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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Soran

  1. Currently Working on a Hero Factory Rayg Kit. Doing pretty well so far...

    1. Hexann


      Good luck with that.

  2. Text bubbles are actually pretty easy to create and you can download specific fonts from websites, same with specific brushes for Gimp. Just Pm me and I'll help you out with it.Well nothing to say much about the last comic besides that it was really interesting. It looks like the grey person might of been a ally to the red masks group. Interesting storyline so far...~Soran
  3. Love the dust effect as well. And Welcome to the team Utah, may your insanity wash away as slowly as possible. It looks like I am a regular cameo now? And it looks like Soran may or may not be a zombie... Does that mean I may or may not have a craving for brains at the moment now? Great job as usual and its good to see your comics back in action.~Soran
  4. Soran


    New update!Almost everything on there is new except for a few things. Running out of things to sprite now (Besides titans or Rahi).~Soran
  5. I got hooked on bionicle in 2001. I actually got the sets and magazines and such. I was really young though and couldn't read the comics, but I looked at the pretty pictures. Later in 2003 I made my parents read me the comics and I would always correct them when they got a word wrong like Toa or Rahi. Sometimes they would ask why I needed help reading if I always corrected them... Good times...~Soran
  6. @TNG: I'm glad my plan of World Domination making a random filler was successful. I put the 'Inappropriate Content Removed-B6' because I have no idea what a great being looks like, and the contest with who is a great being was never actually finished... So I just did that for lulz. I'm glad that you like the filler.I read them all but I don't have a lot of time to comment on them, but I might be able to if I do really short comments.@Justax-Kal: I like the story too, took me a while to make an idea since I was planning other things... So when no inspiration strikes, make the most random comic you can imagine. And that is now canon for me too. I actually was going to type, 'So they imprisoned him on his own world' but I thought about karzahni being imprisoned on an island, so I just stuck with island. And yes, that was my attempt at making rivers and such, pretty ugly isn't it? but meh, I just wanted to get it done. Main reason it probably looks odd is the fact that I didn't put any clouds on it...@Sycron: Oh look new face (I think). I might make that, sounds interesting... "And then Teridax was angry with mata-nui so he started tackling him. But Weegee Moon came to the rescue with a faceplant to the back of the head! The world is saved, and Weegee moon is hailed as a hero..." That would make the bionicle storyline so much better.Thanks for the comments,~Soran
  7. Its nice to see a mnog kit comic, haven't seen those in a while... Anyway I like how honest your characters are with having no sprite sheet and such. I also like how picky your characters are. Great start on your comics,~Soran
  8. I gotta say comic 17 and 18 were pretty funny. Although not as funny as the others. I like how ingenious Stabbington's plan is (for the first time) of actually throwing the pie in the ocean and having them go look for it. I like how you made the story sound like the Toa Mahri's adventure. I did like the 'bounty' part, I thought it was actually funny. I also liked the Karzahni part. I also liked the inclusion of Vezon, and pie is totally worth more then the mask of life. The ending was the best ending so far.Comic 18 was also pretty funny too. The first bit was pretty random. I still like the running joke of Soran and the Nui-Jaga. I also like the once again inclusion of Vezon. Icarax was by far one of the best parts of the comic. I love his lines and his attitude. Oh look, a unnamed ta-matoran who is a cheap skate that Soran used to live with... I wonder who that could be? I love the car scene when he takes his car. Was funny. And now you're mistika. I wonder whats next, Mata-Nui Robot? Nice comic as usual.Keep up the good work,~Soran
  9. New Comic!Been a while since I posted any comics... Been working on some other things that I wont dwell on since you guys will probably be bored.Well I made a comic that I honestly can say is the most random comic I have ever made. Ever. Like seriously... I warned you...LulwutHope you enjoy the comic,~Soran
  10. Happy Birthday Oneker!Oneker's Birthday Comic!~Soran
  11. I drew it all on a computer, using Gimp. I tried to make the darker colors blend in with the black background, (Main reason why it doesnt really look like a Kanohi Hau is probably because the Dark red at the top is too dark. Close examination shows the reddish hue in the color). I agree that I should've added more gradual fade like at the top, and I wish I blurred the sides more. I might edit the drawing later but for right now I feel like making another mask.Thanks for the C&C guys,~Soran
  12. Soran


