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The Lorax

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Blog Comments posted by The Lorax

  1. Me too. Kogo and Antroku are both strong characters and would be an asset to the Clan, but since we only have one male character slot, I think it would have to go to Kughii.


    We can keep rolling though, any time one of us creates a new Dasaka character (whether they are Daikura or not). I'm hopeful that we could get Antroku as well. The numbers from the last two roles were 18 and 30.


    There probably won't be any super-important "first post" for me to make. People can just get in and play, I think. I'd have trouble finding time to write big posts between a new job and limited Internet. And this new book series is swallowing my leisure time as well, but that's still very enjoyable.


    Norik, your petition looks good. I'll send it to Nuju and see what he thinks. What title would you like for the character. Warden of Castle Tarakona? Guardian, custodian? Something else?

  2. Replying to a bunch of comments:


    It is Daikura., not Diakura. If I ever said the second one, it was a typo and I apologise.


    I'll roll twice more, one for Falcon Lord and once for me.


    The person who runs Tarakona could well have two powers. It's well worth applying in any case. if you like, I can do it through the clan petitioning PM I already have set up with Nuju, just to keep all of that stuff in one place.


    I think our clan needs a Sighteye - we don't have any yet (I think).


    Still mulling over the male.

  3. I suppose you could if you wanted. it's mainly about menti Disciplines, but there could be other aspects of education included. I think history might be more suited to some other clans/places though, like the Towers of Knowledge, and possibly the Eiyu.

  4. Norik, here's how I've written it in Ihi's bio. it's flexible, though, and could be altered to fit another character.


    Recently, Ihi was involved in an accident while supervising a class of Soulswords. One student lost control of her weapon and, in a moment of panic, grabbed at Ihi for assistance. With them both pulled off balance, the blade of mental energy sliced straight through the Toroshu's left arm, right below the shoulder. The student was initially horrified, but went on to pass the course. Ihi sought a crystalline replacement for her limb, and, in fact, has kept the old one. It is encased in crystal and hangs in her office as a reminder of the need to be vigilant and careful with a Menti's powers, but also that even when disaster strikes, it is possible to work though the problems overcome them.



    Also keep in mind that the person in charge of Castle Tarakona will have a lot of responsibility within the clan. Would the clan leadership really give that position to someone who was unstable in her abilities and couldn't be trusted to do anything else?


    I don't think so. The person who runs Tarakona would have to be highly capable, and probably hold enough rank to justify having two Menti powers. If this character were the same one to have chopped off Ihi's arm, it makes sense that the incident would be an old source of embarrassment for them, rather than a lasting trauma. There's just so much contradiction otherwise (Ihi and I don't regard the loss of an arm as something too terrible, since she got an excellent crystal replacement. They might even be able to share a joke or two about it). Also, since the chopping was a relatively recent event, it would mean that the student rose awfully quickly to reach such a high position as ruling Tarakona. This reinforces the idea that they were an excellent student and retained their brilliance after the incident.


    Think about it over your holiday anyway (I hope you have a good one :) ). it's always your call, but to me, it sounds like the character you described above is a very different one from one who could run Castle Tarakona. Maybe they really are two different people?



    Ahem. Sorry, Hubert's enthusiasm has worn off on me. But hooray, my characters have becaome known enough to be mentioned on the podcast. This is a milestone!


    So yes, thankyou for the free advertising of Matan and Nata's shop. Those wishing to visit should note, however, that said business is tempoarily closed while the owners take a trip to Ko-wahi. They should be back in a few days, all going well.

  6. That was certainly an interesting scene, but really it wasn't the Hau Karda at that point. At that stage they were just a few people travelling together, and then others joined out of nowhere when a fight broke out. The team wasn't officially formed and named until 2 in-game days after that raid.


    Therefore, the scene should be tiltled "Infernavika vs. Miha, those who wanted to help her extract revenge, those who wanted to rescue Snelly and those who just wanted a fight, some of whom would later go on to form the Hau Karda".


    A bit wordy I know, but at least it's accurate. :P

  7. Hi there people. It looks like this RPG is getting better and more complete, but I still have a question.


    At the beginning, allowed species are agori and glatorian. I see the skrall are mentioned, so I assume they fall under 'glatorian'. My questiuon relates to them. Are there female skrall in Kirse? In this alternate universe, did they join in the core war / war against the great beings, or did they stay separate from the others? If not in Kirse, are they still alive somewhere else and what happened to them? Those ladies could be a very interesting part of this, in my opinion.

  8. Hey guys, great job on the first episode! I really enjoyed listening to it, though if you could edit out some of the conversational fluff that doesn't contribute to anything, that would be great. The interview with Tuck was great, both in terms of content and that the thread of conversation was pretrty direct and waffle-free. I'm also thrilled that two of my characters got a brief mention, as well as the Hau Karda.


