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Toa Zaz

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Everything posted by Toa Zaz

  1. Seeing as Bionicle isn't coming back, who cares? It's not like those websites were being updated, anyway. I'm actually kind of surprised that they didn't get around to doing this sooner... On a different note, if the current incarnation of the Hero Factory website is indicative of the quality of Lego's new "website technology," then it'll be a dark future for us Lego fans.
  2. The Ussanui set uses six of the Rahkshi torso pieces, so I think the intention was that it was made from all six of them. Also, I think I recall in Mask of Light, Takanuva encased Turahk in, like, a gold shell or something. Like what Makuta did to the Karzahni plant.
  3. This happens pretty often in Bionicle; someone or something gets frozen, and then is easily shattered. The problem with this is 1. From my knowledge it's impossible. If a substance was frozen then it wouldn't adopt the properties of ice, right? 2. It's contradicted a couple times. In Island of Doom, Avak's weapon is frozen, so he gets rid of the ice by hitting it against a rock. Also, if I recall correctly, in Prisoners of the Pit, Pridak and Takadox are frozen, but then shatter the ice. Am I totally ignorant about physics, or is this really a logical problem?
  4. So, when Pahrak-Kal melted the giant rock Onua Nuva was carrying in the one comic, why wasn't Onua immediately killed by holding a large quantity of lava above his head?
  5. And how did Hahli find her way back, anyway? She was in the trunk the whole time on the way there.
  6. Characters in Bionicle are often so powerful that not having them use their powers is illogical. For instance, in Mask of Light, when Tahu is pinned down by Lerahk. Tahu has so many opportunities to defeat his opponent. Tahu could have used his Hau to create a force field and repel Lerahk. Or Tahu could have used his Kakama to run right through him. Or Tahu could have used his Pakari to simply overpower him. Is there some kind of limitation to Tahu's abilities that I'm missing (like in Legends of Metru Nui, when Vakama has to turn visible to fire his disk launcher)?
  7. Why did Takanuva build it? They already knew Makuta was in Mangaia, and he wasn't particularly far away. Hahli could come to the surface and alert everybody to come back down in no time. Why couldn't the Toa have all gone down to Mangaia on foot? Or, better yet, why not use the Mask of Speed to get there? The whole thing seems kind of illogical.
  8. Yeah, in Bionicle (and Hero Factory, for sure) there's a problem where characters try to attack other characters, and their attacks are useless. Such as somebody getting "hit by shadow" and basically being fine.
  9. I don't even think it's really supposed to be, like, a geometric force field or something like that, because then they would be impervious to attacks from behind. I think it just is supposed to offer the user personal protection from visible attacks. It's probably more like the original comics, where it's not really a field around them.
  10. So, the Voya Nui landscape was affected by the presence of the Ignika (inhospitable, greenbelt, etc). Just out of interest, when the Ignika was removed, did the island revert to more normal conditions? Like, did the green belt suddenly die?
  11. Why did they need Takutanuva to open it? Couldn't the Toa Nuva have shared the power of their Pakari to everyone in close proximity and opened the gate easily?
  12. If the Inika and the Matoran Resistance's Zamor spheres are full of energized protodermis, then shouldn't they be silver?
  13. Yeah. that green Roodaka clone is definitely not accurate. I think this picture from Bionicle World is, though: http://biosector01.com/wiki/index.php/File:Xian_Visorak_Battle_Ram.png In this picture, the male vortixx don't have "hair."
  14. The other thing is, if the Toa Metru/ Turaga had all these Kanohi the entire time, why didn't they use them? I'm sure they would've been useful during the Great Rescue, etc.
  15. The Toa had twelve Kanohi, but the Suva only had slots for six. Where did the Toa keep their other masks? Did they have two Suvas, or what?
  16. So, if Sidorak fired an obedience spinner at Keetongu, and Keetongu stopped it with his shields and then shot a spinner back, and Keetongu's spinner hit Roodaka, would Roodaka be obedient to Sidorak or Keetongu?
  17. And they went along with it? Wouldn't they question the logic behind their presence?
  18. If the goal of the Plan was to have the Toa reawaken Mata Nui, then why did the Makuta go and get in their way at all? If the Makuta hadn't come, then the Toa would have just been able to go in, reawaken Mata Nui, and get out. The Toa didn't even seem to be aware of the other Makuta's existence until they got to Karda Nui, so they wouldn't have wondered "why aren't the Makuta trying to stop us?" Also, the energy storms would have likely caused enough danger and difficulty that the Toa wouldn't be wondering afterwards if it was all a little too easy. Furthermore, a lot of the things the Makuta did to the Toa (Pohatu and Photok were almost dropped into the swamp, etc) seriously endangered the success of the Toa's mission, and by extension the Makuta's. It just seemed like the entire operation was logically pointless and risked putting the Plan in jeopardy.
  19. So if the Bitil from farthest in the past dies, they all die?
  20. If Bionicle wasn't meant for kids, then the story would be drastically different due to not needing to incorporate and sell the toys. Probably fewer characters and settings, and a more ongoing storyline.
  21. Out of interest, does anyone know if Greg is still taking care of his daughter, or is it his ex-wife, or are they just taking turns, or what? Not to encourage him to neglect his parental responsibilities, but with more time on his hands maybe he can pick up on the serials again.
  22. It really doesn't hold up today at all. I think we only liked it at the time because we were so hyped for it and because it was a relative novelty at the time.
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