    That kind of shading is actually my style. Unlike other kit styles, I don't choose to make my style of sprites look entirely metallic. Examples of that are Chimoru and Rzmik. I choose to make my style of shading all over the place, but make it where you can still see the basic form of the body. And most of the darker shading is near the edges or key points of shadows. I try to make the shading define the body, unlike putting another border inside the body. Also the border is meant to show some key points of shadow/brightness as well, also giving more diversification to the body as a whole. Example: If you were in a dark room and you shown a light at the front of your body, your body's shading wouldnt be exactly the same on both sides, there will be some sides that are brighter and some that are darker, because we aren't exactly symmetrical on both sides. The kit is giving real life proportions to a tiny sprite.Thanks for the C&C~SoranNew Update!
  13. Soran


    Hello there, This kit is a project I have been working on recently.Update March 16, 2012! Almost everything. >_> Link C&C is appreciated.~Soran
  14. @TNG: Yeah he hangs around them like a normal person, he has to he is a main character. Actually I didn't use shadows for the older LTSL style, since I didn't feel the need to put lots of detail in the comics. It just seemed like a waste. The main reason why I have a new background, is because I was searching for my other background in a larger form, but I couldn't find it. So I just found a cooler background that is much more clearer and has more possibilities then the other one (Grill, swimming pool, sidewalk). Yeah it is a pretty common one, but this comic was only to test the new style I will be presenting after the whole introducing Genie arc. And yes, Akino is better at getting girls then Soran, their personalities actually explain why that is as Akino would be similar to the dumb/class clown type of person, and Soran would be considered the Nerdy kind of person. And don't worry, I spent way too much work on the kit I use for LTSL to just ditch it. As I might've said in an earlier post, the last daybreak comic I posted probably, it said Daybreak was going to be put on hold because of the time lengths it takes to create those comics. Also I'm still figuring out the storyline of that.Thanks for the comment,~Soran
  15. New Comic!Since I didn't have any premade comics that are close to the story arc, I decided to show you a preview of where LTSL is headed.Preview of New StyleHope you enjoy the comic,~Soran(PS: I might make a story arc around the comic, it just depends on how much people want to see a continuation of the comic.)
  16. @TNG: The rules of a genie are based off the rules explained in the Disney movie Aladdin. The three rules are:1. You can't wish for people back from the dead.2. You can't wish for people to fall in love with you.3. You can't wish a person to die.Thanks for the comment.
  17. I liked some parts of comic 16, but a lot of it was pretty random. For example, how did your mask magically transform into a Kanohi Calix? A lot of the comic was very original and was really thought out. I liked the part about the pepper and the protodites. I thought that was really thought out, and actually pretty effective. I also love the return of the delivery man. He is by far my favorite character just because of how realistic his behavior is. I am guessing Irnakk appeared from the big red button? I also liked how you made the personalities of the the Piraka from the Storyline match the personality of the Piraka in the comics. To sum everything up, Great comic but a bit confusing at some points.Keep up the good work,~Soran
  18. @Hippopotomonstrosesquipeda: It may be faster then most comics, but my usual is 2 a day so its not as fast, but oh well.@Kodrak: They are very, very secret and I liked the alternate ending better as well.@TNG: Don't worry about those comics. The Job and the Makuta moving in are 2 different story arcs that were made during the same time because they join together soon. This secret project of mine isn't guaranteed to be done soon. And I wont reveal too much about it because it is a secret.New Comic!LimitationsHope you like the comic,~Soran
  19. New Comics!Yes, thats plural.Comic 13Comic 13 Alternate EndingHope you enjoy the comics,~Soran(Since I am running low on comics and time, because I am managing a sprite kit, a larger 'sprite kit', 3 comic series, and another secret project, I might have to resort to posting only 1 comic a day sadly. Hope you guys understand. This isn't official however, I might be able to pull off 2 still.)
  20. New Comic!Comic 12.Hope you enjoy the comic,~Soran
  21. I politely ask for the mask.My Mask.
  22. New Comic!Comic 11.Hope you enjoy the comic,~Soran(Darn it, just noticed that I forgot to cover the feet with grass like in the other comics. Oh well.)
  23. @TNG: Don't worry, I have a few comics featuring them and I think they follow the way I displayed them quite well.@Justax-Kal: Everyone should be scared. Don't worry there are several plot points, just not really early in the comics. Gags are nice.Thanks for the comments, I will be posting my next comic normally around same time,~Soran
  24. New Comic!This next comic introduces another set of main characters into the comics.Comic 10.Hope you enjoy the comic,~Soran
  25. New Comic!Comic 9.Hope you enjoy the comic,~Soran
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