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Everything posted by Wotz

  1. OOC: I see, does shadows take place in the RPG-verse or the main one?IC (Zar): "I- Yes, of course," he stuttered, bowing, "Master," he added hurriedly, just in case. This damaged his plans severely. Hopefully, in the coming battles, an opportunity would arise. For now, he kept silent, waiting for the signal.
  2. OOC: It's interesting, to say the least. But the Mystix were evil in the first place, so nothing changes I guess IC ​(Zar):"Ignotus!" Zar exclaimed, shocked, "How did you- I-" he stammered, trying to think of an excuse.
  3. OOC: I knew that IC (Zar): "And why not..?" Zar asked in a hushed voice, leaning closer to Laz. If there was treachery to be had, Zar would know about it.
  4. IC (Zar): "But of course, whatever you say, Laz..." Zar replied, almost sarcastically, it was hard to tell whether he was sucking up to or making fun of Laz. Then he remembered something, "You did... You did tell him what the signal was, didn't you?"
  5. Nahh, Beast Wars was beast.TPBM is not TPAM
  6. IC (Sentraken): Sentraken sliced through most of the vines, but one got through and struck him in the face, narrowly missing his eye. Fortunately he had forgotten his weak spot, so he simply cut the vine and went on to attempt to cut the Toa too.
  7. IC (Sentraken): "If you have no ties to the village, then what are you fighting for? The trees?" he scoffed, swinging his sword at the Toa.
  8. IC (Sentraken): Sentraken immediately cut through the vines with ease, before tossing three daggers at the Toa.
  9. IC (Sentraken): Sentraken quickly delivered a kick towards the Toa.
  10. IC (Sentraken): After flipping over the lance, Sentraken aimed a powerful punch at the Toa's mask.
  11. IC (Sentraken): Sentraken dodged, and threw one of the Madu fruit at this new arrival.
  12. IC (Zar): "May I suggest we leave soon, my lord?" Zar hissed to Ignotus.
  13. IC (Sentraken): Sentraken did not reply. He simply threw another Madu fruit at another tree, causing it to topple.OOC: Have Zar, Ignotus and Laz left yet?
  14. They could not exist in the future, causing...
  15. I use my GRAVITY POWERS to draw the sun to the Earth, incinerating all particapants in the game so far except me, because I have the mask of life.My mask.
  16. Out comes nothing, because it was not the RPGs destiny to change.In goes a potato battery.
  17. wotsiznum to say "Ah I see." then proceed to attack...
  18. Granted, but they are so advanced that the technology becomes unstable and the boat explodes with you on it.I wish for the person who corrupts my wish to be two posts down instead of one.
  19. A guy sitting casually on a chair or something similiar.
  20. IC (Wrehn): Wrehn, who had become a lot more exited all of a sudden, skipped gleefully over to Savulg, and began to help him fill canteens, "Dum dee dum de-dum-dede-dum..." he hummed to himself, daydreaming of all the things he could do in Onu-Wahi.
  21. IC (Sentraken): "I think we should take down a few more," Sentraken suggested, "Just in case. Like a path to Le-Koro of fallen trees, to make it look like an army is stampeding through the jungle."
  22. Wow, it's definitely interesting to see the origins of the Mystix. Although it seemed to go a bit quickly, I presume there is a lot more to this tale than meets the eye, seeing as Kraal followed Aru (or should I say ?).I like the way it is written in historical format, like an actual legend, but my only gripe with what's happened so far, like I said before, is that it went by a bit too quickly. Other than that, brilliant.
  23. IC (Wrehn): "Aye." Wrehn said in a tone that was quite the opposite of dull.
  24. The dental floss breaks because I suddenly turned myself to iron, then crushed you with an iron fist... Literally.My mask.
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