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Big Macintosh

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Everything posted by Big Macintosh

  1. Good to see this avatar sticks to the rules. Let's see how many people see what I did there.
  2. It's quite a difficult decision. Every year brought something new to the table. But my opinion on the best year, by far, is a tie between 2004 and 2008. Both produced some of my favorite sets ever.
  3. Liking the hand build. I'll have to try that out at some point. All in all, this is a good build.
  4. IC: Athos walked through the harbor and into a nearby tavern. He got himself a drink and sat down. OOC: Athos open for interaction and possible drinks.
  5. I'll agree with everyone else and say I liked Time Trap (I only read it yesterday), but I also like Maze of Shadows. No, I didn't cheat and play the game instead of read the book.
  6. I played Waldurk once. I was the druid. It was fun.
  7. Some of the heroes look insanely bulky. Furno with a jetpack wins my approval. Best one so far is probably either SplitFace or Surge.
  8. Makuta probably can't love. But they can wub. they can wub wots. Are ther four lights?
  9. Ah! I should have thought of that!
  10. If they had the level of customization they have on the website, it would be perfect.
  11. That is pretty awesome. I can't get enough of the transformation gimmick. That rocks!Yo dogg, this be a pretty generic comment; I ain't gonna nix your PE for it but try to give a little more content to your posts in the future, broseph. -Smeag
  12. 1. Have you changed since BZP came back?Yes. Definitely.2. How have you changed?Sadly, my interest in Bionicle has waned slightly. Now that the forums are back on, my interest'll probably go back up to normal levels.3. Have you noticed anyone else change?Not really. I don't know that many people here off of the forums.4. *insert pointless question here*SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!
  13. The game looks pretty good. I'll be getting that when it comes out.
  14. I remember those! They were really awesome. I couldn't find any, sadly.
  15. IC: Athos waved back enthusiastically. "Yay. I'm acknowledged." He started to walk happily through the harbor and mingle with the crowd.
  16. I once put a couple of sets on a shelf, before a trip to Japan. When I came back, both sets had moved up a shelf. The cool thing is, that the sets were the Jetrax and Axalara.
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