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Everything posted by Soran

  1. Soran

    R.a.t. Reloaded

    I still like the comics, It made me laugh. I like the hat especially. Nos dirigira una revolucion hostiles contra la republica. nice job on the comic, although I think you should expand the speech bubbles a bit in size so that the letters aren't so scrunched up to the sides.~Soran
  2. 4/3/12This comic is based off when I was younger, my little brother was obsessed with the color green, and took whatever was green from me.
  3. Interesting... I like how the memories are flooding back to him. I also liked the effect you captured in the first panel. It was a nice touch. I'm also starting to wonder who these 'partners' are, and what initial role they have in further plot. Nice job as usual.~Soran
  4. @Boss: Indeed it is very generic.@TNG: Yes that is the most generic pose, but normally when people start off a comic series its normally the pose I used in the first panel.Whats this about Diabolical Schemes? I swear I crossed it out so much that it was unreadable... I see no such thing, just a black squiggly line in the speech bubble... nothing strange there...I actually end things like that aswell. Well, not so much lately, but I use to a lot.So um... yeah, thanks for the comments,~Soran
  5. Kidding

    1. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      LOLOLOL, but you did temporarily quit some. I understand, though, because I have now experienced the horror of re-outlining rotated sprites, which you use all the time in LTSL. That plus LTSL sprites being HUMONGOUS makes it even harder. My next project, though, is something that may well be harder than LTSL.

    2. Soran


      Does Such a thing exist!? Well besides that Delta Team picture I made. That picture itself was basically 3 LTSL comics in time. Was really horrible. I even messed up a bunch on it, but I'm not sure if anyone really saw the mess ups.

    3. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      But the you-know-what will probably take all summer vacation.

  6. The Epic eyeshine effect strikes again!Your mask seems to be pretty powerful... What was its mask powers again?I wonder what it reminds you of... The suspense!~Soran
  7. @Ro: I'm glad you like the comic, I was afraid that the beginning wasn't really thought out, but I'm glad you like it.@Boss: I'm also glad that you like the comic as well. Its nice to know that people like it, as it gives me a drive to finish the other pages.Alright time for seriousness, to clear some things up, I AM stopping all my series I am currently working on. The last comic in the LTSL style will be the guest star comic for Hoj and Cal. The reason for this? I've decided that taking on 3 different series, plus a MAS is a bit much for me to handle. Another thing I'm guess you guys would say/ask is, "Well if you're going to stick with only one comic why not continue LTSL/Daybreak/Comical Retreat?"To answer that individually: LTSL has taken way too much work, and as original of a style as it is, originality comes with faults. the main faults is the lack of a drive to continue making some of the things needed for the comics. Main example is masks. With all the work required to make the things it just becomes very tedious.I've grown bored of Daybreak. I have the whole story mapped out and everything, but I really don't thing anyone actually looks forward to these comics. They seem to be just a way to take a break of LTSL.Comical Retreat, a fun comic series that is. I really don't have an answer for this comic series to be honest. I'm just bored of it like my other ones. The problem with me, is that I get distracted easily and grow tired of things rather quick. This is a prime example of that.Now, I am NOT going to be making Delta Team Comics, even though I have characters and things figured out, as the work required to make them would be like what I am currently doing. That, and also the fact that just to make the "poster/preview" took a couple of hours for just a simple person.Now, what is this comic series that I am going to dwell into. Well, I am disappointed to say that the overall simplicity of the sprite comics have taken me in. Yes, I am going to be going where I haven't gone before! A Chimoru comic. Yes, I know, I must be desperate to use the kit (considering the fact that I find Chimoru to be probably one of the most hideous kits ever made), but its evil clutches have grasp upon me.Anyway, I am going to be using different characters (Aside from Soran), and a different setting. I won't really reveal too much about it, as I like to have the audience grasp upon the details through the comics, but I'll probably make a character sheet because I'm bored.Congratulations to anyone who read this whole thing and stay tuned,~Soran
  8. New Comic!Hero Factory Delta Team: Page 1Hope you enjoy the "comic",~Soran
  9. @TNG: Until whenever I feel like making them again.If you pay attention to Hero Factory (Which yes this is), the main team that does all the missions and such are called Team Alpha. Team Delta is a personal team I created which is basically Special Ops, (Team Delta) Vs Police Men (Team Alpha). They are the top team in the ranks, but their identities are hidden. Its basically like hero factory + awesome. And yes, it is Saga, I might add some comedy but I highly doubt it. And I drew the poster, the whole thing. Took a while though, couldn't get the hands/body armor right.~Soran
  10. Sadly I must admit that is true...TPBM likes to draw.
  11. Thanks for the Seal of Approval.Guys, I have something to say and I think it is best expressed in a comic.Get your tissues readyAnd Yes it is true, I am working on something else... And I present you a preview of this...Team Delta PreviewI'm sorry to say this to all those who love my other comics... but I decided to dwell in other territories of comics...~Soran
  12. I'm sorry for raising the bar high. X_xSeems like you all are trying to get the same style I'm using. Heres a tip: Don't stick with one position. Theres a reason why RZMIK has a 360. Try to take advantage of that.Also, to be perfectly honest, I'm pretty much the same as Krono, I just wing it. All I do is I just get the begginning done, and then I just let my mind flow with all ideas of how to make it work. I've never actually used a script for my comics ever. Scripts take too long for me in my opinion, so I choose not to do them.~Soran
  13. Nice to see these are back up again. I like how mysterious the comic is, and how the past keeps coming back to Leraku. Also, I love that eye shine you did in 2nd panel, just amazing.~Soran(Was my character one of those returning people in these comics, because if so does that mean you need me to send in a xaniskit spritesheet?)
  14. Heres what I did for my comic:First make a basic personality and background of your character. This will help you immensely when writing comics. Then, figure out what you want your character to reveal at the beginning. For instance, my character just said that he knew Ptolemic from the past, nothing more, nothing less, which leads more possibilities to make my character's past be explained in future comics. Depending on what you wish to reveal in your comic is what you need to worry about. Also, I'm pretty sure the first comics from the authors are just introduction of character comics. So, I doubt you need to put any real plot into it.~Soran
  15. Um... technically I think you're correct.TPBM is a boss.
  16. Character with Dragon Med helmet, the picture looks old, since runescape was recently graphically updated...
  17. Haha, I like the comic's ending. Although the file name of the comic gave it away. and the date... but still, i felt a little fooled. Its good to see that you aren't actually quitting.
  18. You can make an animation by using Gimp. You paste a sprite on a frame, make a new frame (Make sure the frame isnt transparent) and then post the new sprite. Once you have all the frames down and everything you save the animation as a gif. Also, if you want to see the animation while your doing it, go to the filter options and click animation, and then click playback.~Soran(I like the comic, it was really good, I especially liked how Teridax was explaining everything, that was really funny.)
  19. I am only affected by one Bionicle disease and that is, Awesomesauce! Topped.I can ride a Tahtorak like 'A Wild Keetongue Appeared!'.
  20. Decided to use an useful meme to...
  21. I actually enjoyed the comic a lot. was really funny. I think that is Teridax now but I don't know.. probably Stabbington... I like how everyone is avenging Soran's death, and how many times whoever that evil bad guy is who I am guessing is Stabbington considering the title is dieing. Nice job on the comic as usual.~Soran
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