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Posts posted by taconui

  1. IC: Akinii"My name is Akinii; I'm a Toa of Ice, and I'm skilled at hand-to-hand combat, thanks to this and these," he said, tapping his Kanohi Calix and indicating his two swords. "I could ice the wings of a few Nui-Rama for you..."

  2. IC: Akinii After thinking about what Mahdrik had said, Akinii realized he'd better go talk to the Toa of Ice if he wanted to be a part of... whatever this was.Akinii walked towards Mahdrik, feeling uncertain and a bit apprehensive. He managed to say, "Um, excuse me, I'd like to join this endeavor: how can I help?"

  3. IC: AkiniiWhat the...? Akinii shook his head and staggered a little. Where am I? What's going on? He looked around, seeing a veritable horde of other beings around him. Where have I been for the last two hours? Akinii didn't know. Someone (Mahdrik) in front of all the other beings started talking and giving out assignments. Why don't I know what's happening here? He nudged Plagia. "Hey, sorry to bug you, but what's going on? I think I just blanked out for a while there..."

  4. IC: AkiniiAkinii didn't respond to Plagia's statement; he was too busy taking in the jungle air of Le-Wahi. Do I remember this at all? He looked around a bit more. So far, nope. "In case you're wondering, none of this is ringing a bell; well, so far, anyway," he said out loud.

  5. IC: DivinexDivinex caught up with Oreius, noting that the bridge to Ta-Koro had been pulled down, and the guard who would generally be guarding the controls to the bridge was on the ground, unconscious. He tried to catch his breath for a minute, unsuccessfully; he'd never been much of a runner. "Hey... Oreius..." he said, breathing hard. "If you don't mind my asking, what exactly is going on?"

  6. OOC: Wow. I've only made a piddling 190some posts on this site, and I've already made a total fool out of myself. I am face palming so hard right now... I'll chalk all this up to Vise's cocky personality (rather than my own noobishness, :P) IC: ViseVise awoke upon hitting the ground of the well, kind of. He was numb, woozy and delirious with the pain of all his wounds, and could barely see through the pain, not that there was anything to see in the dark well. He barely noticed a lit explosive falling into the well, with a lid of iron following it, making everything dark. Almost purely by instinct, using the final reserves of his Magnetism energy, he yanked some of the iron lid down, crudely wrapping it about himself as the grenade exploded. The explosion nearly killed Vise, but the Toa of Magnetism was still alive, barely. If and when I wake up again, I will never be so stupid again, before falling unconscious again.OOC: Is this method of protection totally unrealistic?

  7. IC: ViseVise manipulated the horseshoe of iron, throwing it to the ground, while simultaneously using his magnetic abilities to bend the light in front of Dorian's eyes, forming a dizzying illusion that would (hopefully) blind the Toa and give Vise a chance to hit him with something. I hope someone isn't sneaking up on me...EDIT: Wait, seriously? Wow... I'll edit this post, sorry (I gotta type faster, geez)EDIT:IC: ViseVise crumpled to the ground, overwhelmed by the power of the kinetic pulses (as well as the pain of a large knife being stuck in his back.) He couldn't hold in his yells of pain anymore. He would have said something snarky, if he wasn't so busy dying.

  8. IC: Vise "Hey, thanks," Vise said as the iron bars started piercing his feet. Ow. That smarts. Ow, he thought, ripping the bars of iron out of the dirt and throwing them at Dorian with force. "It's really quite kind of you," he continued as he used his magnetism ability to yank his longbow into his hands, nocking an arrow and firing it at Marfoir in one smooth motion. Despite his injuries, his mind was still working, for the moment.EDIT: dang, I keep missing posts, sorry. Btw, sorry about that TX Wade: what do kinetic pulses do?

  9. OOC: Cool.IC: Suddenly, Vise got angry. What was up with these Makuta-spawn, beating him up for the fun of it? He was probably doomed now, but something in him didn't want to lay down and die. He resolved to do everything in his power to go down fighting, forming a magnetic shield around himself, which deflected the various shots coming at him back at their respective owners, while simultaneously twisting the iron bars holding him away from himself. He stood up on shaky legs, trying desperately not to fall over.

