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Axilus Prime

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Year 12

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About Axilus Prime

  • Birthday 10/25/1996

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    Bionicle (obvious, though lately I haven't been into it, for reasons that are also obvious), Transformers (Movies, WFC/FOC, Prime), Halo, and some other stuff.

    Oh, were you expecting this to be longer? It was before, but it was also out of date at that time. So, which would you prefer? :P

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Master of Poison Loose

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  1. Awesome. So much TF4 pre-production news is pouring in.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Axilus Prime
    3. Noble Tehurye

      Noble Tehurye



      They're just churning them out, aren't they? It wasn't that long since DOTM...


      I've never seen any of the films or played the games, but I do like what I know of Transformers...

    4. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      You should see the films, they're all great. Each better than the last.


      None are without flaws, but they are no more flawed than the average action movie. (That's not to say that action movies are a low and flawed branch of films.)


      TF1 the game is...odd, to say the least. It wasn't very good. TF2 was decent. Now, TF3, I have only rented once to play on a borrowed Xbox, but I can say it was a great game. So are WFC and FOC, the games made for that game engine....

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