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Toa Smoke Monster

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by Toa Smoke Monster

  1. Out comes the ultimate Bionicle encyclopedia. In goes Kulta.
  2. You know what would be a twist? If the statues were the winners of the game. After all, what better way to remember someone than a statue made in their likeness, even if they were turned into it?
  3. 'It was at that moment that Pohatu saw himself as someone who was too cool to watch a sunrise.'
  4. 'You think I'm pretending to be a Dark Hunter, but I'm actually double crossing the Order of Mata Nui.' Vezok
  5. I would probably then know what those were, as I don't know what they are as of this post. If you could take an Agori to any fast food restaurant, you would...
  6. If episode one is any indication, I highly doubt episode 2 will have a lot of tranquility.
  7. I had a feeling Bohrok would pop up at some point. Though I wasn't expecting them to show up this soon into the game.
  8. I actually didn't think about what Mask my character would wear. To correct this, I'm going to say that my character is wearing a Miru.
  9. I would take a Mask of Flight in the shape of a Hau. That would very convenient for me.
  10. I'm in the same boat as you, mate. Regardless, I really liked the prologue. Now for the games to begin.
  11. 'I thought Makuta did a good job running the universe.' Umarak
  12. I throw an actual Warhammer at you. i got him.
  13. I am Mama. And I say give me the Mask. My Mask.
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