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Status Updates posted by Soran

  1. I like making comics at the last minute. Its fun.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Soran


      Main reason I like it is because my mind gets flooded with all possible ideas on how I could make the comic. That is how I get my jokes normally. I wait till the last minute to make a comic and get flooded with ideas, then I use the ideas I didn't use for the comics in other comics. Week worth of comics done.

    3. Taka Nuvia

      Taka Nuvia

      Hm. If that method works for you, then it's fine, I guess. :D I tend to get a full blackout if I wait till last minute, sadly.

    4. Hexann
  2. I like your avatar, looks simple but neat.

    1. Pohaturon


      Thanks! Though I didn't make it. More similar pics can be found here --> http://makuta-sama.deviantart.com/

  3. I like your new avatar and sig. They display the personality of you and your alter ego quite well.

    1. Taka Nuvia

      Taka Nuvia

      Haha, thanks a lot! =D

  4. I looked up when Fall starts. Apparently it's in 18 days, but that site also said winter starts December 21st so I'm just sticking with Fall starting today.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Arzaki


      But if winter starts December 22, fall only lasts 2 months.

    3. Arzaki


      If fall starts on September 22.

    4. Soran


      Fall lasts for 3 months (1/3 September, October, November, 2/3 December). I believe each of the seasons are 3 months. 3 x 4 = 12.

  5. I love your avatar. M*A*S*H is full of win.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. T-Dawg


      Hawkeye, Klinger, Henry, BJ, Trapper, Potter, and Radar. In no particular order, though I love Klinger's sense of style.

    3. Soran


      I got to admit, I like all the characters. Their personalities work so well together so there isn't really anyone I hate. And yes I must agree with you about Klinger's sense of style.

    4. T-Dawg


      It took me sometime to like Frank but after a while I learned to love the ferret face, mainly I just love it when he gets insulted or just him being too patriotic. On terms of favorite episodes I thought the finale was just amazing but a normal episode would hqve to be 5'oclock charlie.

  6. I love your signature, its genius. :P

    1. Watashi Wa

      Watashi Wa

      Well thank you. I was pretty proud of it, too.

  7. I made a new drawing in General Art. Check out the T.O.A. Unit Tahu.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Makuta Luroka
    3. Ghidora131


      Thank you.


      Although the models are rather drastically different so it shouldn't be too big of an ordeal.

    4. Soran


      Major difference seems to be the fact that his Unit is an actual robotic suit, while mine is simply a robot. Either way, it's interesting.

  8. I made a new sig/banner. I think it's neat.

    1. Makuta Luroka

      Makuta Luroka

      You should update the first post of the Chimoru R topic with all the fan additions scattered throughout the topic.

    2. Soran


      I might, it definitely isn't a bad idea. Probably something I will do when I've got more free time.

  9. I made a Ta-Matoran. Check it out in the BIONICLE based creations. I think it turned out okay.

  10. I made another short smoother animation test in Blender.

    1. Unauthorized Autobiography
    2. Soran


      Its mainly just a motion test. I was testing how many frames I needed to do certain things, and just more fluid movement with the character.

    3. Unauthorized Autobiography
  11. I made my first animation (It stinks but still its an animation).

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Soran


      A minecraft character. Its good practice since its only blocks. After I get down modeling and animation I'll move onto more complex models.

    3. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Sounds cool. Could you help me out with learning Blender when you have the experience? You're great at simplifying complex programs.

    4. Soran


      Maybe if I somehow get experienced enough. I'm still working off of tutorials at the moment.

  12. I made my friend a comic so he can use it to ask a girl he likes to prom. Pretty original idea in my opinion... Wasn't bionicle though it was just chibi forms of him and his prom date and was hand drawn.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Soran


      He said that she liked it. They're going to prom together now. It was a short comics basically just his comic self thinking about what to do and then just figuring out he should ask her.

    3. Hexann
    4. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Lol, wow. Nice.

  13. I may get into working in animation.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Soran


      Here's an idea, make an animated joke. Find a joke you think is entertaining and just illustrate it.

    3. Naota Takizawa

      Naota Takizawa

      Will we see an animated comic any time soon?

    4. Soran


      I've thought of some ideas for animated "comics". I could probably pull something off.

  14. I might buy myself premier membership for my birthday... If I do I'll make myself a fun filled blog-tastic thingy majig.

    1. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Premier is not worth the price. My advice would be to buy some software that could help with comic-making, videogame, or Bionicle (Which is unfortunately difficult to find at a good price).

  15. I might start making comic tutorials or something in various styles. It might prove useful for some people.

    1. Ghidora131


      yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes


      thank you senpai

  16. I need a scanner...

  17. I need some good BIONICLE sounding names.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Makuta Luroka
    3. Makuta Luroka
    4. Makuta Luroka

      Makuta Luroka

      If you need more ideas for names, check out Tolkien's blog: http://www.bzpower.com/board/blog/732-in-a-hole-in-the-ground-there-lived/ At the top there are Okotoan translations, but further is the matoran dictionary.

  18. I need some super hero and bad guy names.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Lemony Lepid

      Lemony Lepid

      Varionko, master of rainbows


      kakoranzak, eater of souls...give credit for this one


      dranzaff, the light destroyer (stupid florecent bulb! *smash*)


      borozakano, the master of sharp and pointy things


      philop, master of... yada yada yada... (yes thats his title)




      jhjfhgfkfjf, the master of random and explosive letters (TMORAEL is what he goes by)

    3. Hexann


      Or Soran Soran D. Skies.

    4. Hexann


      Or Soran of D. Skies.

  19. I now have a Full walking cycle and punch cycle made for the HF Rayg kit, plus additional poses. doing good so far.

    1. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Trust me, anyone reading this: It's awesome.


      What are you gonna do with this stuff?

    2. Soran


      Make it into a kit and eventually post it in shops and kits. I have too much time on my hands which is why I make so many sprite kits and comics.

  20. I poured myself a drink. I go to do something real quick and come back. I'm thirsty so I pour myself another drink. Now I just feel silly.

  21. I really should start up my plans for World Domination again. I feel like I'm free from any competition now...

    1. Onaku


      Don't bet on it

  22. I remember thinking, "If I had a blog then I'd be able to do lots of things with it!" Now that I have a blog I do nothing with it.

  23. I remember when salty was used to only describe how I want my french fries. How times have changed...

    1. Toa Imrukii
    2. Lemony Lepid

      Lemony Lepid

      We all know how much salt we want on our french fries.

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