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Everything posted by Soran

  1. Haha, I like the fan comic, nice job on it. I have no idea how you exploded my legs off, I just thought it would be pretty entertaining to have Leraku come back with a smoking body part.
  2. Nopers.TPBM is allergic to something.
  3. My little pony... I use to wonder what friendship could be...
  4. Granted but you accidentally turn yourself into a frog and can no longer cast any spells.I wish I had 3 more wishes.
  5. @Leraku: Thank you for the thorough explanation.@Oneker: Thanks, I might add more Pgs spots later, but not right now.Thanks for the comments,~Soran
  6. I like the Easter comic, was funny. I like how he hid it in his tummy.Oh look, a fan kit too. I might just make a fan comic...Nice job on the comics and keep up the good work,~Soran
  7. @Justax: Indeed, comic makers deserve no mercy.@Leraku: I originally was going to make the second panel where half of Leraku is shown, similar to the Inika commercial, but found out that your mask didn't when enlarged a certain number of pixels, so I abandoned the idea and just went with this one. and yes the other eye isn't glowing. I always thought the visor in his mask would reflect light, so I made it only in one eye.@Ro: 'Awesomely funny'. Have I crossed into a new genre of comedy!? I say! I'd like to thank the academy.@Boss: You have nothing to fear except fear itself.Thanks for the comments,~Soran
  8. Soran

    R.a.t. Reloaded

    Haha, I like how you hid it in space, and also Justax's hat. Chef hat... Like a boss. Nice job on the comic as usual,~Soran(Also, I suggest you have what I like to call, 'comic days/week' which are just days dedicated to making comics. Helps especially when you're doing dailies and you don't have time to work on a comic, or the arc you wish to do is time consuming.)
  9. Happy Easter!Well since my little brother has some tradition he never breaks of waking me up early to do an egg hunt (Which he only finds the green eggs, of course...), I decided I might as well post the comic early. (This is also the comic I needed Leraku early for since it matched his description so well...)Happy Easter,~Soran
  10. @Argaraffe: I'm glad I was able to match it well, I was afraid I didn't do too well.@Boss: Hes been able to see tons of things that regard his kit.@TNG: I can't tell you whose next, it's a secret.Updated the First Post, now its more colorful... Its meaningless updates like these that just make the world go round. If Brickshelf/Majhost go down though I'm going to have to replace it with regular text sadly.Easter Comic released later today and to all those waiting,Happy Easter.~Soran
  11. If anyone needs any help with comics, feel free to ask me for help.

    1. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Trust me on this one, he can help. He taught me how to ANIMATE.

    2. Soran


      I taught you the tools of how to animate and some simple steps, you taught yourself how to do the animating you do now. Which is very good might I add.

    3. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Thanks, but I wouldn't have been able to do it without you, so you deserve half the credit for any animations I do.

  12. I do look like that in some way/shape/ or form. My eyes are actually brown, but I didn't really want the picture to have brown hair and brown eyes, so I decided to change the eye color to red.
  13. Wow... Is it normal to be scared of your own character? Impressive effects in this comic, nice job, and the storyline is moving quite nicely along, I like it.Nice Job as usual,~Soran
  14. @Hippopotomonstrosesquipeda: I'm surprised at how fast it was filled too. I was afraid it would be treated as 'just another chimoru comic', the whole look and leave. And yeah, a 'regular' name will probably help. :PApparently Easter is tomorrow... I think? So, Easter comic tomorrow, stay tuned...~Soran
  15. I have drawn another picture! One and the Same This is a small picture that details me, and my character/persona. The drawing took a fair bit of time, drawing it (Without color) took 30ish minutes. Coloring took maybe an hour or more. then tweaking it and adding the background took another 20 minutes. C&C is appreciated, ~Soran
  16. 7/4/12And now probably what no one saw coming...
  17. Last time I checked, no.TPBM loves Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain.
  18. Very nice silent comic, you really did the emotion and mystery in the comic quite well. I'm also a bit curious of that olmak wearing character... Is he new or from a past saga?Nice job as always,~SoranPS: Happy Birthday
  19. Nos Dirigira una revolucion hostiles contra la republica

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Unauthorized Autobiography

      Unauthorized Autobiography

      Nah. That doesn't make any sense

    3. Unauthorized Autobiography

      Unauthorized Autobiography

      it's "Dirigiremos una revolución hostil hacia la republica". That's correct

    4. Lemony Lepid

      Lemony Lepid

      wait wat? I am all for republic. unless it's star wars. CIS forever!

  20. @TNG & Ro: I will probably ask him what to nickname his character, as soon as he gives me his sprite sheet.Also, there is going to be a mini story arc to introduce half the characters as I said earlier.~Soran
  21. I would just like to say that the Permanent Guest Star List is now officially closed!I would also like to introduce Argaraffe, Kodrak, Hippopotomonstrosesquipeda, Rahkshi Overlord, and Justax-Kal to the cast. I will probably introduce half the PGS's into the comics before the large story arc, and then the other half after.~Soran
  22. @Arga: You along with Boss are going to be introduced early, don't worry I got it all figured out.@Boss 1: All is to be revealed soon, and you are going to be introduced soon aswell.@Leraku: Thanks for explaining.@Boss 2: Let me answer that question with a phrase from one of my favourite commercials, 'The world may never know'.thanks for the comments,~Soran
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