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Let's Henshin!

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Everything posted by Let's Henshin!

  1. Just pointing out anything I put in white text is a joke. kray-kun I love you so much.
  2. Huh wonder if this is going to be problem? Staff favoritism yay Nah... probably not.
  3. I'll stubbornly believe till the end.
  4. IC: Sep "Like the one's you're standing next to?" Sep asked.
  5. IC: Sep "Alright." The Matoran stated before getting up and walking down the beach.
  6. IC: Sep "So where do you plan on fishing?"
  7. IC: Sep "Yes, that," Sep sighed once more, "Anyway, are going fishing or not?"
  8. IC: Sep Sep, sighed, so typical of Salvinn to forget, "Don't you remember, I gave you a fish when we first met."
  9. IC: Salvinn Salvinn thought for a moment before perking up, "We could go fishing."
  10. Well at least I actually post, instead of moping around being lazy. Fear my post count boi!
  11. Hey I managed to temporarily rope Onarax back into the BZPRPG.
  12. Ah the glories of fast name change. Thank you Premier Perks.

    1. Makuta Luroka

      Makuta Luroka

      I would have had to wait until the end of August to change my display name back.

    2. Razgriz



  13. IC: Deuce (Hanger Bay, Dismayed) A part of Deuce couldn't hold back a grin at the sheer absurdity of it all. Sure other crews he'd served with had done similar, but he'd never seen a military crew engage in such activities. It was enough to make him laugh, well almost. There were unfortunately a few things bogging his mind down, first was the careless way they tried to move his fighter. Sure he understood why it had to be moved, but that didn't mean he was going to allow just any grubby hands to touch his baby. Deuce, sighed, if he hadn't been sleeping in his fighter who knows what would have happened. However the other issue came from how blatantly he'd been stabbed in the back. When his fighter was being moved, he had consented by working a deal with Ojeda to be the announcer, but like all their deals Ojeda had completely betrayed him. "Hey Dave," Deuce spoke to the panel, making a last ditch effort to remedy the situation, "Any chance you could convince Ojeda to let me be announcer like we discussed. The two of us would be great together."
  14. I feel like I should respond... Meh.
  15. Cause I'm totally really active here... No but seriously, if you're busy, just sort of drop out for a little bit then drop back in. Time spent RPing should revolve around your Schedule, not anyone else's. When you run out of time, drop a message in here(or alternative ways of communication like Skype) saying you'll be busy for a bit. Then get a Recap later and drop back in. At least that's what I do.
  16. Or Portal 3? Or TF3? Or L4D 3? Or, all 3?
  17. IC: Deuce (Mess Hall, Ordering Food) "Well that's new, never been treated this nicely ordering, well, anywhere." The freelancer took a moment to think, before responding. "You know what, surprise me."
  18. You're going to bring back Francis?
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