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Everything posted by Pupwa21

  1. Pupwa, 20/20 Turning the hammer a little bit so I be propelled upwards and then Downwards. Still spinning, I Turned on my rockets at full power as soon I was above his head. "IM GOING TO DRILL YOUR HEAD WITH MY FEET!"
  2. Pupwa 20/20 Now safe, I smashed a hole in the wall from the direction the spears were coming from and set my rockets to thrust diagonally. Finally I spun around and around until I gain enough momentum and activated the rockets, Thrusting me towards Ehks while at the same time spinning around at high speeds, Hoping to Smash his head into bits.
  3. Pupwa 20/20 Predicting Ehks would try to hold his ground, I flipped down the rockets and set the Sledge on the ground, heavy part down. Turning on the rockets now, it causes me to crush the floor I was standing on and dropping me into the buliding, safe from the hard light spears.
  4. Pupwa, 20/20 "REMEMBER THAT HISTORY IS BOUND TO REPEAT ITSELF!" Stopping the rockets, I Land shakily on a rooftop, making my master plan.
  5. Pupwa, 20/20 "SEE YA!" Quickly turning the rockets in the sledge to point upwards and turning them on, I sky rocketed my way up.
  6. But it's my Birthday. It's now or I won't be able to fight in this round today.
  7. Ok it's a reasonable hour, where's the round?
  8. Remember kids, Voting On Time Ensured System, or VOTES is still in business! You do know how to use it right?
  9. Don't tell 2chan. ◎色変え報告まとめ(暫定版) ・ピーチ:ファイアピーチ ・ヨッシー:黒、紫(白無し) ・リンク:鬼神、白、紫 ・トゥーン:部屋着 ・ピット:黒無し? ・パルテナ:ナチュレ ・オリマー:アルフ(キャラ変更) ・メタナイト:ダメタ、ガラクタ ・フォックス:ウルフカラー(Xの同?異?不明) ・ピカチュウ:金銀主帽子、XY主帽子、パーティー帽子復活、 ・リザードン:黒(原作色違い) ・ルフレ:変更は髪色のみ ・パックマン:色は変わらずアクセが変わる
  10. I would do great in an evidence based game.
  11. What does American Texas men have to do wth time?
  12. Wow, so much Butthurt over numbers. Glad I got post 133.
  13. Stealing avatars now? 2 can play that game.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pupwa21


      Too late.

      I'm not letting 8 minutes go to waste.

    3. Pupwa21


      Ok more than 8 minutes passed new Avatar.

    4. -Windrider-


      Good, because impersonating other members = nope. : P

  14. As your reward Ehks, other than not getting killed by me, Is this.
  15. Confirmed. What happened to my Ez-life gun? That could qualify as a health enchantment.
  16. If I can't tell who voted who, then how will I be able to join a Bandwagon? If the Role who can see who voted for who dies, then the mafia has little to no resistance. Ergo trash it.
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