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Everything posted by MaksDudekVA

  1. Currently working on my Lesovikk's Hiatus contest entry, it shall be the most epic thing you will ever read!!!

    1. Klak


      Can't wait to see it.

  2. Vurrently working on my Lesovikk's Hiatus contest entry, it shall be the most epic thing you will ever read!!!

  3. Bravo fezmaster, Bravo! this was an excellant read, and you should check out my entry!
  4. hey bones, do you mind judging my entry? Its a good read, or so Ive been told by a few people. oh yeah, and the list needs to be updated, my entry has had all its errors fixed.
  5. This was based on the original logo the crunchbite nuva made. This was made before the takua logo reached me.I think this is worthy of going to the bzpower homepage, don't ya think?
  6. Awesome! I'll be sure to play it tommorow since I'm gonna head to bed right now since it is PAST MIDNIGHT for me.
  7. Lol, that random water chunk was hilarious! But it does pose a problem nonetheless.
  8. Sorry, this is the the only one that exists. It's one of a kind and probably won't be sold at all. Unless bzpower starts selling coffee mugs.
  9. Alright, Ive had this for some time, but I got the first ever Chronicler's Coffee mug for Christmas! This is probably one of the best pieces of bionicle merchandise out there! Special thanks goes to crunchbitenuva (aka Fluffy to us BNGers) for the original piece of artwork that made the Bzpower home page! here is a picture: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/toa-jalokim/chroniclers-coffee/photo.jpg
  10. so, now we wait for the ta-koro map. Im excited to go lava surfing, even though I'll burn to death.
  11. So, just to reiterate, we can include the names of new bionicle characters, but if the entry is canonized, the names WON'T be canonized, am I right? I need to know this in order to finish my entry. alrighty, Ive gotten an epic story idea, and my entry is coming along smoothly.
  12. oh yeah, I have also changed the toa of Psionics to a toa of Lightning to keep continuity in order.
  13. Finnaly got my profile pic to work!

  14. alright, I've fixed my entry of awesomeness. also, Ive changed the Toa of Psionics to a Toa of Lightning.
  15. Ok, Ive fixed my story. the word count still stays the same by the way.
  16. I too have also had only one Judge look at my entry. Also, may I make a few edits to my entry to fix spelling errors and grammar errors?
  17. I got the first ever Chroniclers Coffee mug for christmas, but with the old logo.
  18. I would make the character models look more like the sets.
  19. I call them Alternate realities, but they are just not OFFICIAL. However, my guess is that it's just an alternate universe yet to be discovered by MU inhabitants and/or Spherus Magna Inhabitants. In other words, no MU inhabitant has discovered it yet.
  20. I need help with my Profile pic, It never seems to work...

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