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Toa Zaz

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Everything posted by Toa Zaz

  1. Typically, masks retain a certain shape in order to avoid confusion, aside from a few exceptions like the Toa Hagah. Masks have a specific "Great" and "Noble" shape. In the movies, masks also have a specific "Matoran" shape, but in other media they're identical to the Great or Noble incarnations. On Metru Nui, to further clarify, Matoran masks were streaked with silver, and Noble masks were streaked with black. As for your examples, Kopaka's looked different because it had adapted to suit the environment, and Solek's mask was in the shape of a Noble Akaku.
  2. No offense, but you seem to be relatively sheltered when it comes to depictions of violence in cinema. Cannibal Holocaust, A Serbian Film, those are violent. This is toyetic kiddy fair with mild to moderately violent undercurrents. Most of the instances you mentioned happened (partially) offscreen; were desensitized by the perpetrators being robots or usage fantasy weapons, etc.; and/or were undercut by jokes to create comic relief. In the TV series, Bulk's weapon is a laser gun, and he never actually shoots (although attempts to) anyone with it. In Ordeal of Fire, the Fire Villains, aside from Fire Lord, serve as goons as opposed to drug-addicted terrorists. Also, aside from what Fire Lord does to Furno in the comic, they don't really "smash" the heroes. Instead, they mostly shoot fireballs at stuff which oddly enough don't seem to really do any genuine damage. The line where Fire Lord comments on having fluids on his hands seems to be played more for laughs then anything else. Drilldozer's weapon is too fantastical enough to be threatening. Admittedly, Fire Lord's amputation was fairly gruesome, but afterwards he seemed more resigned than in actual pain. In Savage Planet, Witch Doctor's skull was made of stone, and the addition of Quaza Spikes to the animals likely wasn't painful, as getting them broken off certainly wasn't. It's hard to feel too sorry for the animals being forced to witness themselves do the Witch Doctor's bidding because he never really made them do anything that evil, just put Quaza in a box. They weren't forced to kill people or anything. Also, Rocka being "mauled" by wolves was not only totally offscreen, but he didn't seem all that hurt afterwards and he was back in the groove of things in a couple of minutes. In Breakout, Black Phantom or Voltix or Von Nebula or whoever you were referring to isn't homicidal at all (he doesn't kill a single person). Also, he wasn't trying to blow up the factory, but merely destroy the assembly tower to prevent the creation of more heroes. Splitface's goal wasn't necessarily to kill the civilians in the space stations, but to disable the structure itself to prevent communication through it, and he didn't short circuit, he was just knocked into an asteroid and seemed fine afterwards. Toxic Reapa's tactic, like much of the online material, never actually played out in any other media and is likely non-canon and irrelevant. Furno seemed totally fine despite everything Jawblade did to him. Stringer actually stated that being electrocuted by Voltix helped recharge his core. Now, I haven't read the books (I don't think they're out yet in America), but the Doom Box, conceptually, is so outlandish and cartoon-like that it doesn't seem very threatening. Besides, as the books (or at least Legion of Darkness) are prequels, there's no way the whole galaxy could actually be crushed, anyway. ...Although, how they handle Core Hunter is still fair game for more violent content. Interestingly, in the online material (which, as I said before, is still likely non-canon), they seem to be playing him somewhat more seriously than the other villains, so hopefully they actually will go the darker way out with this. We'll see pretty soon, since the new episode has apparently aired in Korea.
  3. Typically encouragement, but occasionally "Why the @#$% are you nerds obsessing with a toy line made for tiny children?"
  4. I prefer the Bionicle forum on the Lego.com message boards to BZPower.
  5. The Toa and Great disks have been shown to be reused, but I don't know about any others. I think I read that Kanoka can be used several times until they run out of power, but maybe not. My guess is that higher level disks can be fired again, but not level one disks, etc.
  6. Sadly, no. Greg quit and focused on his paying job. Maybe if Bionicle comes back like Space Police...
  7. No way that's canon. Must've been something Templar added for comic relief.
  8. Ultimate Spider-Man is by far the worst frickin' Spider-Man related TV series ever broadcasted. Including Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends.
