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Posts posted by taconui

  1. OOC: Merry Christmas, everyone! YAYIC: AkiniiSo that's what she's been looking for... I wonder who Turaga Mina is? Huh... Akinii, somewhat awkwardly, said, "Sorry to butt in, but would you mind introducing me to your friend here? If you don't mind..."

  2. IC: DivinexAh, Rahkshi waste. Divinex had been watching Plagia and the other Toa, wondering what this newcomer was going to do. Noting their embrace, Divinex correctly deduced that they were not enemies.Of course, they had to be allies: nothing in life was ever easy. Now if he wanted to attack Akinii, he'd have to take on the two other Toa as well. He decided to wait a minute and try to come up with some sort of a strategy to attack.IC: AkiniiAkinii was at a bit of a loss of what to do. He didn't want to barge in on what was obviously a special reunion, but he didn't exactly want to stand there doing nothing either. Uh...

  3. IC: AkiniiAkinii could tell one thing: Plagia and this other guy were completely immobilized by the sight of each other. For once, Akinii was unable to come up with anything witty to say, so he stood there and waited for Plagia to do something...

  4. IC: AkiniiAkinii noticed the Toa who was staring at Plagia. Who the hey is that? He turned to Plagia, saying "Uh, do you know that guy? Or is he just staring at you because he can?"IC: Divinex Divinex was a bit surprised by the actions of the strange Toa of Fire. He'd been watching Akinii and Plagia, naturally. Wonder who he is... He decided to wait for a minute and see what ended up happening, then attack at an opportune time. OOC: Rynekk is a Toa of Fire, right? I remember reading that somewhere...

  5. OOC: No worries Void! It happens... It also means you have a life (unlike me.) :DIC: Akinii"I have no idea..." Akinii said, smiling to himself a little at Plagia's description of Divinex. He would have outwardly smiled, but it was difficult to make an actual smile, as he was being melted into slag at the time, after all. Curse this heat...IC: DivinexUnbeknownst to Akinii and Plagia, Divinex was nearby. Quite nearby, actually.Oddly enough, he wasn't actually stalking the two Toa for once: rather, he was taking a short rest in a small alcove out of sight, using his Mask of Stealth to conceal himself. He had been thoroughly worn out from fighting with Akinii, although he had begun to recover somewhat, thanks to the lovely heat of Ta-Wahi, the one area of Mata Nui that he didn't vehemently hate. He poked his head up to see if anything interesting was going on. The hind end of a very tall Toa of Ice came into view, only a few feet away from Divinex's hiding place. Oh, good... He resolved to wait a little longer, then violently attack.

  6. OOC: Akinii and Plagia from Ko-WahiIC: AkiniiWow... It's hot. Like, really hot. Akinii and Plagia walked into the sweltering heat of Ta-Wahi, and Akinii felt altogether far too warm. Who would ever want to live here? This is miserable... Talking to Plagia, he said, "I can see why Divinex might come from here... This place is exactly like him..."

  7. IC: Akinii"Uh, yeah. Let's go." Akinii followed Plagia towards Ta-Koro: whatever that is.. If Toa of Fire come from there, it's probably not going to be comfortable for me... Oh well. He was going to miss the temperature here...OOC: Akinii and Plagia to Ta-Wahi?

  8. IC: Akinii"Honestly, I don't think we'd be able to track him, what with that Mask of Stealth: I don't think we'll be able to find him before he would find us," Akinii said. "I think the next time we see him, it'll be on his terms, not mine or yours... I think we should go after your guy and worry about Divinex later."

  9. IC:"What the..." Akinii involuntarily shrank back a little at the sight of the small puddle of brown bodily fluid that had once belonged to someone, who probably hadn't deserved to die. Akinii shuddered.Akinii didn't do blood. Speaking to the Vortixx, he asked, "Any idea where that Toa is now?" Giving a slight nod in Plagia, he added, "I think this might have something to do with my friend here..."

