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Everything posted by ToaKapura1234

  1. Just waiting on seven more PMs till Round Two can start.
  2. jed1ndy, would you please kindly edit that post so it does not go off the page? I would be much obliged. Thanks.
  3. Actually Jed was the 14th player to join. And it was supposed to have 25 so 16 wouldn't be an issue.
  4. All PMs sent, Round One ends July 26 5:34 PM Eastern Time P.S. Please add me to any group PMs, I love to be in on the scheming.
  5. Just to clear up any lingering confusion, I double checked with Luroka.
  6. It's just a what if, I figured as long as the connection discussions must exist why not add some variety to them?
  7. Well I can't speak for Comics because I was hardly ever there, but the Comedy Forum is deader than roadkill.
  8. Maybe they'll do like me and come back eventually.
  9. Woops. I feel stupid now and I genuinely believed Pulse was Mafia. Better luck next time.
  10. The quiz results are messed up. I missed three questions and it said I got a 47%.
  11. Yeah but everyone living in the village, even the Mafia, is technically a villager. Unless the host says the Pyro is village-aligned I won't believe it.
  12. Not sure. We're missing a lot of former players though (Pupwa, Chro, Dapper, Lloyd, etc.). Shh can't mention that first one anymore remember? And Lloyd has been gone even longer than Fighty. And on-topic, the Pyro killed an an innocent and when has a Pyro ever been buddies with the village?
  13. Well the rules did say anyone fused to the mole became a mole, I just never foresaw that the mole-hunter would be fused to the mole. And is Aiwendil still around under a different username or does he not play Mafia anymore?
  14. If the PI knew what his partner did it would make the partner's ability sort of pointless. If the PI knew what his partner did it would make the partner's ability sort of pointless. Edit: Ack, the double-post curse returns.
  15. Well the fact that both Pulse and Tiragath tried to kill me when we were on the same team makes me inherently suspicious of them.
  16. And we are once again at the point where we have one slot left.
  17. You're just jealous because you don't have a medic.
  18. Thank you Quisoves. And perhaps the fact that Quisoves wouldn't let Pulse enact his insane plan made him mad enough to attempt murder. Pulse you have motive, I don't. And I thought Luroka had said you couldn't, I'm going to go double check. Ah, here it is: said by Luroka as Tiragath and Pulse were discussing murdering me, thus implying I was not a valid target. Who's providing false info now, Pulse?
  19. Lugh he never said you could kill me. Yeah you did and Quisoves was the only dissenting voice, if I was Mafia I definitely would have killed you first, Pulse.
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