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Everything posted by Soran

  1. I now have a Full walking cycle and punch cycle made for the HF Rayg kit, plus additional poses. doing good so far.

    1. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Trust me, anyone reading this: It's awesome.


      What are you gonna do with this stuff?

    2. Soran


      Make it into a kit and eventually post it in shops and kits. I have too much time on my hands which is why I make so many sprite kits and comics.

  2. New Art style looks good. Is this something we should be expecting for the comics?Either way it looks nice, great job.~Soran
  3. @Ro: Actually all the people in the boxes are victim's of Arga's pranks. This is also my way of introducing Pgs without giving them an initial part in the story arc (Considering the fact that I made the story arc ahead of time and already have the comics done).@Boss: Regular Gs's are pranked by another Pgs to get into boxes to be sent in space but in reality are sent to a random home address? And here I thought I was being original... I'm forever sad...@Justax: This is my way of introducing Pgs without having to put effort to put random cameos in a story arc already made. You guys will be introduced afterward.Thanks for the comments,~Soran
  4. Nice comics, I like them a lot. The comedy and graphics are improving since the last time I saw them. nice job, and I like this comic especially. I like how the character pointed out how unoriginal the villain's lines are.great job on the comics and keep up the good work,~Soran
  5. @Kodrak: The guy behind Mal is Bulik. I made all of the backgrounds I use in this series except for the attic one used in the last panel. I had no idea how I was suppose to make an attic so I just got a picture online. Still works I guess.~Soran
  6. 11/4/12Found a way to introduce almost all Pgs that aren't linked to a story arc introduction.@TNG: The white Miru matoran is 'Rahkshi Overlord'. His name is 'Ro/ptolemic'. The Black Kakama character is Bulik, who is Hippopotomonstrosesquipeda.~Soran
  7. Thought I'd be the first to make a fan comic.Oneker Fan ComicThis is technically flowing with the current story arc your making (Regardless of the fact that I forgot a collar and you have clothes... and are not in a cage...)Completely Hand drawn.Hope you like it and have a nice rest of your vacation,~Soran
  8. Nice job on the comic. Although a bit confusing I like where your going with it.Graphic wise the comics are pretty good as well, but its still a bit odd in some areas.Specifically:In the 5th panel, only half of the character's shadow appears. You should make the shadow of the character first before cropping out the parts of the body you don't need.In the 6th panel, the shadows need to to be angled a bit lower and not as long aswell. The way it is now, it should bend upward onto the wall.in the last panel, the shadow is facing the wrong way since the sunlight is coming from a certain angle, the shadow should be at the opposite angle.Try to keep the speech bubble 'tail' as straight as possible. Also It looks like you are making the bubble and the tail separately. Instead you should make the bubble part around the text and then go to free select, make sure 'add to current selection' is on, and then make the tail of it.Despite some graphic errors, I think it was a really good comic and a nice job at the style I use.~Soran
  9. If you're talking about the armyish style thing, it was either added on from another image, or it was done using several tools in gimp. Its would be pretty easy to replicate.Basically you would just be making circular selections, feathering them, filling them with the color of choice, shrinking to however thin you want the lines to be, and then cutting. In all honesty I'm pretty sure darc made the whole thing first and then added the glow around it to give it that realistic touch.Basically: Random brushes and selections. Thats my simple answer since its hard to be specific on something like this.
  10. Wish granted. Now the rest of the bionicle storyline is gone and so is all of the sets and this website.I wish I had a can opener.
  11. With just two basic bodies I expanded the amount of poses to around 14. with a working animation aswell.

    1. Soran


      Almost got walking cycle done.

  12. @TNG: I'm glad you like the arc. I really didn't think it would be that great considering I was just trying to introduce Pgs.
  13. Comic 29 was funny, I liked it a lot. Especially how vezon was planning on mounting my head on a wall. I think the comic developed a lot of plot for the comics and opened up new plotlines.Nice job on the comic,~Soran(@TNG: There is a thing called the 'rayg kit 2.5 sprite maker' or something to that effect. It basically recolors sprites and gives you almost a full spritesheet.)
  14. 10/4/12While making this comic I came up with a way to introduce 2 more PGS's into this small arc.
  15. @Boss: Well with Arga's explanation it makes more sense.@Ro: He probably knew it was you because of the character sheet... The last panel is from a picture I made. I make edits every now and then of people because of boredom...@Arga: Never revealed before until now, in my topic? I feel so special. :biggrin:That makes a lot of sense now. I think the only reason people poke fun at names is for comedic effect regardless of the person's feelings. Thanks.Thanks for the comments,~SoranPS: I probably won't be able to introduce half of the Pgs, probably only 3. (I already introduced 2, so I am introducing 1 more. Who will the lucky person be...? I don't know.)
  16. never heard of it.TPBM Likes mudkipz
  17. @Justax: Indeed you are odd. Actually, when I first saw his name in a comic, he didn't appear, he was just talked about. I don't remember what comic it was, but i thought they were talking about a giraffe. This comic is just showing what basically happened in real life (Though not in the same events).I made the Miru and the Kakama, and another mask for another kit which I won't say because I wish to remain anonymous. They're from an old kit of mine that I was making a few years ago. I basically gave up the kit because of certain things I couldn't get right. Every now and then though, I just use one of the masks I made (For instance Arga's front view mask which I didn't have until he gave it to me later) because it looks better then the standard chimoru kind.~Soran
  18. got 2 basic poses of 1.0 for HF Rayg kit I'm working on. I also have all the helmets 1.0 and furno's weapon.

    1. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Wow. But Soran, why won't you answer your Karzing PM's? Vezon's is unique! (No one but Soran is meant to actually understand what I just said, anyone else who sees this.) And there's that thing you said you'd make for me..

  19. 9/4/12Sadly I must honestly say that when I first saw his name a few months ago, this is what I thought...~Soran
  20. The eyes, they're staring at my soul...........!Nice comic, I like it a lot. You have a unique kind of humor that is really entertaining.Keep up the good work,~Soran
  21. You kidding me? Daz My Jaaaaam!TPBM is allergic to Math Homework.
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