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Axilus Prime

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Year 12

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About Axilus Prime

  • Birthday 10/25/1996

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    Bionicle (obvious, though lately I haven't been into it, for reasons that are also obvious), Transformers (Movies, WFC/FOC, Prime), Halo, and some other stuff.

    Oh, were you expecting this to be longer? It was before, but it was also out of date at that time. So, which would you prefer? :P

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Master of Poison Loose

Master of Poison Loose (167/293)

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  1. I would greatly appreciate anyone who could give me a Chimoru sixshade Takanuva '08 sheet.

    1. Noble Tehurye

      Noble Tehurye



      I might actually be able to do that...


      Might, okay, just might. :P Probably not. But can you give me any more details?

    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      I needed the Takanuva '08 sheet so I could recolor it to build a sixshade Axilus as per the request of the UCS. But if you meant to sixshade it yourself rather than find it, better to simply sixshade the Axilus sheet. Either way, thanks for trying!

    3. Hexann


      I have looked into that as well I suggest putting something like that in your sig.

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