smoothies my mom makes).
  20. Well, being that there are only four basic colors of hair, red being the least common, I think the Japanese like blonde-haired characters.
  21. All you would have to do is replace the silver Zamor Spheres in the abdomen with red ones, if you have those colors. I think I have just one, so I don't know if red ones are a misprint or just a rare color.
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