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Everything posted by Pupwa21

  1. I wanna sign up. Member Name: PupwaWeapon: Rocket sledge. Think of a sledge hammer with 4 Rockets attached to it.Power: The rockets on the Sledge shall be used as the "power". I can propel myself, speed up my swings or even Launch some of them as a projectile attack. I can not use Rockets I used as projectiles.Appearance: Who could I be?
  2. Not voting yet, but I learned alot more than who died and who didn't tonight.
  3. Alright, I'm starting without player no.9. So by Saturday, 5:00, I need your targets and PM's. Which, by the way, I only got 4 of. Get them or I'll Kill you instantly if you are targeted.
  4. Diverting away from smash, I recently got "Hitman: HD trilogy" and I'm disappointed with it. Blood money is really only worth playing but it isn't in HD. Contracts is too slow paced, and Slient Assassin didn't age well.
  5. Yeah, life and school is conspiring to bring down all our hosts. They started with Xae and now Burn. No wait, I do.
  7. I was unable to finish 0.7 due to all the roles doing nothing. Including mafia. and you all blame me for its failure.
  8. When I was reading this, This came to mind. While some of the things in here requires reading the first one, it makes a great set up for both book 2 and it's characters. too bad I'm dead.
  9. Get on our level, Pupwa. Why would I want to be on your level anyways? It's just the basement.
  10. Now we patiently wait for windy...It's 499 KB's. Sorry, better luck next time.
  11. I take your name as a challenge to find how many words you make with it. Very well. Polt (some German word.) Tag Rip Go Ago Tap Pat Goal That's all I can think of.
  12. Gee, I wonder if that's legit. Here's mine. m8r-kyhdnl@mailinator.com it's disposable.
  13. MT, give me your email. I have much for you to do.
  14. 2 more spots. Also I got PM's from NOBODY but Zakaro.
  15. This thread devolved into madness between rounds. I'm out.
  16. Time isn't really real. It's a thing our brain made in order to track motion.
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