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Posts posted by taconui

  1. IC: Divinex moved aside and dodged the lightning blast without too much difficulty and quickly leapt towards Plagia, swinging his spiky mace at the Toa of Lightning's midsection. Wonder how tough this Toa really is... Guess I'm about to find out.

  2. IC: Divinex yelled in pain when Plagia smacked something charged with electricity into his side. He never could stand those pesky Toa of Lightning... He turned around and launched a volley of fireballs at his assailant. Akinii could wait for the moment.Speaking of Akinii, the Toa of Ice wasn't feeling too good. He was having a lot of trouble getting up, and everything was very blurry... He realized he couldn't even sit up. He strained his muscles with everything he had, but he felt too weak to move. He laid back down and tried to gather himself, coughing and sputtering from the damage Divinex had dealt to his chest. OOC: I'll continue the fight for a bit... Akinii's basically unconscious at the moment, and I feel like having a good fight for a while... Have at it!

  3. OOC: Wow, I'm sorry that I haven't been on for a while Void: I had to go somewhere unexpectedly and wasn't able to get on... Again, sorry.IC: Divinex wasn't happy. He didn't like having sharp things up against his neck (as would anyone else.) He knocked Plagia's blade away with a quick burst of flame and went for Akinii's throat. Akinii tried to move away with his Kanohi Calix, but Divinex knew that trick and caught up to him easily. Divinex grabbed Akinii with an iron fist and smashed the Toa of Ice into the ground. Divinex then angrily started to punch Akinii repeatedly, unleashing his rage, frustration and hatred on the helpless Toa. OOC: I'm having a severe case of writers' block here: I'm not sure if I should have Divinex retreat to Ta-Koro or something, or whether to continue the fight: what do you think I should do?

  4. IC: Akinii"No, I've never seen him before... Then again, I pretty much haven't ever seen anyone before." He paused. "He seems to know me, though..." Akinii bent down and slapped Divinex in the face. The Toa of Fire woke up and stared at Akinii with a hatred that chilled the Toa of Ice to the bone. "I'm going to keep this short: who are you?"IC: Divinex"What?" Divinex groggily (and angrily) said. "Don't you know who I am? Don't you know why I'm trying to kill you?" Akinii looked utterly confused, saying "No, I don't. Please enlighten me." "I'm Divinex, you son of a Manas! Have you forgotten what you did to me? What you did to Laihna?" "Evidently..."

  5. IC: DivinexDivinex roared in pain and irritation. He took a swing at Plagia with his mace, hitting her with some force, but not enough to deal any actual damage. "Get out of my way," he growled. "I'm not here to deal with you." He turned back to Akinii...IC: AkiniiOw. That hurts. Ow. Akinii saw Plagia get whacked with the Toa of Fire's mace and turn towards him with a hateful look on his face. Uh oh. Akinii used his mask to leap off the ground and deal Divinex a powerful kick in the chest. As he reeled in pain, Akinii dealt a few more speedy punches to the fiery Toa's various body parts.OOC: Go ahead and deal Divinex some sort of finishing blow from behind...

  6. OOC: Controlling two characters is a new experience for me... We'll see how this goes. *gulp*IC: Divinex Divinex noticed that the Toa of Lightning was joining in the battle, swinging at his leg. Sweet. Divinex twisted away from the incoming sword blow, turning to see Akinii running up at him with his swords drawn. He seemed angry, but there was no recognition in his eyes, no indication that he knew what was going on. Roaring angrily, Divinex threw out both of his hands and started blasting Akinii with pure flame, fueled by his hatred and need for revenge. Akinii did a backflip, dodging the fire. He landed and did the same thing as Divinex, canceling out Divinex's fire with his ice.Divinex pushed his powers to the limit. One of us is going to run out of energy eventually... But it's not gonna be me! Akinii finally gave way just enough for Divinex's fire to hit him. Akinii was thrown backwards, landing hard on the ice. He tried to get up, but was unable to. Divinex walked up to him, looking down at Akinii with hateful eyes. Akinii looked back. Divinex was taken aback by Akinii's confused and hurt expression for just a second too long...OOC: Ok, hit Divinex as hard as you want, own him like a boss.

  7. IC: Divinex Whoa. An electrical shock apparently sent out by the Toa of Lightning caught Divinex off guard as he hid in the opening of a frozen cave, making him lose his concentration. He sensed his Mask of Stealth cut out. Of course. #@$&. IC: Akinii Akinii, standing some distance away, saw the offending Toa of Fire pop up, seemingly out of nowhere. Akinii whipped out his hand, taking a large chunk of ice off the frozen ground. He sent it flying at his assailant, hoping to quickly neutralize him. As it flew, he used his Kanohi Calix and ran towards the dark Toa.IC: Divinex Divinex saw Akinii moving to chuck a chunk of ice at him. He ran away from where the hunk of frozen of water was flying, barely dodging it as it smashed into the little ice cave where Divinex had just been. He'd been hoping to take on Akinii somewhere other than this frozen wasteland, but it would have to do. He ran towards Akinii and threw a few very large fireballs at him in a blind rage. IC: AkiniiAkinii used his trusty Mask of Fate and jumped forward, flipping and spinning between three of the more accurate ones, getting ready to attack again. OOC: feel free to intervene, I hate talking to myself.

