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Axilus Prime

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Year 12

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About Axilus Prime

  • Birthday 10/25/1996

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    Bionicle (obvious, though lately I haven't been into it, for reasons that are also obvious), Transformers (Movies, WFC/FOC, Prime), Halo, and some other stuff.

    Oh, were you expecting this to be longer? It was before, but it was also out of date at that time. So, which would you prefer? :P

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Master of Poison Loose

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  1. Finally got an Xbox! I still need to buy Halo 4, but you guys can add me. Gamertag is Axilus Prime. (How Shocking.)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Just about everyone on BZP who plays Halo.


      Money? Ha. All I have is $110. That's enough for Halo 4, a second controller, and some change! But I guess, one day.


      All right, for your sake. It never sounded appealing to me, especially with the new HUD, but if I see it in stores for cheap...


      You're German? Wow, my dad speaks some German.

    3. Noble Tehurye

      Noble Tehurye

      That's why I was just hazarding with the "money" thing. Will you have enough for Xbox Live?


      Trust me, it's fun. The new HUD is not hard to get used to at all, I just jumped right into it the first time that I played.


      No, actually, my family is purely Dutch. I've been taking German classes for a few years now, though, and my dad speaks it. I'm not fluent yet, but... I'm getting better and better.

    4. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      I have a 1 month free trial, not yet activated. I also have a card for 3 months of it, likewise. I don't know if I'll continue buying after that (depends on if it's worth it), but I know I won't start using Gold without Halo 4.


      All right.


      Ah. Yeah, German classes is also how my dad does it. But between comics, school, and gaming...I have no time for any extracurricular activities or weekend classes for anything.

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