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Toa Zaz

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Everything posted by Toa Zaz

  1. Member name: Toa ZazEntry category: ToaEntry URL: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/ToaZaz/Flashfireentry/tahunuvacolor006.jpg
  2. I heard about this somewhere, but information is pretty scarce. Has anyone here seen it? If so, is it any good? Should I try getting it off eBay?
  3. So, where do all these characters store the extra ammunition they use? I mean, where do the Piraka keep their extra Zamor spheres? In their spines, like Irnakk? And where does Vakama store all those humongous disks? His back is already taken up by his launcher. Most likely, it's just a story inconsistency that Lego finally decided to fix with the Inika and the Barraki, but is their some kind of explanation?
  4. Why does size even matter? Can't it just be resized to however large you want it to be printed?
  5. Hopefully, they'll release a director's cut of Prometheus that answers more questions and resolves it a little more, like they did with Blade Runner.
  6. So, out of curiosity, does anybody here know who ended up winning it?
  7. I believe Nuparu was introduced a little later on as well.
  8. So, what's the point of an Akaku if a Ruru can do the same thing, and more?
  9. Stepping on one of Nuju's crystal spikes. Ow.
  10. So, could I do, like, a sillouette of Tahu, or do I have to fully detail it?
  11. Also very true. In attempting to emulate a Toa, he would have followed the Toa Code.Except that it was specifically stated that Ignika was unaware of the Toa Code and had no problem with killing people.
  12. The mask of possibilities, just because it's such a poorly conceptualized power.
  13. Huh. All the hype around here is interesting. I heard it was formulaic, unoriginal, and mediocre.
  14. In the comic adaptation, they were swinging around on webs instead of flying, so maybe they can't fly at all.
  15. So the reason Tarrlok can inexplicably bloodbend without the full moon... is because he's the son of another guy who can also inexplicably bloodbend without the full moon.
  16. Huh. I'd thought it had some kind of liquid air deal like in The Abyss...So you have to hold your breath the duration of your travel? Seems impractical...
  17. I thought there was a May-June issue and a July-August issue?
  18. The topic died, so I presume it's over. Also, Zacax, you act like Greg's still writing the serials, which he obviously isn't...
  19. Actually, last time I checked, Rebirth Chronicles was over. If he can't keep a topic alive, he can't sustain an anime.
  20. Anyone like Black Butler? I saw the anime and wasn't crazy about it, but the manga is supposedly better.
  21. Either "Judo Flip" or "Jay Electronica Exhibit A: Transformations" for 2006. I don't know about Bionicle as a whole.EDIT: Maybe some daft punk would sound good for Metru Nui...
  22. The person below me is trans-sexual.
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