  8. IC: AkiniiAkinii wasn't shaken at all by the bizarre Toa's attempt to kill him. Okay, maybe just a little bit shaken. Or maybe a lot. He attempted to smile. "I guess so... I wonder where he went? He's probably still around here somewhere." Akinii paused for a second. Great. On top of everything else, I now have a stalker. Fantastic. IC: Divinex Divinex cursed himself as he watched that blasted Akinii talk to a female Toa from a different spot, thanks to his Mask of Stealth. Watching the two beings conversing, Divinex remembered another girl Toa. One that had been very important to him. One who Akinii had killed.Why can't my mask work right? For whatever reason, Divinex's Kanohi Volitak had been randomly malfunctioning: it seemed to be broken. Now it had cut out right when he needed it most. And worst of all, Divinex didn't have another dagger on him. Never mind: he could kill Akinii later, face to face. The sneaky approach wouldn't have been satisfying, anyways. He decided to wait for a better time and place (preferably Ta-Koro) to take out his anger on the Toa of Ice. OOC: FYI, Divinex blames Akinii for killing a friend of his, but Akinii is innocent: it's kinda like how Venom hates Spider-Man.

  9. IC: Akinii considered for a moment. "I don't even know where I'd start, honestly... I don't have anything to go on." Out of absolutely nowhere, a dagger came flying at Akinii's neck. Seeing the danger, Akinii freaked out and leapt away, spinning and just barely dodging the knife (like that one guy from The Matrix.) He looked towards where the dagger had came from and saw what looked like a (evil, nasty) Toa of Fire for just a second. Then the Toa disappeared (using a Mask of Stealth) leaving Akinii confused and breathless. He looked around, trying to figure out where the Toa had gone, but there was no trace of his ever being there. He turned back to Plagia sheepishly."Uh... Did you see that too? Or was I just hallinucating?" OOC: What is going on here, you ask? Simply put, I have no idea, I'm making this up as I go along (in case you haven't noticed already.)EDIT: I have added another character bio for this malevolent foe of Akinii: here it is. http://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?showtopic=123&view=findpost&p=5511

  10. IC: "No, nothing..." Akinii looked away, then looked back and said, "I bet he's left this village and headed out, I doubt he'd hang around much after getting... whatever it is." OOC: Btw, what is the package exactly?

  11. IC: Hileh was now in front of the brawling mob of Matoran, a Skakdi, and a few other beings, wondering what the heck was going on. As the melee continued, Hileh leaned against a tree from a distance and casually watched the fight for a minute, trying to figure out who to help, if anyone... OOC: Anyone care to clarify what's going on? Anyone?

  12. IC: Hileh walked through the jungles of Le-Wahi enjoying the brightness of sunlight streaming through the leaves of the trees. He was in a good mood, so he started to whistle a favorite Le-Koro tune, swinging his spiky mace in circles as he trotted closer to the leafy village of Le-Koro. Off in the distance, he noticed a few beings brawling over something in a violent manner. How much alcohol have they quick-drank today? I wonder... He started to walk a little bit faster, out of curiosity, towards the scene of the fighting.OOC: Hileh open for interaction...

  13. IC: Akinii nodded, knowing that Plagia didn't have much to go on. Whoever stole what she wanted is probably long gone by now... "Lead the way, Plagia."OOC: and yes, I did edit this a bit before anyone else posted: is that illegal?

  14. OOC: Akinii and Plagia from Ga-WahiIC: Akinii was pleasantly surprised as he walked towards the icy village of Ko-Koro: this seemed like someplace he might actually want to spend some time in. Sure, Ga-Koro hadn't been too bad, but frozen Ko-Koro seemed like a natural home for the lanky Toa of Ice. As he and Plagia walked closer to the town, he turned to the Toa of Lightning. "So Plagia, what's your strategy for finding that being who stole your... package?"

  15. There's a mobile version of this site besides the BZP home page compatible with iOS. :biggrin:

    Oh yea, you know that's right! And there's an app with push notifications!
    Whoa... An actual BZP App?
    Actually, no. It's an IPB app, and you can add BZP to it. It's still pretty handy, cause it let's you get push notifications.
    Could you perhaps supply a link to that app? That would be very useful for me...
  16. IC: "You want a fight? Well, that's too bad." Akinii was a bit amused by the other beings' irritation. "You'll have to find one somewhere else." He turned back to Plagia. "Is this Skakdi any use to you?"

  17. IC: Akinii reacted quickly and whipped out his swords. He gave the Skakdi a mild slice in his side, in an effort to distract him. As the being roared in pain, Akinii grabbed the Skakdis' hands and forced them together behind the being's back, and froze the Skakdi's limbs together into a very large, solid, and weighty block of ice (about the size of his torso.) The Skakdi, due to the weight of the ice, fell lamely to the floor of the inn, unable to move. A good portion of the "handcuffs" shattered as the Skakdi hit the floor. "Hmm," Akinii said. "Maybe I should have made that ice a little smaller..."

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