  9. I think Greg said at some point, "if Tahu can create a Nova blast, then Vakama can light a torch."
  10. Takua/Jaller/Pewku threesome . Although I guess Pewku isn't a Toa... yet...
  11. Huh. Turns out, in the preview for one of the Hero Factory books, it mentions heroes being "decommisioned." Not sure whether or not these books are totally canon, though...
  12. I'd imagine they'd upgrade old heroes to keep them up-to-date and functioning, so being obsolete wouldn't likely be an issue. The death thing is kind of irrelevant, though, as Lego would never depict a Hero actually being killed.
  13. (He's had other legitimate reasons and I have contacted him recently. The most recent attempt - where I asked for basically just that - got no response, but the unrelated one back in May did. He's pretty busy with life.)Anywho.Deneb:Preeetty sure it's not a BIONICLE-esque name given it was used in Japan years ago for Kamen Rider. It's also still in use. ;)I'll admit they would fit and do stick out a lot from the rest of the Hero Factory names. Being that they're somewhat original. But I too would not jump to conclusions.~|ET|~Man, you can contact Greg? Why don't you go hook him up with us and get the Greg Discussion rolling again...
  14. Cool. Nice use of some otherwise cumbersome pieces. This thing reminds me of Muppets with eyes...
  15. Geez, lots of hate around here for what's really Lego's target audience...
  16. So, why is this not an appropriate place to discuss it? It happened, didn't it? I'm getting really sick of BZPower censoring anything remotedly negative, even when it's absolutely relevant and staring you in the face, and pretending it doesn't exist, therefore blatantly ignoring the impact and tragedy of the situation.Because this is a site for a childrens toy. We are not going to discuss a madman that mass murdered a group of people. It's not ignoring the impact or tragedy of the situation, it's choosing not to have discussions about something that is abhorrent and disgusting. Or would you prefer we just let a bunch of 12 year olds have to relive the horrors they saw unfold on television by discussing them here.BZPower is not the venue to discuss this, and it never will be. Sorry if that disappoints you.Guess what? The world is abhorrent and disgusting, and those kids are reliving the horrors they saw everywhere else. Do you really have to go out of your way to censor world events and people's condolences for them?So you're saying that because the world sucks, we need to bring up its sucky aspects at every given opportunity? And did you read my post? Because that explains how pointless it is to bring it up.- TiliusNo, that's not what I'm saying at all. I'm protesting BZPower going out of their way to ignore and censor those aspects if they come up. If no one wants to talk about it, it's fine, but if someone wants to express their sympathies for a tragic event, and they can't, then something's wrong here.
  17. So, why is this not an appropriate place to discuss it? It happened, didn't it? I'm getting really sick of BZPower censoring anything remotedly negative, even when it's absolutely relevant and staring you in the face, and pretending it doesn't exist, therefore blatantly ignoring the impact and tragedy of the situation.Because this is a site for a childrens toy. We are not going to discuss a madman that mass murdered a group of people. It's not ignoring the impact or tragedy of the situation, it's choosing not to have discussions about something that is abhorrent and disgusting. Or would you prefer we just let a bunch of 12 year olds have to relive the horrors they saw unfold on television by discussing them here.BZPower is not the venue to discuss this, and it never will be. Sorry if that disappoints you.Guess what? The world is abhorrent and disgusting, and those kids are reliving the horrors they saw everywhere else. Do you really have to go out of your way to censor world events and people's condolences for them?
  18. So, why is this not an appropriate place to discuss it? It happened, didn't it? I'm getting really sick of BZPower censoring anything remotedly negative, even when it's absolutely relevant and staring you in the face, and pretending it doesn't exist, therefore blatantly ignoring the impact and tragedy of the situation.
  19. Yeah, that shooting was insane. Apparently people initially thought it was part of the movie.
  20. So, presumably, whenever Vezon and Fenrakk are defeated, they come back in some more powerful form. The problm with that is, at least once Vezon and Fenrakk are shown emerging from lava BEFORE the Inika came, without being reincarnated. So, why did Fenrakk transform into Kardas that one time? Does transformation only only occur when defeat is percieved by others?
  21. Well, in this picture, there are what look like display screens, so they presumably had some sort of computer-like technology.
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