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Everything posted by Soran

  1. Star Wars Transformer guy thingy whose name escapes me but he was green and had a gun and was cool and such...
  2. I can do whats mentioned above while commenting on a topic, like a boss. Topped!I can use the Great Spirit Robot as a tooth pick.
  3. Wow, this looks amazing. I like the detail you put in it and how you actually made it stay true to both themes. Looks really impressive, I like it a lot, especially the legs and weapon. One thing that looks a tad odd is probably the "wings/fins" in the back. I'm pretty sure its there to just make the back less empty, but it still just looks really odd. Aside from that I think this is a great moc, nice job!~Soran
  4. Probably. I can't remember if that happened to me or not.TPBM thinks any new meat they try 'Tastes like Chicken!'
  5. Its nice to see this topic around again. I'll be happy to help answer any questions if needed.~Soran
  6. New Comic.What is this I don't even...No I'm not making this into a series. Was a random comic I made out of boredom. Please don't point out any spelling mistakes, they are there are purpose. Other then that... Random comic. Entirely hand drawn (took me like 5 minutes. My other drawings depending on what they are take normally 30 - 1hour depending on detail) with a very... Odd style. Anyway,Hope you enjoy,~Soran
  7. because Ta-Matoran are not.Why do Toa make such good tooth picks?
  8. I must agree with the others about it being an easy way to shut down the matoran.Example:You're watching Tv and decide your bored, so you go to turn it off (Possible electronic shut down program for great beings),But the darn Tv remote wont work, (Program malfunctions),So you get off the couch and go press the on/off button to turn it off (Manually removing masks for shutdown capabilities).Also I don't know if anyone has mentioned this, but the mask could also function as a for someone to rest during a medical procedure (Apparently Toa of water can heal so I'm guessing Ga-Matoran are probably taught different healing methods/remedies) for example. Similar to sleeping gas (Or a baseball bat) knocking you out, the mask would function probably the same way. Probably like numbing the pain.~Soran
  9. It was either the chicken or the egg, I don't know which came first though.Why is the earth square?Edit: See above.-Wind-
  10. Out comes A Wild Lewa Appears!In goes A Wild Lewa Appears!
  11. I can destroy all universes without doing something. Topped!I can eat soda and drink sandwiches, while hula hooping and watching all 4 movies of bionicle at the same time.
  12. Depending on what element it is then sure, go ahead.
  13. indeed.TPBM ate the last slice of salami.
  14. The art is really impressive and the story is astounding. I'm glad this won, as I feel it was time well spent for a fantastic entry. great job.
  15. I mainly stay in comics, because that was where I was introduced to BZPower. Was through my favorite comic series that is probably forgotten by now, but I still hold it dear in my heart. Sometimes I hang around other forums like off topic, artwork and the likes.
  16. One of my favorite series by far now. It actually follows what looks like an alternate bionicle universe. Unlike most comic series which honestly, can be replaced by any type of sprite besides bionicle, these can't. The storyline just fits perfectly, and I like the humor. The 3d models are just amazing, and the graphics are awesome as well. I honestly wouldn't mind waiting for comics like these because the amount of time put in them, and the amount of detail is just astounding. Great job, and keep up the good work,~Soran
  17. I like how hes telling the matoran off. Starting to show more characteristics of being a matoran (Human behavior), by the chapter. Just makes you think about whats going to happen next. Although since most of your Story Arcs end in typically mystery of what is going to come next, I hypothesize that some of the matoran who ran/walked off screen are going to contact the police and he is going to be put in jail for holding a matoran at gun point. I also hypothesize that if police are contacted, that he will run away at the sight of them, and will be one of those stories where it will probably be continued later.~Soran
  18. Depending on my luck in life, either buried 6 feet underground or right here. Started bionicle since the start, was hooked with it since the start. found this site while looking at bionicle creations on the internet. Was love at first glance. the first forum I was in was the comic's forum, where I live right now.~Soran
  19. Well, once I was reorganizing my shelf of Bionicle, I decided to put them in little factions, so on one side of the shelf, I put all evil people, on the other I put good guys, and another I put vehicles, and rahi and such. Anyway, I had to use the restroom, and when I came back, I saw all my evil makuta holding hands and singing numa numa. Next thing I know they're dancing a happy jig and... Oh wait, that was a dream.I was posing my Kanohi Miru once, 'cause I draw bionicles (Like a Boss), and I put it on my desk, and next thing I know it disappeared. Havent found it since and its really annoying...~Soran
  20. I cleverly devise a plan to somehow take the mask in some way shape or form, using a plunger, a bunny, a roasted lamb, with a balsamic reduction, and a cookie. I now grasp hold of the kanohi mask of ego, and I press it against my face, all forms of powers returning to me, as I gasp for air to begin to reenter my lungs. The powers so powerful begin to surge through my veins, and with one mighty roar I shout,My Mask.
  21. Wish granted, but you are forced to live in antartica and eat raw fish for as long as the polar bear dog lives.I wish that I could visit myself back in time and tell myself of all the things that had come to pass and then warn my self of disasters that may come to pass, and have my past self be forever paranoid, and disrupt the time of my current self so much that the fabrics of time and space have been altered leaving to a mental shift in capabilities of those affected by the time shift, and creating a forever paradox of time and space, that will rip the universes stability, and break all laws of physics and gravity and above all science, and send all life rocketing to the center of the galaxy, where we are to be consumed by the giant dark matter black holes in the center of the galaxies, where nothing works correctly, and eventually all civilization adapts to the change of the state that we are in and discovers new ways to do things, and eventually I will somehow get a cookie somewhere in between.
  22. WrongSir! I has brunette. (Because being specific matters.)TPBM likes to jump rope while eating a Filet Mignon with caramelized Pears and cheese souffle while watching all 4 bionicle movies, at the same time.
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