  10. OOC: Divinex from Ko-WahiIC: Divinex walked into the fiery village of Ta-Koro, enjoying the comfortable warmth of the region. It felt like heaven compared to that pitiful excuse for a village in Ko-Wahi. As he walked into the town, he decided to look for something to do. Might as well... OOC: Any fights/brawls/arguments/etc. I can get involved in? The previous comments here are confusing me...

  11. IC: AkiniiAkinii nodded his agreement, and followed Plagia. I wonder what that Divinex is up to...IC: DivinexDivinex stopped to catch his breath. He'd ran for the last few minutes towards Ta-Wahi to make sure that Akinii wasn't following him. As he sucked oxygen into his lungs, he shivered. I hate this place... Soon, he'd be in Ta-Wahi, where the climate suited him, unlike this frozen, pathetic excuse for a town. He started running again, headed straight for the fiery village of Ta-Koro.OOC: Divinex to Ta-Wahi

  12. IC: Divinex Divinex looked angrily at Plagia, and quickly made a decision. Fighting both Akinii and Plagia was proving to be a fruitless endeavor. The frosty, cold environment of Ko-Koro wasn't helping either..."I thought I already told you." Using the last reserves of his strength, he threw a massive blast of flame at Akinii and Plagia. "I'll be back for you, Akinii!" he yelled, as he turned on his Mask of Stealth and ran, headed for Ta-Koro.IC: Akinii"What the..?" Akinii yanked himself and Plagia away from the blast of flame, missing it by inches as he heard Divinex yell his name. Akinii looked for Divinex, but he was nowhere to be seen. [/i]Uh oh...

  13. IC: AkiniiAkinii smiled. "That's a relief..." Akinii turned back to Divinex, who hadn't moved, thankfully. [/i]Bet he's not feeling too good. "Either he's crazy, or I did what he says I did... Personally, I'm hoping he's just crazy..." He suddenly felt very cold...

  14. IC: AkiniiRealizing that Plagia was wounded, Akinii moved towards the Toa of Lightning, then thought better of it and looked back towards Divinex. "If you value your life, don't move." Divinex grunted, signifying that he was more than willing to comply. "Are you alright, Plagia? You took a pretty hard hit there..."

  15. IC: DivinexSome of the electricity Plagia fired missed Divinex, but not all of it: a good deal of lightning hit Divinex and he roared in pain. Seething, he took his mace and swung it back, preparing to deal a final blow...IC: Akinii Akinii looked up in a daze. What the...? Plagia was in pain, and Divinex (or whatever his name was) was about to deal a terrible blow to the innocent Toa of Lightning. Okay. Now I'm angry too. He launched himself at Divinex, yelling out a defiant "Hey!" as he flew through the air, headed straight for his adversary...IC: DivinexDivinex turned and saw Akinii fly at him. Before he knew what had happened, the lanky Toa was on him, punching him into the ground vigorously, literally beating him into submission. He always hated it when Akinii did that... Akinii finally stopped punching him, and Divinex tried to catch his breath, unsuccessfully. IC: AkiniiAkinii turned towards Plagia and shot a thin stream of ice at the flames beneath the Toa of Lightning, quickly snuffing out the flames and saving Plagia's feet from further damage. He looked back down at Divinex. "Alright, I'm getting sick of this. Are you going to calm down, or will my friend Plagia here have to fry you?"

  16. IC: "Bringing it," Divinex muttered angrily as he blasted a large stream of fire with one hand, drawing Plagia's attention while he covertly shot more fire with his other hand at the snow underneath Plagia, making it too hot to stand on in an attempt to distract the Toa of Lightning so Divinex could mash her with his mace.

  17. IC: Divinex deftly dodged Plagia's katana swipe, only missing the sharp blade by a hair. He then faked a swipe with his mace, drawing Plagia's attention to his right hand while Divinex used his other hand to blast a quick stream of fire at the Toa of Lightning. This had better work...

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