    I'm looking forward to episode 2, whenever you get to it. :)

  9. I can move my eyebrows separately, roll my tounge, pop my thumbs in and out of joint, wiggle my ears and move my scalp back and forth ALL AT THE SAME TIME! :blink:


    Also I can stick all the toes of one foot in my mouth. People don't usually want to see that one... probably scared of catching some disease. :rolleyes:

  10. My humble opinions on Tahu's powers.


    Fear: Sure. Turakh are red and havev fire-shaped staffs. This links so well to Tahu

    Disintegration: No. This strikes me as unnessary since tahu can already reduce things to ashes.

    Poison: Hmm... What happened the last time these two met?

    Fragmentation: Tahu would love this. Remember when Onua told Tahu he had a plan? His response: "What do you have in mind, and does it include explosions?" B)

    Hunger: Yes. Tahu like power and lots of it. It might just be effective against Tuyet.

    Anger: No. Tahu has learned to control some of his hot-headedness, so he may not like to have this one.

    Weather Control: No. Tahu strikes me as one who doesn't have time to mess with the ambiance of a scene with a few clounds. He wouldn't use it.

    Elasticity: Yes. I've always thought this was an awesome power. Maybe this could be its chance to get in the spotlight?

    Heat Vision: Yes. I won't argue with Greg about the story that he writes.

    Illusion: No. Tahu seems concerned with hard facts, not what might have been.

    Teleportation: Yes. After losing his Kakama Nuva, tahu will want to be able to keep up with his teammates.

    Quick Healing: Yes. After the battle of Bara magna, he's gong to need it forwhat remains of his army.

    Laser Vision: No. Heat/laser vision, the applications are very similar. I'll pass on this one because heat suits his element more.

    Gravity: Yes. If Tahu is going to be superpowered now, we may as well do it properly.

    Electricity: Yes. Tahu is always looking for a new way to fry something.

    Sonics: Yes, just to annoy Hakann. ""Words, words, words. When did Toa get to be so noisy?"

    Vacuum: No. Fire and vacuums don't go well together, so it shouldn't go with Tahu either.

    Plasma: Yes. Super heat is definitely Tahu's territory.

    Magnetism: Yes. His fight with Nektann proved that Tahu isn't above playing with people's armour. Teleknesis is great too.

    Fire Resistance: No. If he goes lava surfing for fun, he already has way too much of this.

    Ice Resistance: No. Not trying to be unfunful, but I can't see Teridax sending too many Ice Resistance rahkshi to a desert, so this one is unlikely.

    Mind Reading: Yes. With telepaths dissapearing all over the place, (Tren Krom, the Makuta, Kongu's suletu) Tahu needs to step in and fill this niche.

    Shapeshifting: Yes. This would go really well with his adaptive armour and adaptation power. Completely suited to any environment.

    Darkness: No. Toa work in public so that people can see them. Darkness obscures people's vision, so no.

    Plant Control: Yes. With so much plant life on Spherus Magna, this will be much more useful than it was in the MU.

    Molecular Disruption: No. Its just another way to break things. Tahu has enough of those already.

    Chain Lightning: Yes. If he is going to have electricity, why should chain lightning be beyond his reach?

    Cyclone: No. This just seems like a waste of energy compared to some of the other powers here.

    Density Control: Yes. Its offensive, defensive and has so many application, not least of which is walking through walls.

    Chameleon: No. Tahu doesn't hide from people - that's not his style. He confronts danger when he sees it even when its not a great idea.

    Accuracy:Yes. With so many powers, he should at least be able to make sure that they aren't wasted.

    Rahi Control: Yes. I cant see him spending much time with Kuualus, so he will need this one for himself.

    Insect Control: Yes. Because Tahu is too cool to get mosquito bites.

    Stasis Field: Yes. This power is great fo keeping dangerous beings under control, and it looks like there are a lot of them around.

    Limited Invulnerability: No. He already has a Kanohi Hau that does the same thing but better.

    Power Scream: Yes. This seems like sonics on steroids, so why sonics without this?

    Dodge: No. He has as a mask of shielding already.

    Silence: Yes. This might be helpful when negociations get tedious, kinda like what happened in SPIRIT's CSI Metru Nui story.

    Adaptation: Yes. Again, no half-hearted superpowering.

    Slowness: Yes. It might be an alternative to using the vahi again. (if he ever gets it back).

    Confusion: Yes. I can see Tahu wanting to cause a bit of chaos.

    Sleep: Yes. This would be a very effective weapon within the toa code.

  11. And so we're probably not going to understand it until the point when we were supposed to discover it. :annoyed2: Still, it might be worth continuing to beat our heads against that particular wall in case we can discover its meaning early. :)


    The stone comes from under the stair, where something was hidden, and that something propted someone to confront Henry. Does the stone bewlong to him?

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