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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by ~Shockwave~

  1. granted everything gets wiped.i wish i had depth perception(i imagine i can already drive poorly)
  2. yes but its still there. which means, if i buy it, i have to pay for that functionality, even though i cant use it.so i have to pay for games i already have? no thank you.ok the slide pad is nice. the arrow buttons can be a pain sometimes.they already made it bigger why not add that in?
  3. i don't like the 3DS. but i'm probably biased because i have no depth perception.for those of you saying "what?" that means 3D doesn't work for me.plus it's not backwards compatable beyond ds games.plus mine works.plus all the games i want are still on the ds.and making it bigger doesn't make it better Nintendo.make it completely backwards compatible and maybe i'll think about it.
  4. crispy (this is drifting into awkward territory. isn't it?)
  5. granted. proper cloak coming up. unfortunately its an invisibility cloak. have fun finding it.i wish i could drive a car...
  6. most every curse word irritates the living tar out of me.i know a girl who hates the word moist. my youth group has way too much fun with that.or when people call teachers Mrs./Mr. "comere Mrs.!" it just sounds so rude.or "no offense but _________." your joking right?noises i hate are when the screws make that squeaking sound when putting them in. its worse than nails on a chalk board.i know theres a few words that bug me, but i cant think of them now...
  7. done... though not much.one more question: is there ever going to be a difference between the male/female toa sprites?
  8. i would like to see some "easter egg" characters.but i understand that's not a priority for you. and that's fine.i must also add i am enjoying beating the tar out of anything that comes at me.and at this point i'm glad i can use lightning.edit: I'd like to point out that my computer is pretty low end as far as gaming goes. so this may be my computer.
  9. i love this game. though its a bit slow at times.you say you have vahki sprites? any chance of a vahki being a playable character?any way to speed it up a bit? it looks like i'm gong bullettime sometimes.i really want to play as a vahki.
  10. i still think its hard to beat rotf optimus.man i want that guy
  11. THIS GUY!wait... that's not right... i already passed that number... right?happy birthday! hope it was a good one!even if i don't know you...
  12. you do not need the human for them. they work fine without sam.i also.theres no leader barricade to make fight scenes with.
  13. I don't doubt it isn't a good idea to forge Spaceballs. It's probably made of rather durable stuff.~B~bite me.you know what i meant... mumblemumble
  14. ah, the princess bride.don't forget spaceballsrobin hood: men in tightsinceptionthe matrix (aligory of the cave, anyone?)i love wall-ethe sixth day (seriously, this one will make you think. watch it. now!)how could i forget the avengers? (epic quote fest)i'll add more later
  15. This is what I say with Hot Shot: If you have FE Bumblebee and you never got the PRID version, get Hot Shot. If you have PRID Bumblebee would like the mold better if it wasn't Bumblebee, get Hot Shot. If you don't have either FE or PRID Bumblebee because you hate Bumblebee, get Hot Shot.Hot Shot is the DOTM Thundercracker for me; a repaint of a mold that almost everybody would normally pass over that improves upon the original toy but is a non-screen character. (Coincidentally, they're both blue.)Basically what I'm saying is buy Hot Shot. EVERYONE. *runs and cradles PRID Hot Shot* I second this. As one who isn't really into Movie Bumblebee's design in general, HA Bumblebee is a fantastic toy and easily the best one yet (arguably tied with Battle Blades; BB has a more accurate head and sizes better with the others).i wanted BBBB (ha!) but i passed him up for WFC bumblebee. cant say i made a mistake either. the mistake was passing up drift. if i had known i was gonna get the cliff repaint i woulda grabbed drift. (in case you didn't notice, I've got a thing with swords)and when i say favorite i don't mean favorite BB, i mean all time top pick of my collection favorite.
  16. TNG. If you want a good movie bumblebee, go human alliance. One of my favorites
  17. clearence... i wish i snagged it. if just for roller. i cant find febb anywhere!!!! grrrrrr!!!!
  18. Lol, Roost Poison Heal Gliscor was literally my first thought when I read about the Move Tutors.Shortly followed by "Oh God."~B~uh... huh?Remember when you battled me? The Gliscor I used had the ability Poison Heal, which is why it recovered HP when it was poisoned by the Toxic orb.Now imagine that Gliscor with Poison Heal AND a reliable recovery move.oh. man i really need to get in gear... i missed so many events... all because i was irked at nintendo.plus i just don't really know that much about that type of thing...and i need to train my team...i have alot of work to do
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