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Dragonfly the Luminescent

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Everything posted by Dragonfly the Luminescent

  1. Aww, don't stop with the updates, Black Six! Even though I'm new to reading these, I like them! Now that I think I figured out the mailbag deal, I might send something.
  2. Well I suppose it's about time I posted, seeing that I've been keeping up with this topic. :)Your drawing style is really nice and easy to see. The shading is smooth and flowing, and it gives the comic a nice effect. My only suggestion is to darken the lines on the sketched comics to make it a little easier to tell the characters apart from the background.I think that the "double you" in the last comic was an interesting effect. It's kind of how I see myself, too. :PI really like the Taka Nuvia's appearance as well. Is she wearing an Ignika or an Avohkii? I'm guessing Avohkii because her name sounds similar to Takanuva. What inspired you to design a character like her? She's very unique.
  3. Hey, just to give you a heads-up, your sig exceeds the KB limit. You might want to change that. :)

  4. Yeah, I can relate, but mine already started a few days ago. But at least we have weekends!! @Waffles: Underwater Basket Weaving? You have no idea how much of a joke that is around our house.
  5. Aww, thanks! I'm going to try hard to get the next pony out today (weekends WHOO!).Well, if you want to see a process, here is a gallery with Necro's pony, and here I explain the steps in one of my blogs.
  6. How do you make those odd symbols that you put in the tags, anyway?
  7. Well, whether there's a plot or not, these comics are keeping me in suspense. What gonna happen next??Although, I was wondering what program you use to make your comics, and what tool you use to make MoC's blue wing things stretched. It looks really neat.
  8. Drawn comics! Whether they're hand drawn or digitally drawn, they always look great! The shading and simple graphics look really nice, and I think it was a pretty neat idea to progress to this. The censoring in Venom's Blahblahblah made me laugh.
  9. I love anyone who loves Portal. <3 CAN NEVER GET ENOUGH!!
  10. No, I don't think so. :PAll six of them are so cute! Fluttershy still looks so nice, and Rarity's coffee made me laugh. The ponies have ponytails!
  11. Planning on going Premier soon ...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ~Allegretto~
    3. LNU n' Pinkie Pie

      LNU n' Pinkie Pie

      That should be fun. I need to do the same at some point...

    4. P~M


      I might eventually...

  12. If you've ever seen the movie called Holes: Once upon a time. There was a magical place were it never rained. The end. Sorry, but I couldn't resist.
  13. Nope, but I was considering going to get one. But you know how sticky BZP can be to your eyeballs. :PTPBM likes sleek, styled aliens rather than ugly bug-like aliens.
  14. Is Past Sins creepy on any level? I'm not a fan of creepiness.
  15. Nope, I'm careful. :PTPBM's favorite color is white.
  16. Mine, too, but I was considering reading Past Sins.
  17. No, but it looks fun.TPBM has a board game they play with family by tradition.
  18. Aww, I don't think I've made it that long. It'd be a shock if I made it 12 hours. Go get some sleep now, vampire.
  19. You'd think that they'd figure out how to fix computers to not have crashes nowadays. And I can relate with the deadline thing. Life always throws a curve ball, or I always find a more entertaining thing to do. :POf course I care to see! I always love seeing artwork, especially from my friends. Not to mention that it's pony related -- that means I'm definately going to see it. :POh wow, 8th most posted? That's awesome! You're very welcome for the feedback, and keep up the great work!
  20. Define "wild" animal. I'm kidding, I know what you mean. No, I haven't. I asked because I can make an in-joke about that.TPBM has more than three siblings.
  21. Oh yes, I can. :DTPBM likes ponified versions of anything.
  22. Wow, my inbox is usually exciting. :PThat's a nice header, and the poses are really cute.
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