  10. OOC: Okay; suddenly I'm starting to get the sense I probably shouldn't have gotten involved with this... :/ There are times when I wish I wasn't so noobish. IC: ViseNow THAT was dumb, Vise thought as his face was bashed into a stone wall repeatedly, an iron cage was formed around him and someone shot something at him. Now I'm gonna die. Karz, he thought bitterly as the world around him got darker and darker and the pain got worse and worse. He didn't bother saying anything; his big mouth had gotten him into this; it wasn't gonna help him get out of it. Anyway, he was too busy grimacing and trying not to scream to say anything. OOC: Can I at least use my magnetism to deflect that shot or something? If not it's ok, but I would like a chance to do something...

  11. IC: ViseThe blows were so quick that Vise didn't even realize he was being hit until he noticed that his Sanok was getting loose. The world was getting dark fast...

  12. IC: Vise"I'll give you two reasons, kay?" Vise said calmly, standing up again, looking the Toa of Iron over who had just chucked his longbow to the ground. "One, I don't mean any harm and breaking my face would be pointless and silly, given that I was attacked first and you don't even know who I am; two, I can break people's faces, limbs, etc. pretty easily too. Being a Toa of Magnetism has its bonuses."

  13. OOC: Oh, what have I gotten myself into... :PIC: Vise"Ow," Vise said nonchalantly, standing up. "I was curious," he said. "You guys looked a bit... threatening from where I stood, and I wanted to see whether or not you were going to blow up Po-Wahi or something," he said.

  14. IC: ViseWow, that was dumb. Instead of dodging the bolt and waiting like he probably should have, Vise had made himself a target, and now at least a couple beings were probably going to join with the fellow he'd shot at. Now I'm going to get slaughtered. Great. Thanks, stupid impulse. He ducked behind the hut again, wondering what to do.

  15. OOC: Is this Vise you're shooting at, Kal Grochi? Just checking...IC: ViseVise saw a bolt of something heading straight for him. Vise moved sideways, with the bolt missing him, barely. It would seem that shooting several arrows in their direction is the right course of action, he thought as he nocked an arrow into his bow and shot it at the angry being who had just tried to kill him, using his Mask of Accuracy to pinpoint the arrow to the being's shoulder.

  16. IC: DivinexDivinex had been standing by Vakama's door for quite some time, waiting for something to happen, twiddling his thumbs awkwardly. Oreius came out of the door, and Divinex started to say something. "Well?--" Something exploded. "What the..." Oreius almost intstaneously ran off in the direction of the explosion, with Divinex running after him, wondering what the heck was going on.

  17. OOC: Hmm... Everyone's really busy, doing other things... Rats. *hauls off and chucks iPad at conveniently placed wall in frustration* :PIC: ViseAs villagers and various Toa passed by Vise, no one seemed to take notice of the Toa of Magnetism. Now what? He kept walking through the village, nearly choking on the dusty air of Po-Wahi. He spotted a collection of motley Skakdi, Vortixx and other beings standing around, talking about Mata Nui knew what. They didn't look friendly. Vise squatted down and moved behind a hut, out of sight of the group of potential villains (or heroes, or troublemakers; it was hard to tell just from a short glimpse and Vise didn't like judging people by their looks.) Vise felt like he should listen, or talk to them or shoot several arrows in their direction or something, although he didn't know why. OOC: Considering whether or not to bother all of you in this so-called "Bad Company Meet", since I have nothing else to do... Even though Vise is a good guy...

  18. IC: Vise (Center of Po-Koro)Ah, Manas residue. Vise strolled into Po-Koro, wondering whether or not he would find something to do here, hoping that in the event there was some quest to accomplish, it would be something that would take several years to finish so he would be busy for a while. He detested feeling bored and purposeless, the way he did now. When he didn't have something to do, his mind tended to flit back to his past; this usually ended poorly. He'd come to terms with it all a while ago, but he couldn't help thinking about it sometimes when he didn't have anything better to do. Don't think about it, it's in the past now; think about something more... cheery, he thought reflexively. Focus on the task at hand... Whatever that task is... OOC: Vise open for interaction, if someone has nothing better to do...

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